Published at 21st of December 2021 09:25:47 AM

Chapter 652: Whispers from mother and daughter

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Now Gu Yuxin's family also has the second elder of the Gu family, Fang Qi, and Gu Yuxin.

Fang Qi looked at it too early, and said: "Uncle and Aunt, it's too early, I'll go back first!"

Yuan Lishu thought: Fang Qi still has a sense of measure. Yuan Lishu said: "Okay, Xiaoqi, slow down your journey~"

Fang Qi nodded and went out.

"I'll give it to you!" Gu Yuxin said, holding Fang Qi's shoulder.

"Yuxin, go to bed early, see you tomorrow~" Fang Qi said with a smile.

Gu Yuxin looked at Fang Qi’s handsome face. How could such a handsome boyfriend not have a goodnight kiss from a lovely girlfriend, so Gu Yuxin gently kissed Fang Qi’s cheek and said softly: "Good night~"

Gu Yuxin immediately closed the door, shyly turned her back to the door, and smiled. Gu Yuxin touched her blushing cheeks and quickly calmed down and walked to the living room.

Gu Yuxin's goodnight question gave Fang Qi a surprise. It seemed as sweet as honey, Fang Qi touched his cheek, smiled happily, and walked out happily.

There are still Gu Yuxin, Gu Qingtian and Yuan Lishu in the house.

Yuan Lishu drove Gu Qingtian to the convenience store in the community to buy things, and talked to Gu Yuxin about the whispers of her mother and daughter.

Yuan Lishu looked at the happy Gu Yuxin and said, "How long have you been together?"

Gu Yuxin smiled and said, "It didn't take long, um...about three months!"

Yuan Lishu nodded and continued to ask: "Fang Qi didn't do anything out of the ordinary?"

Gu Yuxin blushed suddenly, and said embarrassingly: "Mom, what are you talking about, I...we are measured, okay? We won't get married until we get married!"

A stone in Yuan Lishu's heart has fallen, and Yuan Lishu thought: This Fang Qi still has a sense of measure.

Yuan Lishu smiled and said: "It smells like fish. Mom is also for your own good. Everyone came here when they were young. Mom still has to ask about some things!"

Gu Yuxin's face turned even more red, and she thought: I used to spend my dad to ask about this. It's really...

Yuan Lishu saw that her daughter was embarrassed, and she also got the answer she wanted, so she stopped the topic.

"Okay, okay, it's my mother's caress, I don't ask, see you blushing, we Yuxin is still a pure girl~" Yuan Lishu ridiculed.

"Mom, you still said, you still said, I...I won't tell you!" Gu Yuxin said angrily.

"Okay, don't say it!" Yuan Lishu said with a smile.

"Yu Xin, there is something my mother wants to apologize to you. In fact, your mother should support your career. Since you like to do live broadcasts, mom and dad should give their full support instead of rejecting you for doing live broadcasts!"

"Yesterday afternoon, your Aunt Yan showed your mother a live broadcast video. Mom found out that she was wrong. The video in the video is excellent. Mom is very proud of you. Mom is very happy to have a daughter like you!"

"I am ashamed to say that I have never watched your live broadcast before. On the contrary, Aunt Yan always pays attention to it. Mom will pay more attention to it in the future. Now Mom is a sweet fan of your live broadcast room~"

Yuan Lishu said seriously.

After listening to Yuan Li's words, Gu Yuxin was very moved and finally got the support of her parents. Gu Yuxin's tears fell like pearls.

Gu Yuxin hugged Yuan Lishu and cried coquettishly: "Ma'er, I know you are the best mother in the world!"

Yuan Lishu gently stroked Gu Yuxin's hair, thinking: In the blink of an eye, the little girl who only knew she was in her arms, has grown up now, and the years have gone by!

Yuan Lishu smiled and said, "Don't cry, you will break your eyes when you cry. It will be hard to see Fang Qi tomorrow!"

Gu Yuxin wiped her tears and said with a smile: "Fang Qi is not the kind of person who judges people by appearance!"

The mother and daughter talked and laughed for a long time.

When Yan Bingxue and Su Chen came back, the two little guys took a bath, put on their pajamas and lay on the bed obediently.

Tuantuan looked at Su Chen cutely and said, "Baba, you can tell me a story with Coco!"

Su Chen looked at Tuantuan He Lele tenderly and said, "Okay, um...Dad, let's tell Tuantuan He Lele the story of Monkey King!"

Tuantuan and Lele nodded expectantly and looked at Su Chen.

"The Monkey King is a Monkey King. He has no parents. He jumped out of a stone. Monkey King is very smart. Later he came to Bodhi Patriarch's school to learn spells. After learning, a somersault cloud can turn out 90,000. Inside~" Su Chen said softly, patting Tuantuan's quilt.

"Wow, Baba, Monkey King is so amazing, is he omnipotent?" Lele asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Sun Wukong can ascend to the nine heavens, and bravely enter the Temple of the King of Gods. Later, the Jade Emperor in the sky asked Sun Wukong to be an official!" Su Chen continued.

"Baba, Monkey King is so powerful, he can definitely be a high official, right?" Tuantuan asked with blinking eyes.

"Well... Sun Wukong also felt that he could be a high official, but the Jade Emperor appointed Sun Wukong as Bi Mawen!" Su Chen continued.

"What kind of official is Baba Killing Mawen, is that powerful?" Tuantuan asked puzzled.

"Bi Ma Wen is an official who manages the horses in the Heavenly Court!" Su Chen explained softly.

"Ah, isn't that a very small official? Monkey King is so miserable!" Tuantuan said regretfully.

"Yes, the Jade Emperor thought that Monkey King was too capable, and his personality was very free and easy, and he didn't follow the rules, so he gave Monkey King a very small official!" Su Chen said.

"The Jade Emperor is a man with a small belly and chicken intestines. Tuantuan doesn't like the Jade Emperor!" Tuantuan said unconvinced.

"Hahaha, Tuantuan now knows how to use idioms, small belly chicken intestines, good use. One time the Queen Mother of Heavenly Court held a flat peach meeting and invited all the gods in the Heavenly Court, but Sun Wukong was not invited!" Su Chen continued softly.

"The Queen Mother is also not good, Sun Wukong is also a god, and the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother didn't invite Monkey King~" Lele said uneasily.

" Sun Wukong was very angry when he heard the news, so he rioted at the Flat Peach Party, and the gods who had participated in the Queen Mother’s Flat Peach Party broke up unhappily, and he also took a lot of flat peaches. Little monkeys at Huaguo Mountain!" Su Chen continued.

"Then the Jade Emperor was very angry when he heard about this, so Monkey King made a noise in the sky..." Su Chen whispered.

He fell asleep while talking about Tuantuan and Lele.

"Good night, baby~" Su Chen said softly, and after speaking, Su Chen walked out of Tuan Tuan and Lele's room lightly.

"Are the two little guys asleep?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

"Tell me a story to them, and the two little guys fell asleep as they listened!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Husband, let's go to bed earlier too!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

It's another good night.


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