Published at 21st of December 2021 09:25:16 AM

Chapter 674: This is someone else’s brother, right?

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"Baba, I... I haven't said what it is yet?" Tuantuan said, somewhat uneasy after being guessed carefully.

"Then let Dad guess, does Tuantuan want to say if I can buy you a small basket of snacks?" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuantuan was shocked suddenly, why do I know what Baba I said? Does Baba know how to read mind?

Tuantuan nodded in embarrassment, her face was red, really like an apple!

"Baba, how do you know everything?" Tuantuan said with a small mouth.

"Hahaha, because Baba has a small roundworm in Tuantuan's belly!" Su Chen said seriously.

Yan Bingxue thought to herself: I didn't expect that her husband could use such a serious tone to debate the most infinite words in a serious manner.

"Well, but my mother thought of a way for Tuantuan~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Mama, what are you going to say?" Tuantuan said, looking at Yan Bingxue with joy, looking forward to it.

"Um...that is, Tuantuan has to abandon some snacks in the basket, and then leave room for the snacks you want to buy, so that Tuantuan can continue to buy it?" Yan Bingxue said gently.

"Um... let Tuantuan take a look!" Tuantuan squatted down and carefully screened the snacks in the basket.

"Well, I want this meat!"

"I like this French fries so much, you can't get rid of it!"

"I like this hawthorn slice so much, I can't put it back!"

"I like this dried mango too, I want to hold it!"

Finally, after some screening, Tuantuan feels that every snack is the essence and can't give up.

"Baba is numb, Tuantuan feels that every snack in the basket is something Tuantuan loves to eat, and Tuantuan doesn't want to put it back!" Tuantuan said aggrievedly, pouting his mouth.

"Well...If that's the case, then mother can't help it~" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Just when Tuan Tuan felt that the hills and water were all in doubt, Lele gave Tuan Tuan Liu An Hua Ming another village.

"Tuan Tuan, do you still want to buy snacks?" Lele asked with a smile.

"Hmm!" Tuantuan said, looking at Lele sincerely.

"There is a way!" Lele said with a smile.

"Heh, what can you do?" Tuantuan asked with a surprised expression.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue looked at the two little guys quietly. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue didn’t know what Lele could do. Even if the two little cuties asked for an extra basket at the same time, neither did Su Chen and Yan Bingxue. Will compromise.

"Look, isn't the giggling basket full?" Lele said, raising the small basket in front of Tuan Tuan.

"Hey, do you want to use your basket for me?" Tuantuan said happily.

"Yeah, I should treat my sister well!" Lele said very seriously. When Lele said those words again, it seemed as if a ray of light was shining on Lele's body, at that moment Lele was dumbfounded!

"You are so kind!" Tuantuan said happily.

"Because you are my sister!" Lele said as expected.

Tuantuan was ecstatic, and thought to himself: Being a giggle sister is really the happiest thing in the world!

"What do you want to eat, tell it, and put it in the basket for you!" Lele said very aggressively.

"Hmm~" Tuantuan replied happily.

"Baba and I will go to choose snacks~" Tuantuan said triumphantly.

"Good!" Yan Bingxue said with a gentle smile.

Lelehe Tuantuan went to the front to choose snacks.

"Hey, that's it, Tuantuan wants to eat this small can of Yangzhi Nectar!" Tuantuan said, pointing to the can of Yangzhi Nectar on the shelf.

"Okay, give it to you!" Lele said with a smile.

"Hee hee, thank you!" Tuantuan said with great joy.

Tuantuan and Lele continued to buy snacks in front of them, "Cuckold and I like this too!" Tuantuan said, looking at the snacks with beaming eyes.

"Then take this one too!" Lele said with a smile.

Seeing the two little guys performing a sibling scene, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled.

"Husband, you think the relationship between Tuantuan and Lele is really good!" Yan Bingxue sighed.

"Yes, when I looked at them, I thought of Fang Qi. I am an only child and have no brothers or sisters. Although Fang Qi and I are not brothers and sisters, they are better than brothers. When we were young, we have to share something delicious!" Su Chen sighed with a smile.

"Yes, I also suddenly remembered Yuxin. I had no other brothers and sisters when I was young, but Yuxin and I, although not sisters, are closer than our sisters! We go to school together, play games together, Growing up..." Yan Bingxue recalled.

"Then they came together, do you think it's fateful!" Su Chen said with a smile on his aunt.

"Hahaha, so fate is also a very wonderful thing!" Yan Bingxue exclaimed for the fate between Fang Qi and Gu Yuxin.

"Just miss me and you, when I first met you..." Su Chen said with a smirk.

"Husband, stop, stop, stop talking!" Yan Bingxue's face instantly turned into a bright cloud and said.

"What's wrong, wife, you're embarrassed!" Su Chen asked.

"Husband, still say it!" Yan Bingxue said weakly in the firmest words.

"Fine, I won't say anything!" Su Chen was forced to end the conversation.

"Oh, my husband, the two little guys, Tuantuan and Lele, don’t know where they are going. The two little guys disappeared as soon as they talked. Let’s go look for it!" Yan Bingxue hurriedly crossed the topic. road.

Yan Bingxue took the lead in Su Chen and went to the front.

"Wife, these two little guys are clever, don't worry!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue didn't want to hear what Su Chen said. She just pretended that she didn't hear what Su Chen was saying, so she walked forward and hurriedly fled the scene.

Looking at Yan Bingxue's graceful back, Su Chen suddenly thought of the night when she first met Yan Bingxue...

"Little guy, have you chosen the snacks?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

"Um... almost!" Tuantuan said with a Tuantuan, your strength should not be underestimated, now you will fill up your brother's small basket too! "Su Chen said with a smile.

"Oh, Baba, but Tuantuan has so many snacks that he wants to eat!" Tuantuan said excitedly.

"Okay, you brother and sister can discuss it, but if you say it, you can buy it back, and you can't eat more for a day~ You can only eat snacks on the premise of obediently eating!" Su Chen said with a smile .

"Hmm~ Tuantuan knows!" Tuantuan nodded excitedly.

"Lele knows too!" Lele smiled and nodded.

"Also, brush your teeth in time after eating snacks, especially at night, you must not eat snacks~" Yan Bingxue emphasized.

"Yeah, Tuantuan remembers it!" Tuantuan can't wait for his snacks.


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