Published at 21st of December 2021 09:26:06 AM

Chapter 639: Mom and dad have a good relationship

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It’s time for dinner soon.

Su Chen cleverly said: "Ice and Snow, there is a super delicious restaurant in town. Would you like to go there and try it?"

"Yes, Bingxue, the dishes in that restaurant are all hometown dishes. Although they are not as exquisite as the five-star chefs, they are definitely not inferior to those chefs~" Lin Xiu introduced.

Yan Bingxue thought: Since I came to my hometown, I naturally want to eat the most authentic hometown food~

Yan Bingxue nodded and said, "Then let's go together, Tuantuan and Lele, do you want to go?"

Tuan Tuan and Le Le nodded excitedly.

This store still retains the old-fashioned architectural style.

is a couple who ran this shop. Since Su Haoqian was an old man in the town, the couple immediately recognized Su Haoqian's family.

"Welcome to Teacher Su, Teacher Lin!" the lady boss greeted.

"Hello, it's been a long time, how is business in the store recently?" Su Haoqian asked with a smile.

"It's still the same. Most of the people who come to eat are old customers in the town. Sometimes people who come to visit the town will come over to eat!" The proprietress replied.

"But I heard that your son has a great future, but now he is a celebrity in the town, and every household talks about it from time to time~" the proprietress praised.

Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian smiled proudly.

Su Chen said modestly and politely: "Auntie praised! This is outside, but I think the dishes made by my aunt and uncle are incomparable to any food?"

The lady boss looked at the two cute dolls and said: "These two dolls are so beautiful, just like two porcelain dolls, they are very cute~"

"Hello grandma, I am Lele~"

"Hello grandma, I am Tuan Tuan~" Le Le He Tuan Tuan greeted the proprietress cutely.

"Okay, the little guys are so cute!" The proprietress said happily.

Yan Bingxue observes the surrounding environment. There are many square tables in the hall, and there are benches on the tables. It feels like the 1990s.

Although the environment is a bit crude, but I was eating with Su Chen, so Yan Bingxue didn't mind. And also a little bit happy.

"Hurry up, everyone, this is the menu." The lady proprietress said and passed the menu to Su Haoqian.

Su Haoqian, Lin Xiu, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue ordered a few dishes.

Soon the dishes were on the table, and Su Chen introduced Yan Bingxue's hometown specialties, "Bingxue, you can try this dish, our hometown will eat a dish during the holidays, you can try it~"

Yan Bingxue tasted it, the taste is very delicious, Yan Bingxue said excitedly: "My husband, this dish is really good~"

"Hahahaha, you like it~ You try this dish again, this one is also good, I liked it the most when I was a kid!" Su Chen picked up another dish for Yan Bingxue and said.

"Hmm, this one is also delicious~" Yan Bingxue said with satisfaction.

"Husband, I think your hometown is really good, the scenery is good, the food is good, and the neighbors are super enthusiastic!" Yan Bingxue happily applauded.

"Then next time, we will come back again if we have a chance!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Hmm~" Yan Bingxue smiled and nodded.

In the afternoon, everyone returned home. Lin Xiu fiddled with the potted plants in the yard.

Lin Xiu sighed: "I haven't been back for several months, and there is no regular fertilization and watering. The plants in the pot are a little lacking in nutrients, but I need to do a good job~"

Lin Xiu looked at the potted plants in front of her and said.

"Mom, let me do it for you!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Grandma, Ma Ma, Tuan Tuan and Le Le will also help you take care of the little flowers~" Le Le said excitedly.

"Okay, let's help out that group and Lele~" Lin Xiu said while looking at the two lovely grandchildren.

The two little guys are very happy.

"Oh yeah, you can plant flowers with grandma and Ma Ma~" Tuantuan said excitedly.

"Grandma, what can Tuan Tuan and Lele do?" Tuantuan asked, blinking her big eyes cutely.

"Yeah..." Lin Xiu looked at the green plants around and said, "Tuan Tuan, Lele, please take out all the dead leaves that fall from this potted plant, OK? If this is the case, these plants can receive nutrients normally! "

"Well, grandma, Ma Ma, this way, can they bloom beautiful flowers in spring~" Tuantuan asked softly.

"Yes, in spring, this place will become a small garden~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Grandma, what kind of flower is this in front of Tuantuan?" Tuantuan asked curiously.

"The one in front of Tuantuan is a hydrangea. In spring, the hydrangea will bloom many small purple flowers, clusters of small flowers, like a beautiful ball~" Lin Xiu explained patiently.

"Wow~" Tuantuan nodded happily. Tuantuan dreamed about the purple flowers all over the branches in spring, very excited.

"Grandma, is this a rose? It has thorns on its branches, and the same flowers that Baba gave to Ma Ma last time are thorny~" Lele said with a smile.

Lin Xiu gently explained: "Tuantuan is a rose flower. Although it looks like the branches of roses, they are not the same~"

"Wow, Lele knows, it seems that Lele wants to learn more about plant books, and Lele will know all of them in the future~" Lele touched his head and said.

"Hahaha, yes, Lele will know each other when he grows up~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"Ice and snow, let's loosen the soil for the potted plants first, this, if you don't loosen the soil, it won't work next year!" Lin Xiu handed a small shovel and said.

"Hmm~" Yan Bingxue nodded.

"Ice and snow, this is fertilizer. Give them a little fertilizer and they will all bloom tomorrow~" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Okay, mom~" After Yan Bingxue finished fertilizing, she saw a dwarf pine bonsai on the right that was very dazzling, and praised, "Mom, this potted plant is so beautiful."

"Well, but your dad's love seems to be a fancy when he traveled to Huangshan a few years ago. At that time, he had to buy whatever he said. Even though Huangshan is far away from here, I brought it back along the way!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Dad has recognized a thing, so he won't give up easily. I think Dad recognized mom when he was young, even if the whole family disagrees, he will marry mom~" Yan Bingxue Nodded and sighed.

After listening to Yan Bingxue's words, Lin Xiu looked at the dwarf pine potted plant in front of her and smiled gently.

"Mom, it must be a very interesting thing to live with someone like Dad for a lifetime~" Yan Bingxue asked.

Lin Xiu was silent for a few seconds, and said with a smile, "It's very funny~"

Lin Xiu replied with three points of luck, five points of happiness and two points of sigh.


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