Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:07 AM

Chapter 594: The long-lost system is here

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Yan Bingxue heard her husband say this, and chuckled lightly: "Husband, how many years of old vinegar have you eaten?"

Su Chen rubbed her shoulder with his chin, and said with a smile: "The classmates who don’t come to the wife’s reunion don’t even know that the wife used to be so popular in school~"

"Is it hard to guess? Your wife is so good-looking. Of course she used to be a schoolgirl at school. Just like her husband, at your classmate meeting, don’t everyone say that you are a schoolgirl? But when I was in school, my mind was at ease. I didn’t even pay attention to the confession of those people to me when I was studying."

"In fact, William didn’t talk about it today. I have forgotten all those things. So, my husband, you don’t have to listen to him. Today, he said that about you at the table. I was already very angry. I didn’t want to go with them. For the second scene, I originally thought that if you hadn’t seen each other for so many years, it might be a different experience for the classmates to gather together, but I didn’t expect it, but that’s all.

Yan Bingxue sighed slightly, seeming to be a little disappointed with the classmate meeting this time, "I thought that the things about the classmate meeting in the evening were all jokes made up by netizens, but I didn't expect it to be true. It's really boring."

Su Chen knew that his wife had been looking forward to this class reunion tonight before coming, and this time she was here to participate in the school celebration, but I didn’t expect that at the class reunion, everyone was different from what we had imagined, and she was a little disappointed in her heart. .

Su Chen took his wife's hand and comforted him softly: "My wife, it's actually not that bad. The classmate sitting next to you, didn't you talk very happily while eating? And there will be a second scene. Maybe there is a surprise?"

Yan Bingxue knew that her husband was comforting her, and chuckled lightly: "Husband, this second scene, I guess William will trouble you. Now we don't know where they are going."

"What are you afraid of? Soldiers are here to block the water and cover it up. Don't you believe in the strength of your husband?" Su Chen smiled.

The two were chatting, Yan Bingxue's cell phone suddenly rang. It was a video call from Tuantuan and Lele. It was the evening of Longguo, and the two little guys should have just returned home from school.

The first thing I did when I went home, of course, was to start a video with my mom and dad who secretly went abroad again.

Yan Bingxue connected the video call, and the two little guys immediately cried to the video of grievances.

Tuantuan pursed his mouth and said: "Mom and dad, you guys went out to play secretly without taking my brother and me. This time it was even more excessive. They didn't even talk to me and brother, woooo~"

"Mom and dad, do you not love me and brother?"

The little guy makes a lovely accusation of love.

Yan Bingxue stuck out her tongue with a guilty conscience, turned her head and glanced at her husband, she felt a little sweet in her heart.

This time my husband wanted to give her a surprise, so he showed up at the airport and didn't have time to go home to inform the two little guys.

Although I am very happy with my husband, I do feel a little guilty about the two minor nuisances.

"Tuan Tuan, how can Mom and Dad not love you~ Mom and Dad love you the most! But this time Mom’s classmate meeting decided too suddenly, Dad and I didn’t have time to go home and talk to you. Besides, aren’t you in class? It’s not convenient to go abroad. We will have to go back to my father’s home after some time~ If you always ask for leave, the teacher will be unhappy~"

"Hmm~ Mom clearly wants to go out to play with dad secretly. You have been to the two-person world, and you don’t want to take my brother and me. You also made excuses. Hmm~ You certainly never thought of us two when you left!" Said with aggrieved mouth.

Yan Bingxue thought about it. When I was at the airport, I did not expect the two little guys, because all the mood was occupied by the sudden appearance of her husband~

"Hee hee baby boy, my dad and I will go back in two days. Tomorrow's school celebration is over, and we will go home the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, mom and dad will bring you gifts, okay?"

"Tuan Tuan Le Le, do you have any gifts you want, father and mother will buy you." Su Chen said to his son and daughter.

Lele's eyes lit up, and she said slyly: "Mom and Dad, I really have a gift that I really want this time~"

"What gift does Lele want? Mom will buy it for you tomorrow after the school celebration is over~"

"Mom, the gifts I want don’t need to be bought abroad. You can buy them in Longguo. I want a scooter~ My classmate Xiao Fei rode his scooter to school yesterday. I think it’s so cool. ~I want a small motorcycle too~"

Little boys really like cars. In the past, Tuan Tuan liked to drive karts, but Lele didn’t have much interest in this. He studied with his sister for a while, but then he was not too enthusiastic, but this time I saw a small motorcycle at the same table. , He really likes it~

Su Chen heard it and immediately said, "Yes, Lele likes motorcycles. Then I will buy them for you when my parents go back, but I can't ride to kindergarten, because that kind of toy motorcycle can't be used on the road."

"Okay~ Then I will ride a small motorcycle with my sister in our yard~" Lele looked longing, and the little guy seemed to really look forward to the small motorcycle.

He also found a lot of photos of small motorcycles on the Internet and sent them to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

"Mom and dad, I have also learned how to ride a scooter these days. I think I will learn how to ride a scooter soon after my scooter gets home!"

The little guy said so eloquently, Su Chen listened very carefully. Suddenly, a long-lost voice rang in his mind.

is the Congratulations to the host and the baby to check in the motorcycle together and reward the host's junior motorcycle racing skills. Does the host activate this skill now? "

There was a smile at the corner of Su Chen's mouth. For the long-lost system, he instinctively felt a kind of intimacy in his heart.

"Activate skills."

Lele across from    was still happily sharing his motorcycle riding skills with his father, but Su Chen became a motorcycle master in the blink of an eye. Listening to his son's theoretical knowledge, Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

After his son finished sharing happily, Su Chen said, "Lele, Dad is a master at riding a motorcycle. After Dad goes back, Dad will teach you."

Lele immediately became happy, "Okay, Dad~ If Dad teaches me, I will definitely learn faster!"

Tuantuan looked at Dad curiously, and asked with big round eyes: "Dad, you can still ride a motorcycle~"


"Dad is so tired~ He drives so well in traffic jams, and he even rides motorcycles~" It seems that they have forgotten just now. At the beginning, they called mom and dad because they suddenly went abroad and left them. At home, when I see my father, there is only one sentence left in my heart, that is, my father is super!


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