Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:11 AM

Chapter 591: Want to ooperate? No talk

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Melody stayed outside for a long time. On the phone, she asked her husband for money, and her husband scolded her severely, saying that he had taken one million, which was not enough for her to splurge.

Because of his desires, Melody didn't dare to resist at all, so he could only find a way to get the old man to open the limit of the bank card.

When    came back, Melody looked very ugly, but fortunately, the payment of the bill was settled later.

Melody stood at the door of the box and took a few deep breaths. He put on a smiling face, and then opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his classmates surrounded by Su Chen and Yan Bingxue. Everyone They all looked flattering.

When he saw this scene when he came back from the outside, Melody was very unhappy in his heart. He was scolded in front of her husband because of Yan Bingxue's deliberate calculation. After finally solving the problem, he came back to find this classmate meeting. It seems that Yan Bingxue's home court has become Yan Bingxue again, and it is naturally uncomfortable in his heart.

So Melody walked to his place and asked Ruth next to him what was going on.

Ruth said, "Maldi, do you know what Yan Bingxue's husband does?"

"Her husband is so good-looking and he looks very young. I guess it hasn't been long since graduation. What good job can I have?" Melody said irritably.

"I thought the same at the beginning, but just now I discovered that we were all wrong. This Mr. Su Chen is actually the Su Chen who researched the mecha from Longguo!"

"What?" Melody yelled on the spot. Fortunately, all the students' attention was on Su Chen and Yan Bingxue over there. Even if she made such a loud noise, no one looked over here.

Melody didn't know for a moment whether to be lucky or to be angry.

How could this be?

She is no better than Yan Bingxue's body and appearance, and her children are no better than Yan Bingxue. Now she feels that the only thing she can beat Yan Bingxue is the strength of her husband, but she didn't expect Su Chen to be the one who developed the mecha. Su Chen!

How can this be compared to her husband?

Even if she marries into a wealthy family, no matter how rich her husband is, it can’t compare to the glory of being a mecha!

Melody sat slumped on the stool, as if suddenly lost his energy, his face was ashamed.

Ruth saw that she was not in a good mood, and she held it back for a while before she cautiously said, "Maldi, should we also go up and apologize to Yan Bingxue and her husband, and say a few more kind words, after all, Yan Bingxue My husband is so powerful, and Yan Bingxue himself has been developing very well over the years. When you first went out, William said a few words to her. I think Yan Bingxue should be very powerful now. We are all old classmates. Maybe there will be a place to cooperate in the future?"

Classmates’ meeting are mostly for the purpose of closer relationships with each other, while reminiscing about the past, it also facilitates the establishment of future cooperation opportunities. After all, old classmates are all network resources.

The classmates sitting here today were all high-achieving students in the Finance Department. The examples in the family are naturally good, and Ruth's home is not bad. It is precisely because of this that personal connections are valued more.

At this time, Melody didn’t have the mind to make contacts, and said irritably: "What are you doing up there? You go to apologize, and they can forgive you? Don’t forget that you stood with me when you were in school, Hu Ji Yan Bingxue. I hate both of us in my heart, don't go up and look for it!"

"But that's Su Chen! Melody, now the mecha is the hottest in the world. We are classmates with Yan Bingxue, and this has taken the lead."

Ruth kept talking, making Melody feel very upset in her heart.

Of course Melody is unwilling to take the initiative to shake hands with Yan Bingxue, but she has to admit that Ruth is right, especially her husband is currently inquiring about mecha from various parties, and wants to share a drink in this emerging industry. soup.

After thinking about her husband’s attitude towards herself on the phone, and still haven’t received any text messages from the bank’s opening quota, Melody decided to apologize to Yan Bingxue. If he can win Su Chen, he’s tonight. The bill is definitely not a problem, and maybe her husband will reward her more.

So Melody nodded, Ruth hurriedly walked to Su Chengen Yan Bingxue with her.

The surrounding classmates saw Melody coming, and soon took the initiative to move away.

Everyone is waiting for a good show, after all, Melody’s attitude towards Su Chen and Yan Bingxue was not very good.

Yan Bingxue walked towards Melody from the corner of Yan Bingxue's eyes. She turned her head and talked softly with her husband as if she hadn't seen her.

"Student Yan, I just went out for a while. I did not expect to miss your husband’s self-introduction. I did not expect that Mr. Su Chen was the one who made mechas in the Long Kingdom. Mr. Su Chen is really excellent, classmate Yan, you The vision is really good!"

Yan Bingxue did not answer, and Su Chen only cared about his wife.

Melody said something good but no one responded. She felt a bit embarrassed at once, but thinking of the purpose of her coming, she gritted her teeth and forbeared it.

"Student Yan, my tone was a little wrong just now. I apologize to you. We are all old classmates. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Even if we were a little unpleasant before, it has been so many years now. It's rare to see each other again. Eat a meal and drink a drink, just write it Melody, when I was in school, I was not impressed with you very much, and I don’t think there is any unhappiness between us.” Yan Bingxue returned. He overstepped his head and said indifferently.

Melody gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Yan has a large number of them, and he didn't put me in his eyes at all, but the things I did today and the things I said may be somewhat inappropriate. Place, let’s do it, I punished myself for a cup, as if it was a compensation for both of them."

Melody took the initiative to hold up the wine glass, took the red wine that he had just delivered, and poured a small glass down suddenly.

Seeing that neither Yan Bingxue nor Su Chen seemed to pay attention to her, Melody had to take the initiative to say: "Student Yan, your husband is so good, and we will all rely on you to take care of these classmates in the future~"

"Come on, I'll toast two of you with this glass of wine." Melody picked up the glass and bends respectfully slightly.

Yan Bingxue didn’t want to respond, and Su Chen said directly, “Malody’s classmate, right? My wife and I won’t drink this glass of wine. My wife and I are now engaged in mecha-related work. Classmate Melody seems to be a full-time wife. , I’m afraid there is not much overlap in business matters."

completely denied the possibility of cooperation. Melody stood awkwardly, almost crushing the wine glass in her hand.


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