Published at 21st of December 2021 09:24:18 AM

Chapter 715: ?Su hen and Yan Bingxue go out for missions

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"Then Bingxue and I are ready to take pictures tomorrow!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su nodded with a smile, "Okay!" Mrs. Su replied.

Everyone is happily looking forward to tomorrow's shooting.

"Baaba, can Tuantuan wear nice clothes again tomorrow?" Tuantuan said expectantly.

"Of course, um... what color skirt does Tuantuan want to wear tomorrow?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

Tuantuan thought for a while and said, "Um... Tuantuan wants to wear a little pink skirt, just that kind of tutu!"

"Okay, tomorrow Mom and Dad will prepare beautiful little skirts for Tuantuan!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Parents, grandparents, do you have any requirements for costumes?" Yan Bingxue asked carefully.

"Parents, let's use cheongsam as the theme, OK? Cheongsam is a special beauty of the East!" Yan Bingxue suggested.

"Yes, Bingxue, the cheongsam is very good!" Mrs. Su said with a smile.

"Yeah, cheongsam is fine!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Good!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Husband, shall we go and have a look now? I just have time now!" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

"Okay!" Su Chen nodded and said.

Su Chen considered that everyone was tired from climbing today, so he wanted Tuan Tuan and Le Le to stay at home to rest. Wait a minute and Yan Bingxue will go out to prepare for tomorrow's shooting.

"Tuan Tuan, Lele, do you play with your grandparents and grandparents at home, okay? Dad and mom are going out for something!" Su Chen asked.

"Um... well, Baba and Mama have to come back soon~" Lele said with a smile while looking at Yan Bingxue and Su Chen seriously.

"Okay, Baba Mama must be back soon!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Then Mom and Dad are gone~"

"Parents, grandparents, let's go!"

Su Chen said.

Old man Su, Mrs. Su and Lin Xiu, Su Haoqian nodded. Lin Xiu said, "Okay!"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue were about to go out, and Tuan Tuan and Le Le Mu delivered to the door and said, "Goodbye, Baba, Ma Ma!"

Yan Bingxue gently patted the heads of the two little guys and said, "Goodbye, Tuan Tuan and Lele have to be good at home~"

Tuan Tuan He Le Le nodded seriously.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue went out. Because Su Chen drank some alcohol when they were in the restaurant, they asked the driver to drive out.

Yan Bingxue looked at several famous photo studios in Beijing on her mobile phone, and her keen business acumen quickly selected the best photo studio.

"Husband, shall we go to this photo studio?" Yan Bingxue asked.

"Okay, listen to your wife!" Su Chen replied.

So Yan Bingxue told the driver the location, and the driver escorted them past.

Yan Bingxue teased, "Husband, what do you mean by your wife? I am not a strict wife!"

"But my wife, my husband is very willing to be a strict wife~ My wife is so good, my husband is very proud!" Su Chen took Yan Bingxue's hand.

The driver looked at Yan Bingxue and Su Chen who were flirting in front and laughed unconsciously.

"Husband~" Yan Bingxue said shyly.

Yan Bingxue looked to the front.

The driver said wittily: "Young boss, madam, you treat me as a transparent person, and I'm happy to be a big light bulb!"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue looked at each other with a smile, and soon came to the photo studio.

The photo studio saw an outlet car coming from a distance, and thought: This must be a big customer.

The owner of the photo studio reminded the staff: "All give me a boost. If you have a guest, you can't slack off!"

The employees smiled and nodded, then returned to their jobs. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue got out of the car and walked into the photo studio.

"Hello, welcome, do you need anything?" a waiter asked enthusiastically.

"Hello, we want to take a family portrait tomorrow!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Sir, madam, do you mean it? This..." The waiter was speechless for a while, and the waiter saw that the schedule for tomorrow was full.

"What's wrong, is there any problem tomorrow?" Yan Bingxue asked politely.

At this time, the manager of the photo studio came over and said with a warm smile: "No problem, no problem, what time do you come by tomorrow, here we will prepare a set of family portrait packages for you!"

"That's great, let's be around nine o'clock tomorrow morning!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem!" The manager said with a smile.

The manager winked at the waiter, when the waiter poured a glass of water over.

"Come on, sit here, let's make sure of tomorrow's clothes first!" The manager said with a smile.

"Good!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"May I have your last name?" the manager asked politely.

"Su!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

The surname of "Su", the surname of Su in the imperial capital, and the person who can open the outlets, is undoubtedly the upper three "Su family" in the imperial capital.

The manager is very excited and can receive Su's house.

The manager enthusiastically introduced Yan Bingxue and Su Chen to the categories of family portraits.

"Excuse me, how many people are you, and how many generations?" the manager asked with a smile.

"12 people! Four generations!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

"Four generations, four generations under one roof, good intentions, our store recently launched a new photo package, the theme happens to be four generations under one roof, I think you can take a look first!" the manager introduced.

The manager turned to the event page of the four generations and said, "There are several series of clothing on this theme. You can take a look at the clothing in this store. They are all co-branded and high-set. You can choose with confidence!"

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue began to choose, and the last two tacitly fell in love with a family portrait with "lan" as the main element, and the two said silently, "This!"

The manager smiled and said: "You two really have a tacit understanding!"

Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue and smiled: "Thank you!"

"By the way, has anyone photographed this costume?" Su Chen asked.

"Not yet. This is a new set of themes from our one has come to book it yet!" The manager said with a smile.

"Then manager, can I buy out the clothing copyright of this theme!" Su Chen asked.

"Do you mean you want to buy out this theme?" the manager asked in surprise.

"Yes, please tell me how much!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen thought to himself: The first time I take a family portrait with my family, I must choose a unique one, so Su Chen decided to buy Tata. With this theme, this set of clothing belongs to Su Chen.

This makes the manager a bit embarrassed. After all, this is a new theme, and the studio is trying to use this theme as the main theme of the season. But who was coming from the Su family, the manager finally agreed, and gave a more authentic price.

The task of dress and theme is finally determined, and the work is over.

(End of this chapter)


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