Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:17 AM

Chapter 542: Every moment, my husband is super handsome

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"The strongest dad: Sign in 100 million at the start! (

Today, the family was having fun in the playground, and they took a lot of photos. After returning home in the evening, the two little babies were tired of playing, and they rested soon after taking a shower. They didn't even have time to eat dinner.

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen returned to the room after dinner, and the wife began to play with her camera again, sorting out the photos taken today.

Su Chen came out of the shower and saw his wife printed out all the photos and put them in a photo album.

This is the first time that Su Chen has seen this album at home.

He took the photo album and took a look, and found that there were already a lot of photos in the photo album, and half of the large photo album was full.

He didn't know when many photos were taken. Looking at those photos, Su Chen suddenly realized that his family had left so many beautiful memories.

Sure enough, my wife is more attentive. I took so many photos. When I look through it, I can recall what happened at that time. Such albums can be taken out during the New Years and festivals, or when the children grow up. It must be a super happy thing to take them to remember together.

Su Chen was surprised to find that there were still photos of himself asleep in these photos, which was taken secretly from the perspective of his wife.

"Wife, why do you sneak a photo of me even after I fall asleep?"

Yan Bingxue realized that this photo was found, her cheeks were a little red, she lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "Where can there be a sneak shot? When I woke up that day, I found that my husband was still handsome in your sleep. That moment was super beautiful, so I took a photo with my camera~"

"Husband, I think every moment of you is super handsome, so no matter which moment it is, I want to keep it, so that when we get old in the future, we can take out these photos and remember them~ look at us How beautiful they looked when they were young!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Wife, I think with the looks of the two of us, even if we are old, they are handsome old men and old ladies."

"That's different. When you get old, you have the beauty of old age. When you are young, you have the vitality of youth. Every moment in life is worth remembering. I have recorded all these photos. Although I will not return to this time in the future, When you look at these photos, you will clearly remember the beauty when we were young."

Hearing what his wife said, Su Chen glanced at the photo album in his hand again, nodded and said, "My wife is right. From now on, we will take pictures frequently, and we will take a family portrait together every Chinese New Year. This habit has to be carried on all the time. When we reach the age of 30, 40, 50, we can take out these photos every Chinese New Year. When Tuan Tuan Le Le grows up, we can still hold the photos. Tell them about childhood."

Yan Bingxue listened to her husband's description, looking forward to the future life in her heart, her eyes softened involuntarily.

"Husband, I think our family Tuan Tuan and Lele are growing so fast now. They are just like a day. I remember that they were still small before. I didn't expect that when I measured their height last night, they found that they were all one meter tall. Two, time flies so fast."

"I seem to be able to see both of them come out of kindergarten and start elementary school now~"

Su Chen hugged his wife, and the two of them looked forward to the future together.

After talking for a long time, when she was about to take a break, Yan Bingxue's mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

"Huh~ It's so late, why would anyone call me?"

Yan Bingxue muttered to herself and took the phone over, and looked down, it turned out that it was Gu Yuxin's call.

Before, when she was not married, Ms. Gu used to call and chat with her at night, and sometimes the two of them would go to sleep with their mobile phones, but since they got married, Gu Yuxin knew that she and Su Chen were sleeping together. , Seldom come to bother at night.

Call me now, I'm afraid something is wrong.

Yan Bingxue answered the phone, and Gu Yuxin on the other end of the phone immediately asked: "Xue'er, are you at home? Can I beg you to stay for one night tonight? I am now homeless and I have neither brought my mobile phone nor With an ID card, there is really nowhere to go."

Upon hearing this, Yan Bingxue immediately asked concerned: "What's the matter?"

"You tell me where you are now, I'll pick you up right away!"

Yan Bingxue didn't ask much, and immediately got up and got dressed.

Su Chen also stood up and put on clothes, "Wife, what's wrong?"

"Yu Xin said that she is at the gate of our house and there is no place to go tonight. She wants to stay at our house for one night."

"Then I will pick her up with you, it's so late, I don't worry about you going out alone."

Yan Bingxue nodded and asked Gu Yuxin to wait at the gate of the community. After she and Su Chen got dressed, they immediately set off to pick her A few minutes later, Ms. Gu in cartoon pajamas sat at Su's house. In the hall.

Su Chen saw this, soaked two cups of hot milk for the two of her, put them in the living room and went upstairs by himself.

Yan Bingxue frowned as she looked at Gu Yuxin like this, and asked, "Yu Xin, what happened, why did you run out in your pajamas?"

Gu Yuxin shrugged and pursed her mouth and said, "What else can it be? My parents and I had a thorough discussion, and we quarreled, and then I ran away from home."

"Why is it so serious?" Yan Bingxue sighed slightly.

She remembered that when she went to Country T with Gu Yuxin before, on the plane Gu Yuxin did mention that she had been very unhappy at home recently, but Yan Bingxue did not expect that she would run away from home.

"Actually, since I have not lived at home for long since I came back, the conflict between me and them has deepened. Now it just happened to erupt. They neither look down on my career nor like me now. I’m single, so it’s definitely not pleasing to see me at home. I find fault every day."

"It was okay at the beginning. After all, I suspended my live broadcast business and stayed with them at home all day long. But during this time I will start working. I can’t give up my live broadcast business all the time. I do live broadcast at home. They became even more angry, and then they scratched the matter tonight!"

Gu Yuxin seemed to be in a bad mood, her head downcast, she rarely had this expression on weekdays.

Yan Bingxue gently patted her girlfriend on the shoulder, "Okay, don't be angry, Uncle Gu and Auntie Gu, in fact, love you in their hearts, but they are getting older and don’t understand what they are now. They communicate and they will understand."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!