Published at 21st of December 2021 09:27:02 AM

Chapter 597: Mr. Su wants to be number one!

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With a gunshot from the referee, the flag was swung down, and all the cars rushed out like off-string arrows.

William's speed is not the fastest, because this game is not only for him to win the championship, but also to let Yan Bingxue know that he is the most handsome woman on the court.

So at the beginning of the race, he directly came to a rear wheel balance. This is a pretty handsome action in the motorcycle race. The front wheel is vacated and only the rear wheel is on the ground, but this kind of cooking posture obviously needs to be pulled. Low speed.

Even though William was only ranked in the top five at the time of departure, the action just now attracted the cheers of the crowd who didn't know the truth.

Su Chen didn't make any gimmicky moves. He stepped forward with a wave of sprints, so he now firmly holds the number one position.

Other vehicles followed closely. Although William lost a bit of back wind when he set off because of being handsome, he soon caught up with him. When Su Chen saw William appear next to him, the corner of his mouth was displeased. There was a sneer.

For the same vehicle, William can accelerate and surpass other people, which is difficult to achieve in straight road conditions. His vehicle performance is significantly better than other vehicles.

After the    team set off, Yan Bingxue and the others could only watch the rest of the race through the live video they filmed.

Seeing that William surpassed everyone all the way, and quickly kept pace with Su Chen, the female classmates became excited.

"William is really amazing. When he first started, he was ranked fifth, and he is about to be number one now."

"Mr. Su's performance is also good, he was the first place at the start, and William has surpassed other vehicles, and has not been able to surpass Mr. Su."

Everyone discussed fiercely, Yan Bingxue did not participate in it, watching the game intently.

Although she doesn't know much about locomotives, as a layman, she can also vaguely feel that William's car performance seems to be better.

Because on the straights, everyone’s initial speed is the same. William played cool at first, and it took a short while, but he was able to surpass others in such a short time, at the same performance and speed. Under the circumstances, it is difficult to achieve this.

The so-called customary vehicle is probably a special existence.

Yan Bingxue couldn't help frowning.

On the field, William's car and Su Chen's car have been driving side by side for a while. Seeing that the first corner will soon be reached, William knows that the corner is a good opportunity to overtake.

Although Su Chen's technique looks good on straights, the real test of skills and experience is the part of overtaking in corners.

The so-called “going in and going out” is difficult for laymen to understand. Moreover, the operation is very skillful, and it is easy to overturn if one is not careful.

William didn't believe that Su Chen's skills could be better than his own. After all, he had been practicing locomotives for more than ten years.

With such confidence, the two entered the corner almost at the same time.

The roads here are specially designed for racing cars, and there are few other vehicles entering during the day. Panshan and the sea were originally a large area of ​​scenic spots. In order to welcome this group of locomotives at night, the curves were designed into professional inclined curves. , The road surface is designed to be low on the inside and high on the outside, and the outside of the inclined curve is designed to be very high to reduce the centrifugal force when turning. This kind of curve can make the car turn faster than a flat curve.

So in the corners, the racers will lean the car, reduce the centrifugal force, and achieve fast cornering.

At this point, both Su Chen and William performed very well. The angle between the vehicle and the ground was less than forty-five degrees, and the speed was very fast when going in and out.

The female classmates who watched the game exclaimed in an instant.

"Wow, this is too powerful, right? It's so fast"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Su can drive such a great locomotive, and he can actually make a little difference in the curve."

"It is obvious that Mr. Su is faster when turning, and now he is the number one."

After passing the first corner, Su Chen opened the distance between him and William. The two drove side by side for a long time, but in the corner part due to Su Chen's skillful use of the terrain, he realized overtaking in an instant.

William originally thought that in the first corner, he could surpass Su Chen and completely widen the distance between the two, but he didn't expect Su Chen to be so powerful.

I have practiced corners for so many years, and the skills can be considered proficient. The students behind them dare not use too many skills in the corners. When practicing with the team, he has encountered such a strong opponent.

William's expression became serious, and he began to focus on the game.

Seeing that he reached the second corner, William wanted to make a wave of operations. The gap between the two is not big right now. As long as he can achieve the speed of surpassing Su Chen in this wave, he will be able to compare the two of them. Pull back the distance.

However, the ideals are always beautiful, but the reality is easy to get a head blow.

William felt that his performance was already in the most perfect state, but he did not expect Su Chen to perform better than him. After this wave of corners, Su Chen took the lead.

And, just to surpass Su’s distance to the ground had some adventures, when he passed the inside of the curve, he had to support the ground with his feet.

The referee over there stretched out his hand to compare one, which means that he deducted one point in this match.

But Su Chen's performance throughout the entire process was perfect. If Su Chen reached the finish line before him in the end, he would lose the game.

"Mr. Su is amazing, the distance between now and the future is getting bigger and bigger, so it seems that Mr. Su should be the first place," Qin Xiao said excitedly to Yan Bingxue next to him.

Yan Bingxue smiled and looked at Su Chen in the video intently.

It was the first time she saw the old public locomotive, and she didn't expect it to be so handsome.

My husband is really amazing. Not only does the car drove so well, but also the motorcycle.

Seems like there is no such thing as a husband in this world

"Sure enough, it's Bingxue. Your husband is better. It seems that William was so famous before because he hadn't met Mr. Su yet."

"Mr. Su was so handsome when he started the car, Bingxue, you have a good vision, right"

The female classmates who are watching the game are almost all complimenting Su Chen now.

On the field, William could not help but shed a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

Seeing that most of the race has passed, Su Chendao has performed very well now, without any mistakes or demerit points, and his skills in the corners are significantly higher than his own. If this continues, the last corner Dao, the distance between the two people will be completely widened, I am afraid it will not be so easy to catch up with Su Chen again. The strongest dad signed 100 million at the start.

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