Published at 21st of December 2021 09:25:40 AM

Chapter 657: Tuantuan and Lele are si k

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Tang Shuyun doesn’t like to hear this sentence: “Are you your daughter’s father? Why are you so calm? The daughter who married out throws the water out. Your daughter will always be my daughter, whether you marry or not!” Tang Shuyun stated. His own thoughts said.

Yan Zhenwei persuaded, and told Tang Shuyun about the conversation with her daughter. Tang Shuyun calmed down when she heard that her daughter was going to make snacks for herself, and said, "You will make this kind of joke with me in the future, old Yan, I'm going to have your favorite tea set!"

"Don't don't don't, my dear wife, isn't this just to highlight the daughter's intentions for our two elders!"

Just such a pleasant weekend passed. One night Yan Bingxue suddenly received a notice from the company that an urgent document needs to be processed by Yan Bingxue, so Yan Bingxue was working late at night and was still working at the computer.

Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue's hard work and felt distressed. Yan Bingxue's character was always meticulous in his work, so Su Chen brought Yan Bingxue a supper.

"Wife, let's have something to eat. Seeing that you haven't eaten much for dinner, you must be hungry now!" Su Chen said softly with concern.

Yan Bingxue, looking at the bowl of steaming Chaos that Su Chen brought over, was really hungry, so Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "I'm really hungry, thank you husband!"

Yan Bingxue only noticed the time. It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Su Chen hadn't slept yet. He must be waiting for him. Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Husband, you go to bed first, I'll be fine soon!"

"Wife, I am waiting for you, just right, I will also take care of the work. How can I bear to ask my little wife to work overtime alone to make money? Why do you want my husband to accompany you!" Su Chen touched Yan Bingxue Said the head.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Yan Bingxue felt warm in her heart instantly, "Chaos is so delicious~" Thousands of words turned into chaos in her mouth.

"You like it!" After saying that, Su Chen began to work.

By the time Yan Bingxue finished the work, it was already 12:30, Yan Bingxue raised her neck and said in relief: "Finally finished!"

Yan Bingxue looked at the family portrait on the desk. Although she was busy until late, she was still very pleased because her family was by her side.

"Husband, let's go and see the two little guys. I wonder if they sleep honestly and don't know how to wear quilts?" Yan Bingxue worried.

"Lele shouldn't, Lele wants to be honest when she sleeps. Tuan Tuan sometimes kicks the quilt. Let's go take a look quietly!" Su Chen thought for a while and said that the two came to Tuan Tuan and Lele's room lightly. .

As soon as he entered the room, seeing Tuantuan kicking the quilt away, Su Chen gently covered Tuantuan's cup, thinking: As expected, Tuantuan was not sleeping honestly.

Su Chen leaned over to see how little beads of sweat appeared on the child's face, Su Chen noticed something was wrong, and touched his forehead, the little guy's forehead was quite hot. Su Chen burns Lele's forehead again, and the little guy's forehead is also quite hot.

Yan Bingxue looked at Su Chen with a worried look, and asked, "Husband, what's the matter?"

Su Chen said worriedly: "These two little guys may have a fever, and their foreheads are so hot! Wife, go get the thermometer!"

Yan Bingxue went to the medicine cabinet in a panic and found the thermometer for Su Chen, "Husband, here it is!"

Su Chen measured the temperature gun on the heads of the two little guys, Tuan Tuan 39.1 degrees Celsius; Lele 39 degrees Celsius. Why these two little guys suddenly got a high fever.

Yan Bingxue said with some worry: "Husband, what should I do now, do you want to send the two little guys to the hospital?"

Su Chen calmly said: "My wife, don't worry, children are weak in resistance. Fever is a normal illness. It should be that the temperature has cooled down these days, and the two little guys have caught cold. Let's take some anti-fever medicine and paste one. Try it hot!"

Su Chen held Yan Bingxue's hand and told Yan Bingxue, wife, don't worry, everything is mine!

Yan Bingxue listened to Su Chen's method. I found out Merrill Lynch and my antipyretic stickers. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue carefully put anti-heat stickers on Tuantuan and Lele.

Yan Bingxue woke up Tuan Tuan and Le Le softly: "Tuan Tuan, Le Le wake up, Dad will take medicine for you!"

Tuantuan rubbed his eyes and said weakly, "Baba Mama, I just dreamed that I was lost by myself. I can't find Baba Mama no matter how I look for it, Tuantuan is so scared!"

Yan Bingxue distressedly tried to remove the sweat on Tuantuan’s cheeks, and said softly, “Baba and Mama are right next to him. Mom and Dad won’t leave Tuantuan. Don’t worry, Tuantuan!”

"Come on, Tuantuan drink the shake medicine. Tuantuan will only have nightmares when he is sick. After drinking the medicine, he will not have nightmares when he recovers!" Su Chen said softly.

"Baba, I feel weak, am I sick?" Lele said weakly.

"It's okay Lele, get up and drink the medicine, and Lele will be healed after drinking the medicine and sleeping!" Su Chen said softly.

Lele obediently drank Merrill.

"Baba, you don't go!" Tuantuan awakened from his sleep, and said with some helplessness.

"Mom and dad won't leave, mom and dad are here to accompany Tuan Tuan and Lele! Tuan Tuan and Lele go to bed, sleep, and tomorrow will be fine!" Yan Bingxue said softly.

Looking at the haggard faces of the two little guys, feeling distressed, Yan Bingxue lightly patted the quilt of Tuan Tuan and Lele.

"My wife, don't worry, Tuantuan and Lele drink the medicine, and the fever should go away in an hour. If it doesn't work, I will take them to the hospital. The sky is falling and my husband is holding it!" Su Chen patted Yan Bingxue. Said the shoulder.

Yan Bingxue smiled comfortedly and looked at Su Chen.

The two of them stood guard by themselves. They gently wiped off the sweat from their bodies for Tuan Tuan and Lele. UU Reading changed their clothes to Tuan Tuan and Lele.

An hour was so long, watching Tuan Tuan and Le Le's hot body, Yan Bingxue and Su Chen felt as though they were stabbed by a knife.

Finally an hour passed, Tuantuan and Lele's bodies were no longer so hot, and the temperature gradually subsided.

Su Chen took out the temperature gun again to test: "Wife, Lele 38°C, Tuantuan 37.9°C, the high fever has subsided, and now there are some low fevers, but as long as the high fever subsides, it will gradually get better!" The stone finally fell in half.

Unknowingly, the clothes of the two little guys were soaked again, Yan Bingxue brought two clean clothes, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue put on Tuantuan and Lele.

Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue's black eyes and said, "My wife, go and rest, I'm here!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "It's okay, husband, I can!"


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