Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:50 AM

Chapter 563: The little ball has big doubts

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Tuantuan continued to pick up the ball of wool, shook it in his hand, and then threw it out again.

The ball did not get a temporary reward, and there were some doubts in my heart, but he ran out and grabbed the ball of yarn. He came back and placed the ball of yarn in front of the little owner. He looked at Tuan Tuan with big innocent eyes and waited. With tuan tuan tuan tuan tuan tuan tuan tuan tuan tuan.

It's a pity that this time the little guy still didn't get the beef jerky reward. Tuantuan didn't give him anything to eat. Instead, he picked up the ball of wool again and threw it away.

The ball is now completely puzzled. Why is today's game different from usual?

The ball hesitated for a while. Amidst the urging sound of Tuan Tuan, the little guy still went to pick up the ball, but this time his movements were obviously much slower than the last time.

Seeing this scene, Tuan Tuan and Lele started discussing in a low voice.

"Lele, I think Qiuqiu seems very disappointed. She probably doesn't understand why she also picked up the yarn ball as usual today, but she didn't get the beef jerky that she liked..."

Of course Lele also saw the little emotions of Qiuqiu, but he cared more about the distressed and helpless look of his sister at this time.

So he patted his sister on the shoulder, and comforted: "It's okay, Tuan Tuan, didn't we say it? This is to lose weight for the ball, and my father said yesterday that the weight of the ball has exceeded the standard. If you get fat, you will get sick. We do this now to make the ball healthier."

Tuantuan listened to his brother's words, took a deep breath, nodded, laughed at the ball that took back the yarn ball, and reached out to touch the little head of the ball, and praised: "Our ball is awesome~ The ball is the most well-behaved puppy in the world~ When you play with the toy for a while, we will take you to breakfast, okay?"

Qiuqiu’s big eyes were full of doubts. He didn’t understand what the little master said. He only knew that she hadn’t been rewarded with beef jerky today, so she was a little depressed. Although the little master’s expression was complimenting her, she still felt that she was possible. The place is not very well done, otherwise, how can I not get food rewards?

After playing a few rounds of Yarn Ball, the mood became more and more depressed. Tuan Tuan and Lele really couldn’t stand it anymore. Tuan Tuan comforted each other and said, “Brother, let’s be here this morning, even though it is for the little one. Guys lose weight, but weight loss can’t be done overnight~ Take your time, let’s take a ball to eat now."

Lele nodded immediately. He felt uncomfortable when he saw the ball unhappy.

The two quickly reached a consensus and waved at the ball: "Okay, the ball~ This is the end of our exercise this morning, now we go back to have breakfast!"

Probably because I heard the word "eat", the ball that was a little unhappy just now suddenly became excited and happily followed the pace of the two little masters.

Back in the house, Tuantuan and Lele immediately took the ball to eat breakfast.

The ball is now more than three months old, and the feeding at home has always been very regular. There are three meals in the morning, lunch and evening. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are not at home at noon, but the nanny and aunt at home will also remember to feed the little guy.

And the amount of dog food eaten every day is also regular. There is a small bowl in the dog food box, and each meal is full of dog food.

However, Tuantuan and Lele now consider the matter of losing weight on the ball, and decided not only to strengthen the exercise of the ball, but also to reduce the daily dog ​​food for the ball.

Knowing that dinner was about to start, Qiuqiu looked extremely excited, happily surrounded his little rice bowl, and excitedly stuck his tongue out at the two little masters.

Tuantuan took a small bowl and scooped a full bowl of dog food, remembering that something was wrong, so he poured half of it down, and then poured half a bowl of dog food into the bowl of the ball.

Excited by the ball, he glanced down at his dog food and was about to eat, only to find that today his dog food seemed to be squeezed in quantity.

It's half less than usual!

The little guy hesitated for a while, and then lowered his head to eat. After all, he was forced to exercise for so long early in the morning, and he was already hungry by now.

The dog food was quickly eaten up after the dog food was finished, but the ball was obviously not full. He raised his head and looked at Tuan Tuan and Lele pitifully.

These poor little eyes were really embarrassing for Tuan Tuan and Lele, and the two little guys had to turn their heads away and deliberately pretended not to see.

Seeing the ball, he walked to Tuantuan and Lele's feet, anxiously scratching the dog food box next to him, indicating that he was not full.

Tuan Tuan had to squat down and said to Qiuqiu with earnest words: "Yuqiu, your breakfast is over~"

"I know you may not have enough to eat, but my dad said that you were overweight when you went for the check-up last time. If you grow too fat, it will affect your health. So let's grow up healthily. Eat less at every meal, and then strengthen exercise. I believe you will be able to return to your normal weight soon!"

Tuantuan said a long list of words, but the ball couldn't understand a word. The little guy just scratched the box in front of him anxiously.

Tuantuan sighed, gritted his teeth and stood up cruelly, raised his head and said to his brother: "Brother, let's go out with the ball, stay here, the ball will always want to eat."

"Okay, sister, you go out with the ball first. I hide the box of dog food. If the ball can't see the food, you won't want to eat so much. Just like when we are at home, mom and dad sometimes We are not allowed to eat so many candies, and the candies will be hidden."

Tuan Tuan took the ball out, Lele immediately hid the box containing the dog food, but the ball came back shortly after searching the house for a long time without finding his dog food, so he ran away unhappy. Get out.

At noon, Tuantuan and Lele only ate half a bowl of dog food for Qiuqiu. This situation continued into the afternoon, and Qiuqiu looked very different in the weekdays.

Usually, as long as Tuan Tuan and Lele or Su Chenyan Bingxue are there, the ball is super active, even if the host is watching the ball will be on the side, holding small toys or making out Anything that caught the attention of the owners, it would be better if the owner could play with her.

But today, I don't know if it's tired or hungry. The ball seems to be lackluster, and I lie on the floor all afternoon, sleeping most of the time.

Tuan Tuan and Lele took out toys to play with her, and the ball seemed to be lacking in energy. They just raised their eyelids to look at them, and quickly fell on their stomachs weakly.

Tuan Tuan and Lele felt distressed when they saw the ball like this, and the two of them quietly discussed it.

"Brother, don't you say that the ball is very unhappy? She doesn't play with us anymore." Tuantuan asked with a small mouth.

Lele looked at the ball on the ground and said softly, "Sister, losing weight is a very painful thing! You see, Aunt Yuxin dare not eat too much every time she comes to our house and eats with us. It’s too much. She said she wants to lose weight, so even if she is not full, she can only endure it. Qiuqiu is losing weight now. It’s normal to work hard."

"Well, let's stick to it!"

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