Published at 21st of December 2021 09:24:41 AM

Chapter 698: 1 round made by Su hen

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The latest website: "Are you memorizing poems? What poems are you memorizing? Give it to Ma Ma, okay grandma listen to it?" Yan Bingxue said in surprise.

"Hmm~" Tuantuan and Lele nodded with a smile, and then began to endorse.

"The jasper jade makeup is one tree high, and ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down!"


The two little guys Tuantuan and Lele shook their heads and shook their heads on their backs.

The appearance of the two little guys endorsing is very interesting, "Grandma thinks Tuan Tuan and Le Le Lang are the best sounds in the world." Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

"Hee hee, thank you grandma for the compliment! Grandma said that Baba Mama has read a lot of books, and she wants Tuan Tuan and Lele to cheer and read a lot of books. In the future, she will be as good as Baba Mama!" Tuan Tuan opened a pair. Shui Lingling looked at Tang Shuyun and Yan Bingxue with eyes.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Tuan and Lele have to work hard. People used to study in Han Chuang for ten years, but now we have to study for 16 years~ Can Tuan Tuan and Lele persist?" Tang Shuyun continued to ask.

"Lele is not afraid, Lele likes to read, there is a lot of knowledge in the book~" Lele said excitedly.

"Good!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

"Come on, sit down and drink a glass of water!" Lin Xiu greeted enthusiastically.

"Thank you!" Tang Shuyun replied.

Although Tang Shuyun and Lin Xiu don't get along much, they are very similar in temperament.

"Ma Ma, Tuan Tuan and Lele want to play with Qiuqiu!" Lele said excitedly.

"Okay, be careful not to fall, don't play outside for too long, it's cold outside!" Yan Bingxue reminded.

"Don't forget to put on your hat and gloves before going out!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Lin Xiu put a fluffy hat and a pair of gloves on the two little guys. The two little guys put them on very cooperatively, "Go, remember to come back early~" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Hmm~" Tuantuan and Lele nodded excitedly. The ball on the hat also nodded.

"Ma Ma, grandma, grandma, let's go out to play~" Lele said with joy.

"Good!" Yan Bingxue nodded and said.

The two little guys went out with a group. As soon as the ball went out, it ran quickly in the yard. Neither Tuan Tuan nor Lele could catch the ball.

Yan Bingxue, Lin Xiu and Tang Shuyun chatted for a long time in the living room.

Say it's too late, then it's fast, and it will soon be Wednesday.

Sure enough, the Su family called on that day, saying that Grandpa Su was sick.

Lin Xiu was anxious when he heard the news.

Su Chen suggested: "Mom, or let's go to the Imperial Capital! I don't know what is going on with Grandpa now, and I can't explain it on the phone!"

Lin Xiu nodded, agreed, and said anxiously: "Okay, let's go back and have a look!"

So the family rushed to the imperial capital in a hurry. After arriving in the imperial capital, the family went straight to the Su family.

Making a play is not a complete set, and Father Su thought that Su Chen and his party were only here at night. Unexpectedly, the afternoon would be here, and at this time, Grandpa Su was drinking tea with Grandpa Second.

Su Chen sent a message: Grandpa, we will be there soon, you are ready!

When he received the news, Mr. Su quickly put away the tea set and lay on the bed.

Lin Xiu in the car said anxiously, "Dad, how come I get sick?"

Su Haoqian calmed Lin Xiu's emotions and said, "Maybe I am getting older, there is always one suffering from three illnesses and nine pains. It shouldn't be a serious illness!"

Su Haoqian couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy. He didn't expect that Lin Xiu could really care about her father so much regardless of the predecessors.

Upon arriving at Su's house, Su Chen and his party quickly arrived at the residence of Old Su's residence.

Lin Xiu knocked on the door lightly, and Mrs. Su came out to open the door.

"Axiu, Hao Qian, you are here!" Old lady Su said with restraint with joy.

Lin Xiu asked in person: "Dad, are you okay?"

Mrs. Su said: "It's okay, your dad is old and his body is a little uncomfortable!"

"What did the doctor say?" Lin Xiu asked with concern.

"The doctor... the doctor said..." Mrs. Su didn't respond a little bit.

At this time, Grandpa Su sat up and said, "It's okay, I know my body is just a little sick! I didn't expect you all to come here, Lin Xiu, thank you!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Dad, don't be like this, it's all a family!"

Elder Su smiled moved.

"I'm much better already, it's okay, you guys go take a rest first, and run over as soon as you get out of the car!" Grandpa Su said, beckoning his hands.

"Did the doctor prescribe medicine?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Oh... the medicine... the medicine has been taken, it's okay!" Grandpa Su said with a smile.

Seeing that Grandpa Su is in better condition, there should be no major incidents, Lin Xiu was relieved.

"Let's go back first, and let Dad take a rest!" Su Haoqian patted Lin Xiu's shoulder and said.

Lin Xiu nodded and went out.

When he went out, Su Chen had one hand behind him, and gave old Su and Mrs. Su a thumbs up.

After Lin Xiu and his party went out, Grandpa Su was truly relieved.

"Finally, there is no danger!" Elder Su said with a sigh of relief.

"Father, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good!" Mrs. Su joked with a smile.

"Hahaha, mean it!" Old Su said with a smile.

"Would you like to let the family doctor show Dad again? I still don't worry!" Lin Xiu said anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Su Haoqian said.

"The old man's affairs are never trivial, do you think Dad is getting older, and then..." Lin Xiu said with concern.

"No, no, let's go take a look!" Lin Xiu said anxiously.

Upon seeing this, Su Haoqian had to confess everything to Lin Xiu.

"Axiu, let me confess to you!" Su Haoqian grabbed Lin Xiu and said.

"Old Su, what do you mean by what you said, and what confession?" Lin Xiu asked Su Haoqian in a puzzled way of the preface.

"Sit down and drink some to me telling you!" Su Haoqian poured a sip of water on Lin Xiu and said.

"Isn't tomorrow your birthday? Then I discussed with the children about hosting a grand birthday banquet for you in the Imperial Capital. This made Dad pretend to be sick, so that I could surprise you on the birthday!" Su Haoqian slowly said .

Lin Xiu was surprised that it turned out to be this way, no wonder the children seemed a little strange these days, it turned out to be so!

"But it seems that I can only confess right now, but Dad is really cooperating very hard this time!" Su Haoqian said.

"Old Su, I really didn't expect it. You and the children have been handling my birthday banquet these days. I said you always avoid me these days!" Lin Xiu suddenly realized that she was moved. Said.

"I'm very happy that you and the children are so caring about my birthday!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"But it seems that this surprise was exposed in advance by me!" Su Haoqian said with some self-blame.


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