Published at 21st of December 2021 09:24:05 AM

Chapter 725: ? We and you together

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Soon it’s time for lunch, and Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are going to cook today for everyone.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue first came to the supermarket to buy fresh ingredients.

The two little guys, Tuantuan and Lele, clamored to go to the supermarket to buy groceries with Su Chen and Yan Bingxue. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue had no choice but to bring these two little guys.

"Little guys, say yes, today is to accompany mom and dad out to buy groceries~ Mom and dad won't buy snacks for Tuan Tuan and Lele~" Su Chen reminded.

When the two little guys heard Su Chen's words, they still wanted to go without hesitation. "Well, Baba Ma Ma, we will only accompany you to buy vegetables, we will not buy snacks!" Tuantuan promised.

"Really?" Su Chen asked back.

Tuantuan nodded with a pair of sincere eyes, "Tuan Tuan He, I just want to go shopping with Baba Ma Ma!" The two little guys Tuantuan and Lele simply couldn't stay at home, so naturally they wanted to catch it. Live all the opportunities to go out.

Tuan Tuan and Lele don't care where they go, they mainly go outside, and Tuan Tuan and Lele will be very excited.

"Well then, Tuan Tuan Le Le puts on the down jacket and prepare to go out!" Yan Bingxue pointed to Tuan Tuan and Le Le's down jacket on the sofa and said.

Tuantuan and Lele put on down jackets obediently, and the two little guys followed Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

"Let's go!" Yan Bingxue said after changing his shoes and carrying a bag.

"Go, go!" Tuantuan He Lele said with a smile.

Su Chen drove Tuantuan and Lele to the supermarket.

When they came to the supermarket, Tuantuan and Lele took the lead in launching two big carts, "Baba and Ma, here you are!" Lele and Tuantuan said two little guys pushing two carts.

Yan Bingxue and Su Chen smiled and said, "Tuan Tuan, Lele, Mom and Dad just need a cart!"

"But, Tuantuan and Lele want to... want to... sit inside, just like that kid!" Tuantuan pouted his mouth and pointed at a kid who came from a distance. The kid was sitting in the cart and smiling happily.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue turned their heads and saw that they knew why the two little guys were so active.

Do you push one or two back? Needless to say, of course two are pushed.

Tuantuan and Lele sat in Su Chen's cart and Yan Bingxue's cart. Tuan Tuan He Le Le smiled happily.

"Baba rushes towards the duck!" Lele excitedly raised a small hand and pinched his small fist and said excitedly.

"Chong Chong Chong!" Su Chen smiled bitterly.

Su Chen and Yan Ni Bingxue pushed the cart to the supermarket. The second floor of the supermarket specializes in buying fresh products. The supermarket is bustling with hustle and bustle. There are office workers who take advantage of the big weekend to collect things, there are moms who run around in the supermarket on time every day, and some young people come out to buy ingredients on weekends. Prepare Chinese food.

"Baba, Baba, let's buy meat first!" Tuantuan said excitedly.

"Tuan Tuan, or let's go buy green vegetables first!" Su Chen teased deliberately.

"No, no, baba, let's buy meat first, otherwise the delicious meat will be picked up by other uncles and aunts, grandparents!" Tuantuan muttered earnestly.

"However, Qingcai will also be picked away by other uncles and aunts!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"That...that...but...but..." Tuantuan hesitated to speak.

Tuantuan thought of a way, "Baba Mama, you put me and Guck down, Guck and I go to choose meat, you and Mama go to choose dishes, okay?"

"So?" Su Chen said with a smile, and looked at each other with Yan Bingxue.

Su Chen finally compromised and said: "Well, then, let's go buy meat with Lele, and my mother and I will go shopping for vegetables!"

Tuan Tuan and Le Yue got on and off the train.

Tuantuan and Lele pushed the cart and walked to the meat-selling area. In the butcher counter, a long and sturdy uncle who is about forty years old is sharpening a knife. Many uncles and aunts, grandparents and grandparents are choosing meat.

"Husband, do you think Tuantuan and Lele can buy a good piece of meat?" Yan Bingxue said with some uncertainty and some worry.

Su Chen smiled seriously and told Yan Bingxue, "My wife, don't worry, my husband believes they can!"

"Really?" Yan Bingxue was still a little uncertain, so Yu Guang kept looking at Tuantuan and Lele.

Tuantuan and Lele are too short to see the meat on the chopping board.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le turned their heads, just to meet Yan Bingxue's eyes.

Tuantuan and Lele beckoned Yan Bingxue to come and help!

Yan Bingxue walked over and said with a smile: "Ma Ma, take me up so I can see the flesh on it!"

Yan Bingxue thought that Tuan Tuan and Lele couldn't deal with it, so she asked her for help, because she wanted to see the meat on the chopping board more intuitively.

"Okay, Ma Ma, go and buy meat with Baba!" Lele said confidently.

"Okay!" Yan Bingxue stepped back and walked to Su Chen.

"What's the matter, two little guys?" Su Chen asked after choosing the dishes.

"Nothing, Tuantuan asked me to hold her up, and then let me come back!" Yan Bingxue was a little confused because of Tuantuan's sudden self-confidence.

"Hahaha, wife, let's choose our dishes at ease!" Su Chen smiled.

"Wife, what do you think of this dish?" Su Chen asked.

At this time, Yan Bingxue's focus was not on the dishes, but on the two little guys. Yan Bingxue said casually: "Good... good!"

Su Chen shook his head and thought: This dish is not fresh anymore, and his wife said it was okay. As expected, she was still worried about Tuantuan and Lele.

Tuantuan and Lele choose dishes on the cart, and the other is holding the handle of the cart.

The aunts next to him saw Tuan Tuan and Lele and felt quite curious.

" Did you buy the meat yourself? Why didn't you come with your parents?" An aunt asked enthusiastically.

"We will buy meat ourselves!" Tuantuan said confidently.

"Children, do you buy meat when you look like you're only three or four years old?" Auntie was a little disbelief.

Tuan Tuan heard the aunt's tone and thought: Grandma didn't believe me, Tuan Tuan and Orchestra will prove it to you.

"Uncle wants this piece of meat for me!" Tuantuan said, pointing to a good piece of pork hind leg.

The big fifteen who bought meat at the counter asked in amazement: "It's not easy for the kid, I chose the best hind leg meat as soon as I selected it!"

Tuantuan smiled happily.

The aunt next to her also showed a surprised look. It seems that the children are not easy, the aunt thought.

"I want it all, or what?" the uncle asked.

Tuantuan rescued her brother Lele, "Hey, how much meat do you buy?"

"Two catties!" Lele smiled and compared it.

"Two catties!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Okay!" The uncle weighed two catties of meat for Tuantuan, no more, no more, just two catties on the scale.

The strongest dad: Signed 100 million at the start! Latest chapter address: https://

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