Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:01 AM

Chapter 554: Tea h hildren

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million at the start! (

Yan Bingxue immediately returned to the office and saw her husband and son and daughter sitting on the sofa waiting for her. She asked with a puzzled smile: "Husband, why are you and Tuan Tuan Lele here? The two little guys are not now? Should I study in the kindergarten? You should also work in the Long Academy of Sciences. You still have a lecture today."

"The lecture is over. My wife has something to say today. Don't feel scared when I tell you later."

Seeing her husband's serious look, the smile on Yan Bingxue's face gradually disappeared.

"What's wrong, husband?"

"This morning Tuan Tuan and Lele’s kindergarten encountered a violent attack. A gangster rushed into the kindergarten with a murder weapon and injured a security guard and a life teacher. Fortunately, Tuan Tuan and Lele were fine. Our bodyguard team went very promptly, subdued the gangster and solved the crisis."

Even though Su Chen had just given her a shot, Yan Bingxue couldn't help turning pale when she heard the news.

She rushed over, circled the two little guys in her arms, and looked at them both carefully.

"Mom, we are all right." Lele gently stroked her mother's shoulder to comfort her.

Tuan Tuan didn’t have any. She cried as scared as she was at home. Instead, she hugged her mother’s neck and said, “Mom, my brother and I really didn’t get hurt, but we missed your dad and went home immediately after knowing this. , So we decided to see you as soon as possible, don’t worry, it’s all over~"

Yan Bingxue did not speak and hugged the two children tightly. Only she herself knew how fast her heartbeat was now. Although the two children stood in front of her, they were indeed safe and sound, but she just heard about the things that just happened. She felt terrified in her heart, as if she almost lost Tuan Tuan and Lele.

After really hugging his son and daughter for a while, Yan Bingxue's heart gradually calmed down.

Sitting on the sofa with her two children, she looked at her husband and asked: "Husband, what is going on? How could such a terrible incident happen in the kindergarten?"

"Wife, I haven't found out about the situation at the kindergarten, but according to the information given to me by the bodyguard team, this should be an emergency."

"What kind of person is he? How can I do such a thing? I even rushed to the kindergarten. The kindergarten is full of children!" Yan Bingxue said angrily, turning her head to look. With his son and daughter, his brows locked tightly.

Su Chen patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her softly: "Wife, aren't the two children all right now? I knew that I didn't call you the first time, just because I was afraid that you were worried, I took it with me now. The child asks and asks you to confirm their safety with your own eyes. Don't think about it so much. Things like this happen only occasionally."

"Moreover, our family group and Lele performed very well today."

Tuan Tuan and Lele are now with their parents, and they have come out of that fear. Thinking of what they have done today, the two little guys also feel a little proud in their hearts.

But after listening to what the children said, Yan Bingxue couldn't help feeling a little afraid when thinking of the scene at the time.

Su Chen knew that his wife's thoughts at the moment should be similar to what he had at the time, but since the two children are okay, at this time they still can't criticize the two little guys, and encourage them more.

So Su Chen took the initiative to say: "Our family Tuan Tuan and Lele are very powerful. Faced with such a dangerous situation, they can protect other children and themselves. Mom and Dad are proud of you."

Lele said happily: “I thought at the time, I can’t hide by myself, I have to protect the other children, because my parents are heroes, and the big mechas made by my father can protect us. Everyone in the country! As a father's son, of course I have to be brave."

"Yes, I am the squad leader of our class. Although I am scared in my heart, I must be brave, otherwise the other children will be even more scared!"

"Well, you two performed very well today. To others, you are well-deserved heroes today, but for mom and dad, the group music, your behavior today really makes mom and dad I am very worried that there is such a dangerous thing in the kindergarten. When Mom and Dad heard the news, they only thought about opinions, that is, our family group and Lele must be safe, so you must remember, When encountering danger, the first thing is to protect yourself. Only on the premise of protecting yourself, you can become a hero in the eyes of others!"

Su Chen spoke this truth to his son and daughter very seriously. He didn't think he was a selfless person who just wanted to protect others and could abandon his son and daughter in danger. The premise of protecting others To protect himself, he must tell Tuantuan and Lele this truth.

Yan Bingxue took Tuan Tuan He Le Le’s little hand and placed it on her cold palm. “Tuan Tuan Le Le, you must remember these words that Mom and Dad said to you today. In the hearts of Mom and Dad, there is nothing more than you two. Importantly, in such a dangerous situation, both father and mother are selfish. I only hope that you two can be safe and sound. Although father and mother are proud of you for these things you have done today, they are also very much in their hearts. Worrying about you, if something happens, how sad will Mom and Dad be?"

Tuan Tuan and Le Le looked at each other, and the two little guys immediately hugged Mom and Dad.

"Mom and dad, Lele understands that Lele will definitely protect herself first, and then protect others. Lele won't make her parents so worried in the future."

"Tuan Tuan knows too!"

"Yeah." Yan Bingxue nodded with relief.

"Thanks to Mom and Dad for considering the safety of me and my brother. They found so many sisters to protect us. Today, my brother told me that it was precisely because the sisters that my parents were looking for arrived in time that they saved my brother and all of them. The kids, the kids in the kindergarten are very grateful to my brother and me."

"Mom and Dad, you found someone to protect us, why didn't you tell us? When we saw those sisters today, we were so surprised!"

Su Chen touched her daughter’s little head, and said, “Because Mom and Dad don’t want to affect the normal lives of the two of you, but they must ensure your safety. But now that you already know the existence of your sisters, they will still Protect you around you. If you encounter any danger, you can use your watch to call them at any time."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!