Published at 21st of December 2021 09:28:00 AM

Chapter 555: Transfer babies

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"The strongest dad: Signed one hundred million at the start! (

After the family's emotions calmed down, Yan Bingxue said, "Husband, didn't you give lectures at the university in the morning? How could you suddenly learn that something happened to the children's school?"

"After the lecture on my side, a few students were chatting with Douyin, and a passerby took a video. I heard that there was an accident in the kindergarten, and I was worried that it might have something to do with Tuan Tuan Yue Le, so I went to watch it. After a while, I found out that it was really their kindergarten, so I went to them for the first time."

"There are videos that have been posted on the Internet, so do we have to call mom and dad, or they will be worried when they see the videos on the Internet!"

Su Chen nodded, he also had the same thought, "I just want to wait for your mood to stabilize, let's start a video with the family, and report to the parents and grandparents on both sides of their safety, lest they get it online. These videos or seeing today’s news will worry about the safety of the two children."

"Then send them a video now. It happens that everyone should be eating and resting at noon, and Tuan Tuan and Lele are also by their side, so that they will be relieved if they see Tuan Tuan and Lele in person."

Su Chen sent the video to the imperial capital. Lin Xiu turned pale with fright when he heard about it, and sat down on the sofa.

Mrs. Su wiped her tears and said, "How could such a terrible thing happen in the kindergarten? Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with our two little babies!"

"Chenchen, Bingxue, the last time you two said to find a bodyguard for your children, the team was really an extremely correct decision, but today without these bodyguards team, if you protect the two children, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Tuan Tuan and Lele must be terrified today, you two should comfort the children." Su Haoqian frowned and said.

Tuantuan smiled and greeted the elders on the phone, "Grandpa and grandma, we really have nothing to do. You don't need to worry about us. My brother and I are not afraid now, so don't be afraid anymore~"

In fact, adults are more fearful than children.

After chatting with Tuantuan and Lele for a while, Mr. Su said: "Dust Chen, Tuan Tuan and Lele’s kindergarten have such a terrible thing that the gangsters rushed in, indicating that the kindergarten’s security system is really bad. Now, although it is an emergency, it is not difficult to see the problem. I think it is better to change the kindergarten for Tuantuan and Lele."

Su Chen also has this idea in his mind. Tuantuan and Lele are now attending a public kindergarten not far from home, because they feel that the children are still young, and attending a public kindergarten can meet the current learning requirements, but it seems that they only consider learning. The requirement is still not enough, and more importantly, protect the safety of the two children.

"Grandpa, don't worry, my wife and I will discuss it. If something like this happens, it is naturally impossible to continue studying in this kindergarten. My wife and I will go to help Tuan Tuan and Lele recently to see if there is any more The appropriate kindergarten will help them with the transfer."

The two little guys were a little unhappy when they heard that they were going to transfer schools.

"Mum and Dad, do my brother and I really want to change school to study? But we already know a lot of friends in the kindergarten now. If we change to a kindergarten, we can't go to school with these friends." Tuantuan muttered. Little Mouth said.

Yan Bingxue took out his mobile phone and showed the news in the parent group to the two little babies.

"Tuan Tuan, you see that the parents of your classmates are discussing about changing to a kindergarten. It is estimated that it is not just you two who want to transfer. Other children should also think about the terrible happenings in the transferred school. The kindergarten will definitely be closed for rectification. Even if we don’t change kindergarten, your kindergarten may not be open for the time being."

The two little guys were a little unhappy when they learned about this.

Su Chen knows that these two babies of his family are good children with strong feelings. They are used to it in the kindergarten now, and there are still many good friends. Now they suddenly want to change schools, it is inevitable that he feels a little bit reluctant in his heart.

So he touched the head of Tuan Tuan He Le Le and said, “Tuan Tuan Le Le, this kind of thing happened in the kindergarten you are now in. Mom and Dad will definitely not worry about sending you to a kindergarten with incomplete security system. , Otherwise every day when mom and dad go to work, they will worry about the safety of the two of you in the kindergarten."

"Even if you change schools, you don’t have to worry, because you will have new friends when you go to a new school, and you can keep in touch with these friends now. Everyone is in Zhonghai, and we can still be the same as before. When it’s okay, go out to play together, go to the riverside to grill and barbecue, and the parents are still discussing it? Then we can discuss it, maybe current friends will go to the new school like you, in the new school. You will meet again at school."

Tuan Tuan and Lele felt better when they heard his father say this.


When Yan Zhenwei and his wife heard about what happened in the kindergarten, they were afraid for a while, so they went directly to Su Chen's house that afternoon, held the two little guys in their arms and looked at them repeatedly, confirming the two little guys. I was relieved in my heart.

Su Chen saw the phone call from the kindergarten, and the park apologized to the parents one by one, saying that this happened because their security work was too negligent.

The children encountered such a terrible vicious incident while they were in school. The park did indeed have certain responsibilities, but nothing happened to the two children today, and their life teacher was chopped by the gangsters to protect them. They are still Inside the hospital, Su Chen didn't blame too much on the park.

It was only after this incident that the transfer of the two children to schools was already a certainty, so Su Chen did not talk to the kindergarten too much.

Mr. and Mrs. Yan Zhenwei also mentioned the change of kindergarten. This sudden incident caused panic. Especially at night, the news on the Internet fermented. Many people said that this incident was really terrible.

Tuantuan and Lele’s performance in school was publicly praised by the kindergarten on the official website. On the Internet, everyone did not hesitate to praise these two brave babies.

"Thanks to these two brave babies, or else I don't know what terrible consequences this event will have today!"

"This time the gangsters must be severely punished, and they did such a terrible behavior in the kindergarten. If our children were in this kindergarten, I must be scared to death by now!"

"Open the gangsters! Such a frenzied person must be punished! There are two brave babies. Although the sister has never seen you, the kindergarten has not released your information and photos, but the sister thinks you are our dragon country. proud!"

"A strong young man will make a country strong. With such a powerful baby, I believe they will become heroes who stand up to the ground when they grow up!"

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