Published at 21st of December 2021 09:38:46 AM

Chapter 58: Sho k! Su hen turned out to be a genius onsultant personally invited by Yuan Lao!

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Su Chen was not angry either. After all, there is no need to be angry with a mad dog. With his leisurely hands around his chest, he said: "Okay, old classmate, since you want to help so, then you help me to get Yuan from the Mecha Research Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Call out the old dean!"

"Ha! Hahaha!" Qian Cheng seemed to have heard a big joke, couldn't help but smile up to the sky, the fat on his smiling face flicked.

"President Yuan? Su Chen, why don't you just go to Southwest China Sea, the imperial capital?"

"I think you are here to make trouble! Security, come over to me!"

In order to please Yu Lili's father, Qian Cheng recently ran to the Long Science Academy every day in order to please Yu Lili's father and his graduation job was not settled. Naturally, these security guards knew him.

I saw him in the crowd like a security captain, greeted all the security guards, pointed at Su Chen and said: "This person said to find Yuan Yuan, you know what to do!"

The security nodded, and came forward aggressively and said: "Where are the poor dicks, who can see us, Mr. Yuan? Get out of here, or don't blame our brothers for being rude to you!"

He waved the electric baton in his hand, and deliberately turned on the switch in front of Su Chen, and the electric baton made an electric sound.

Yu Lili stomped her feet with anger, and said angrily: "Qian Cheng, what are you doing!"

Qian Cheng kindly looked at her again and coaxed: "Lily, don't be angry~ It's really not that I didn't care about the affection of my old classmates. Look at Su Chen, he is too much of a lie. Yuan Yuan is one of us. The fathers of the two dare not offend, that is the dean of the Mecha Research Institute! Can Su Chen know him?"

"Lily, don't be fooled by Su Chen's face!"

"If he can know Old Yuan, then I will..."

"How about you?" Su Chen asked with a sneer.

As soon as Qian Cheng looked at him, he immediately changed into a fierce look, "I'll post a hundred times in our high school group, I'm an evil pen!"

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, you don't need a hundred times, you call it three times, and then change your name to shabi, don't change it back one year!"

"If you want to show off, my classmates don't bother to watch you swipe the screen!"

"Su Chen, you!" Qian Cheng raised his fat face with anger, and stared at Su Chen with an angry look.

Su Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Old Yuan's number.

At this time, Yuan Lao was listening to Lili's father and Qian Cheng's father reporting work. When he saw the caller ID, he immediately laughed happily.

"Stop talking, the great counselor I asked for is calling!"

Academician Yu and Academician Qian looked at each other, curiosity and excitement were written in their eyes.

The dean has been talking about this consultant for several days. He mentioned it several times at the morning meeting in the courtyard and said that he must be a genius who can help Dragon Kingdom build mechas.

Academician Yu and Academician Qian are also the latest researchers in this area, so they are naturally full of curiosity and expectations for Su Chen.

Hearing that Su Chen is coming today, they deliberately went on to report that their work was slow, and they wanted to block the true face of this genius~

Hearing Yuan Lao said that this talented consultant had just graduated from university, and both of them couldn't help but sigh, what a hero!

"Hey, Mr. Su, are you there yet?"

When Su Chen called, Qian Cheng was still taunting, "Hehe, you really don't cry without seeing the coffin, security guards, everyone will wait for your hard work, wait for him to act for a while!"

Su Chen ignored him and said to Old Yuan on the other end of the phone: "Old Yuan, I have already been downstairs at the Long Science Academy, but it seems that I am not welcome here, I can't even get in. ."

Upon hearing this, Old Yuan's complexion changed drastically. He stood up and walked out in a hurry, and said: "Mr. Su, I'm so embarrassed. I have already told the receptionist. I guess they don't know your identity. So, Wait a moment, I'll come down to pick you up."

After speaking, he explained: "Mr. Su, you forgive me. The Long Science Academy's security system is indeed strict. You should also know in the Mecha Research Department of Chaofan Group. This is all confidential content. strict."

"Lao Yuan, I understand this. I didn't mean to blame the staff. It was a delay. You know, I have to return to work in Chaofan Group."

"Yes, yes, I'm already in the elevator, wait a while, and I'll get down right away."

Su Chen hung up the phone, and the security staff over there was already dumbfounded.

The Chaofan Group... Is this person from the Chaofan Group? Chaofan Group’s mecha research technology is also top-level technology. Could it be that he really had an appointment with Yuan Lao?

The security guards did not dare to move any more, and took a step back.

Qian Cheng didn't notice it, and still said with a mocking face: "Su Chen, you are really good, the Long Academy of Sciences is not enough for you to pretend, and you fabricated an extraordinary group by yourself. What are you doing back to the extraordinary group? Go as a cleaner? I don’t want you at home, hahaha..."

"Qian Cheng, you shut up!" Academician Qian heard his son say this when he got downstairs, and he was out of breath to stop him.

Su Chen, isn't this the name of the talented consultant Yuan Yuan invited!

When Qian Cheng heard his father get angry, his smile seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he looked back awkwardly.

Qian Cheng was completely stunned when Old Yuan came with the two of them.

Why are Yuan Lao and the two fathers here? Could it really be Su Chen's phone call?

Yu Lili was shocked, and then said in surprise: "Su Chen, are you really here to find the dean?"

She lowered her voice and said, "You're so amazing~ You actually know Old Yuan Yuan!"

Su Chen smiled faintly, and quickly recovered his expressionless state.

In the eyes of Old Yuan, he was a little angry.

I just heard Qian Cheng's Lao and the two academicians naturally realized what was going on.

Old Yuan looked at Academician Qian behind him displeasedly, and said with a straight face: "Old Qian, you are an old man in the courtyard, don't you understand the rules of the courtyard? People who are irrelevant, don't let him do it casually. Come to the yard!"

Academician Qian felt miserable in his heart. His son was not up to date. He couldn't even find a decent job after graduation. In addition, he recently pursued Yu Lili again. That's why he let his son run into the courtyard all the time and taught him something. , Thinking about not letting him come to the yard to do some sort of work, so that he could talk to Yu Jia about the two children.

But who would have thought that this **** would actually offend the new consultant!

It also caused him to be criticized by Yuan Zhong. Academician Qian almost died of anger. While lowering his head to respond to the dean's words, he secretly stared at Qian Cheng over there with his eyes.

Qian Cheng didn't dare to move at all now, because Yuan Laozheng and Su Chen were chatting and laughing.

Old Yuan's attitude has said everything.

Su Chen is not bragging, they are real!

--The words of the old demon--

This book is a single heroine~~Continue to ask for recommendation tickets~~

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