Published at 21st of December 2021 09:25:02 AM

Chapter 685: ? Ea h ba k to ea h house

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Yan Bingxue took a look at it and the effect was really good!

Gu Yuxin and Yuan Lishu walked over, and when they saw the shoes that Yan Bingxue tried, they all bluntly said that the upper body of the shoes looks very good, "Ice and Snow, these shoes are very beautiful and delicate!" Yuan Lishu praised.

"Yes, this pair of shoes with your two-meter long legs is absolutely amazing, absolutely possible!" Gu Yuxin said with a smile.

"One meter two is an exaggeration, Yuxin!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

My best friend is too good at talking.

"Well...Anyway...That's what I meant anyway!" Gu Yuxin said with a smile.

"Miss, you are really beautiful with these shoes, and this is the last pair in our shop, do you want to consider taking it away?" The shopping guide said with a last wave of help.

Yan Bingxue accepted it with a smile, and said, "Okay, let's have these pairs!"

"But miss, there is one thing that needs to be emphasized to you in advance, because this shoe is made of cats, so it can't get wet, you need to pay attention when you wear it!" The shopping guide lady warmly reminded.

"Okay, thank you!" Yan Bingxue replied politely.

Yan Bingxue saw Tang Shuyun picking on the shoe rack on the right, and walked over and asked: "Mom, do you like it?"

Tang Shuyun shook his head and said, "I didn't see the style I particularly wanted!"

"Mom, I think there are a few pairs over there that are not bad, they should be suitable for you, Aunt Yuan, would you like to go and have a look, they are also suitable for you?" Yan Bingxue asked gently.

Tang Shuyun and Yuan Lishu looked at each other and nodded.

Gu Yuxin saw the shoes recommended by Yan Bingxue and said, "Wow, Bingxue, these shoes are very beautiful, very suitable for mom and aunt, I believe you are right!"

"Mom, do you like it?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

"Um...try this pair!" Tang Shuyun said, pointing to a pair of black velvet high heels.

"I think this pair is also very good, let me try this one!" Yuan Lishu said with a smile.

"Are these two pairs? What size are you wearing, I'll find it for you!" The shopping guide asked with a smile.

"We all wear size 36!" Tang Shuyun replied.

"Shuyun, you are very careful, you remember it!" Yuan Lishu said in surprise.

"I've been an old friend for decades, I must remember it!" Tang Shuyun replied naturally.

Yuan Lishu smiled happily.

The shopping guide took out all the shoes and was about to try them for Yuan Lishu and Tang Shuyun.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Hello, let's come, Mom, I'll put on shoes for you!"

"Mom, let me change your shoes today, um... Just like on Mother's Day when I was a child, the teacher asks every child to wash their mother's feet, okay?" Gu Yuxin said with a smile.

Tang Shuyun and Yuan Lishu smiled happily, looking at their daughter very happy.

Yan Bingxue and Gu Yuxin put on shoes for Tang Shuyun and Yuan Lishu respectively.

"Look, are you satisfied?" Yan Bingxue said while looking at Tang Shuyun with a smile.

"Satisfied, satisfied! Hello, just this pair!" Tang Shuyun bought it without saying a word. Naturally, I can’t go wrong with the shoes my daughter chose herself and put on herself again.

"Hello, I want this pair too!" Yuan Lishu said with a smile while looking at the shoes with satisfaction.

"Okay!" The shopping guide said happily.

The shopping guide took the shoes and walked to the cashier with a look of joy, and said: "These pairs are all for the guests!"

The lady cashier smiled and said, "It's okay to harvest tonight!"

The shopping guide lady said softly: "It's okay, it's okay, I won't tell you, I'm going to take care of my customers!"

Tang Shuyun, Yuan Lishu, Yan Bingxue, Gu Yuxin walked out of the shoe store after buying shoes.

It was already half past nine in the evening when I came out of the shoe store. The mall will close in half an hour, and the four are about to go home.

After shopping for one night, the four of them gained a lot and were tired. Although Gu Yuxin wanted to drive everyone back, she had more than enough energy. At this time, I can only seek foreign aid.

"I'm really tired from walking. I'm very tired now. Although I want to send all of them back, I have more than enough energy to do it! But I thought of a good way!" Gu Yuxin said with a smile.

"What's the solution?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

"That is to seek foreign aid, you can find your Su Chen to pick you up, and send Aunt Tang by the way!" Gu Yuxin smiled evilly.

Gu Yuxin pointed at herself and said shyly: "What about me~ I'll find our house, Aqi, to deliver it, and then send my mother back!"

"Okay, I think you already have a countermeasure, do you want your Archie to pick you up?" Yan Bingxue teased.

"Um...half and half, but to be honest, I'm really tired, and I've exhausted my energy tonight!" Gu Yuxin pouted, blinking her beautiful eyes like Yan Bingxue coquettishly.

"Okay, my Miss Gu! Then let's call separately!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue and Gu Yuxin called at the same time, and Yan Bingxue's call was connected first.

"Hey, husband, what are you doing?" Yan Bingxue asked gently.

"I'm bringing the Tuan Tuan and Le Le Lego!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

"Then come and pick me up. Yuxin drove me to the mall, but now we are tired from shopping. Yuxin said that we should find foreign aid and go back to each house, so..." Yan Bingxue hinted .

"Okay, my husband understands, my husband will drive over right away, you and mom are waiting there! My husband will definitely appear in front of you within half an hour!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Okay!" Yan Bingxue smiled happily.

Yan Bingxue smiled and hung up.

Here Gu Yuxin is energizing Fang Qi.

"Hey, Archie? Are you working overtime today?" Gu Yuxin asked Xiaoniao Yiren.

"I get off work early today, UU reading is at home!" Fang Qi replied with a smile.

"Then do you have time to come and pick me up? My mother and I are in the mall and Bingxue and Aunt Tang are here. I drove over today, but I am too tired now!" Gu Yuxin said softly.

"Of course, your boyfriend will come over immediately and send me the location!" Fang Qi said with a smile.

"Okay, my dear boyfriend, waiting for you to come over~" Gu Yuxin said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue heard Gu Yuxin's words, and she smiled unconsciously.

It happened that Yan Bingxue heard this conversation. Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Yuxin, when has such a little bird been such a good-for-nothing?"

"Bingxue, you laughed at me again!" Gu Yuxin said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm not kidding, sit down and have a sip of tea!" Yan Bingxue said quickly with a smile.


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