Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:47 AM

Chapter 565: Su hen guides his sons and daughters to s ientifi ally lead the ball to lose weight

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"Mom and dad, you said that my brother and I did nothing. We are so good at ball and play with him. We know that it is not easy to lose weight. My brother and I stayed with her, although the ball is not full, But today my brother and I were distressed about Qiuqiu and ate less food than usual. We were working hard to accompany her to lose weight. Why didn't Qiuqiu understand~"

Tuan Tuan was aggrieved and anxious, bowed his head and turned the little golden beans, complaining to his parents.

Upon seeing this, Yan Bingxue immediately took a tissue and took Tuan Tuan into her arms. While helping her to wipe the tears, she comforted her softly: "Tuan Tuan, don't cry, it's okay, think about it, Qiuqiu is not a human being. She can’t understand what we are saying, so she can’t understand what you and your brother said to her. There are problems in communication, and she can’t understand everything you do for her. This is normal. Thing."

Tuantuan raised his head dimly with tears and sobbed and said, "But Qiuqiu is so smart, how could she not understand? My brother and I stayed with her all day, and we continued to encourage her. As a result, she just told me and My brother is having a temper. She doesn't want to take a look at her favorite toy that she usually plays with her. She must hate my brother and me."

"No Tuantuan~ Dogs are very loyal. You are all her little masters, and Qiuqiu will definitely not hate you. If you don't believe it, then mother will bet you with you."

Tuantuan looked at her mother and asked, "How to bet?"

Depressed, Lele also raised her head to look at her mother, Yan Bingxue said: "In this way, mother pretends to criticize you. When you are at home, the ball protects you, right, every time your parents criticize you, The ball will come to protect you. She likes you, so she will do it, right?"

"Well, but today... My brother and I didn't give the ball delicious food, and we took the ball to do things we didn't want to do. The ball is already angry. Will she still protect me and my brother?" Tuantuan is not sure. Asked.

Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "It will definitely be, Mom promises you~ If you don't believe me, let's try now, okay?"

"En!" Lele nodded and walked over to stand with her younger sister, then Yan Bingxue cleared her throat and suddenly raised her voice loudly and shouted the name of Tuan Tuan Le Le.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le performed very well at home on weekdays. Generally, they were rarely criticized. They discovered that the ball would protect the two little guys. It was also a very accidental situation. That day, Tuan Tuan Le Le went crazy and put all his clothes on. It got wet. It’s already autumn in Zhonghai. It’s cold at night. The two little guys just soaked in the pool without changing their clothes. Yan Bingxue came back to see this scene and criticized the two little guys. Hearing the movement, he immediately ran over to protect Tuan Tuan and Lele.

At that time, Tuan Tuan Yue Le was very moved by this incident, and Su Chen and Yan Bingxue realized that Qiuqiu was really friendly.

So today, Yan Bingxue will use this method to tell Tuan Yuele that Qiuqiu will not really be angry with them.

Tuan Tuan and Lele lowered their heads, as if they had done something wrong, but their eyes couldn't help but secretly look into the ball room.

Yan Bingxue also acted very realistically, standing up to speak with a high voice, and his expression very serious.

With such a big movement, the ball quickly ran out of the room, cautiously approaching the sofa, watching the two little masters bow their heads and being criticized, and there were still tears on Tuantuan’s face. The ball suddenly became anxious and rushed to it. In front of Tuan Tuan and Lele, blocking Yan Bingxue and Tuan Tuan Lele, they kept pulling the two little masters with their hands, raising their heads and whimpering at Yan Bingxue pitifully.

Last time, she did the same to protect the group music. While pulling the two young masters and protecting them with her own body, she acted like a coquettish and pitiful to Yan Bingxue, letting Yan Bingxue calm down.

The classic scene reappeared, and Tuan Tuan and Lele immediately hugged the ball with emotion.

"Qiuqiu, you really didn't give up my brother and me, it's great~"

"Qiuqiu, I'm sorry, brother and sister made you wronged today."

The two children hugged the ball. The ball in the middle didn't understand what was going on. However, facing the hug of the little owner, the ball immediately hugged both of them with paws.

Seeing this warm scene, Yan Bingxue sat back next to her husband, held hands with her husband, and looked at them happily.

After Tuantuan and Lele's taste became a little more stable, Su Chen started to talk to them.

"Tuan Tuan Le Le, you see, mom is right, Qiu Qiu won't really be angry with you, she may just be a little puzzled, why the little owners who used to reward her with snacks every day suddenly didn’t I gave her snacks, and even the dog food was reduced, and I kept pulling her to play, her depression may just be that she felt that there might be something that she did not do well, so she was depressed."

"This is the same as you guys. Dad knows that everything you do today is to make Qiuqiu lose weight successfully and grow healthily. But because of Qiuqiu's resistance, you feel very wronged. In fact, you are bothered by each other. I love each other very much, but I can't fully understand each other's thoughts, so it makes me unhappy."

Lele raised her head to look at her father and asked, "Dad, what should my sister and I do? If the ball is still the same as before, then she will get fatter and fatter, if you are sick as you said. What can we do if she loses weight? We can only let her lose weight, but she is not happy to lose weight..."

Su Chen touched the little heads of his son and daughter, and said to them patiently: "Tuan Tuan, Lele, everything you do must be gradual. The same thing about ball weight loss is the same. You all know that weight loss is You need to eat less, exercise more, and combine the two to achieve the effect."

Tuantuan said: "Yes, my brother and I also deliberately read a lot of answers on the Internet before we decided to use this method."

"Yes, your method is okay. It's just a little too anxious. Qiuqiu has adapted to the rhythm of life before. Now you suddenly don't give her any snacks. You have reduced the dog food, and you want to increase it. Her exercise volume, the ball must be very strange~ If you take your time, it’s okay to exercise with the ball every day like this, UU reading, but the dog food can be reduced a little bit, such as today First reduce him by one-fifth, and then reduce it by one-fifth tomorrow, so that a little bit every day, the ball will definitely not be found."

"As for snacks, this is your reward for the ball. We can reduce it, but it can't be completely absent. Otherwise, how does the little guy know when she did it right and made you happy?"

Tuantuan and Lele suddenly realized what his father said.

Tuantuan wiped his tears, and said enthusiastically: "I understand, brother, our method is okay, but we use too much at once!"

Lele nodded, and took her younger sister's hand and said, "Sister, let's do what Dad said tomorrow!"

"Okay~ But the ball just protected us, it should have done something worth encouraging? Then let's reward the ball with a beef jerky, right?" Tuantuan said with bright eyes.

Lele nodded happily, and the two little guys brought the beef jerky and fed them to the ball by themselves.

Qiuqiu, who was depressed all day, suddenly saw Xinyi's snacks, and finally became happy.

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