Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:20 AM

Chapter 584: A female lassmate who married into a wealthy family

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The students who arrived early were basically the indigenous people of the Great Eagle Country. Yan Bingxue studied business administration at that time, and more than half of the students in the class were foreign students.

After graduation, most of these international students returned to their own companies, so the classmates have not seen each other for many years.

This school celebration is a rare and precious opportunity, otherwise it would not be so easy for their classmates to gather together.

For a class with a large number of foreign students, it is difficult to hold a class meeting with all the number of people. But today, because of the school celebration, all the people have come to the Great Eagle Country these days.

The classmate meeting this time is obviously significant.

At this moment, twelve or three people came to the classmate. A girl was clustered in the middle. Two girls sat on the left and the other, and the men surrounded them.

Obviously only the girl in the middle is the protagonist.

The girl has a big golden wave, a standard big eagle country beauty, exquisite makeup on her face, and brand-name clothes on her body. Even the jewelry is carefully selected and matched.

"Maldi, I haven't seen you in a few years. You really get older and more beautiful. You can't tell at all. Your son is already over a year old!"

"Yes, Melody, you teach me how to maintain your skin? The skin is too smooth and supple, and after giving birth, the figure is also maintained so good, it is so enviable! "

The two girls gathered around Melody, full of compliments.

The men were behind, looking at Melody, who was wearing a V-neck skirt.

"Maldi was always a hot girl in our class back then. I didn't expect that after so many years, your figure is still so hot!"

"Do you guys know how to speak? Melody's figure is better than before! Moreover, Melody's husband loves her so much, now with the nourishment of love, our Melody is really getting more and more beautiful!"

The praised Melody smiled happily, looked down at his figure with a rather proud look, and smiled and said to the classmates: "I am not as exaggerated as you said, but I usually pay more attention to body management. What silk said is good, my husband is really kind to me, knowing that I am going to attend the class reunion today, specially asked the nanny at home to add a class today to help bring the children, and also asked the driver to drive me over. Now the driver I’m just waiting downstairs. If it’s not convenient for a classmate to drink alcohol when I go back later, I can also ask our car to take him for a ride."

"Great, Melody, I have never been in a tens of millions of luxury cars! When I just came up from the downstairs, I saw a lot of people watching your car~ Your husband is so kind to you Now, I came to attend the class reunion and sent a luxury car to pick you up. It’s so sweet!"

"Hey, what a pity, such a beautiful hot girl in our class got married early! We single young men have no chance!"

"Even if Melody is not married, you people will have no chance. If Melody is so good-looking, we must marry the best man!"

"By the way, Melody, you are hopeless anyway, but you can look at the international student Yan Bingxue who came today! Maybe they haven't married yet~" Ruth sitting next to Melody said.

Ruth knew that Melody’s strongest opponent in the class back then was Yan Bingxue. At that time Melody hadn't joined the giants, and his face hadn't been trimmed. Naturally, he was not as pretty as it is now.

So the class flower in their class back then was actually Yan Bingxue, but Yan Bingxue passed the exam when he was a sophomore. The freshman class always thought Melody was the class flower. It was precisely because of the arrival of Yan Bingxue that Melody became the first. two.

So all the classmates back then knew that Melody disliked Yan Bingxue the most.

Upon hearing Yan Bingxue’s name, Melody looked uncomfortable. When he was about to speak, the male classmate behind him said, “Ruth, what are you doing with this matter now? Our classmates have already graduated. It has been many years, and classmate Yan Bingxue has already returned to China for development. Melody is now married and has children. She is a rich wife, so why bother about what happened back then!"

When he said this, he buttoned a big hat on Melody, which made it difficult for Melody to say anything about Yan Bingxue.

Melody smiled and said: "Yes, Ruth, so many years have passed, who cares about those things back then? After all, I'm having a good life now, and my husband is rich and loves me so much. Last year, I gave birth to another cute girl. My son, my current life is called a winner in life. As for the things when I went to school, I had already forgotten about it."

"However, I am a little curious about how our school girl, Yan Bingxue, has developed after returning to China. There has been no news of her for so many years, and the circle of friends has not seen her say that she is married and have children. I guess she is still single now. The older young women are not married at this age, and they must be very upset in their hearts. Students, don’t poke their sore spots later~"

Melody clearly said this to Ruth deliberately. Of course, his current identity would not make it clear that Yan Bingxue could not get along with Yan Bingxue, so as not to make her seem stingy and hate the things of the year.

But what she can't say, Ruth can say, Ruth is her best friend, she has been taken care of by her all these years, and the other party must understand what she means. UU reading

When Ruth saw Melody’s wink, she immediately understood, and then smiled and said, “Melody, you are so kind, but I don’t think there is any need to hide this matter. Yan Bingxue didn't even agree, maybe being single is just another person's choice, and people are proud in their hearts!"

"Think about it, none of you ever wrote a love letter to Yan Bingxue and confessed it to Yan Bingxue, but didn't they all reject it? They are very lofty! Over the past few years, have you forgotten what happened at the beginning? I'm still rushing to do dog licking now, don't feel embarrassed!"

The male classmates had indeed pursued Yan Bingxue back then, but it has been so many years now, and several of them have also been married and have children. What happened back then is a joy to talk about.

"What's the matter, people really looked pretty back then! Yan Bingxue's face value is also one of the best beauties in our Great Eagle Country. We are all laymen. It is normal to like her and want to pursue her. People reject us. It's not a big deal either." A male student said openly.

The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! Latest chapter address: https://

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