Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:51 AM

Chapter 735: ? It's never too late

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   "Okay, please wait a moment, I'll pick it up!" The shopping guide said with a smile.

  The shopping guide lady took out the suit, and Tuantuan and the shopping guide walked in front of Su Chen and Su Haoqian, "Grandpa, try this suit, look good~" Lele said with blinking big eyes.

   Su Haoqian smiled and replied: "Okay, grandpa go try it!"

Su Haoqian went to the dressing room and changed into his suit. As soon as he walked out, Lele patted his little hand and said, "This suit is really good-looking for grandpa!" Lele turned his head and looked at Su Chen expectantly and asked, "Baba, Are you right?"

   Su Chen smiled and said, "Yeah, it fits well! Dad, what do you think?"

   Su Haoqian looked in the mirror and buttoned the buttons on the sleeves of his suit. Su Haoqian looked at it and thought: The size is quite suitable, the fabric is also very good, the color is also very attractive on close inspection, and it is a very good piece of clothing.

   Su Haoqian smiled and praised: "Lele, I don’t think you know how to choose clothes, this is very suitable!"

   Su Haoqian looked at Lele with satisfaction, Lele was extremely happy.

   "Grandpa, why don't you wear this one! Lele sees all the suits, this one is the most suitable for grandpa, and the most handsome!" Lele said with a triumphant smile.

   "Mr. Su, your grandson has a good vision. This dress really calls you! Both the version and the color are suitable!" The shopping guide said with a smile.

   Su Haoqian readily decided: "Okay, this is the one!"

   Soon the three of them chose the clothes. Su Haoqian asked a little curiously: "You said your mother did they choose the clothes?"

   Su Chen shook his head, and said with a smile: "I think it's not 80%. The wedding dress is more difficult to try than a suit, and there are many styles. I think Bingxue is trying with her mom now!"

   Lele shrugged and shook her head, but she complained lovingly, "Ah, girl paper is trouble!"

   Su Chen and Su Haoqian smiled openly.

   Su Haoqian smiled and looked at Lele’s little slippery head and said: "Lele, be careful not to find a girlfriend in the future~"

   Lele don’t go over, and said confidently: “I’m not looking for a girlfriend, Lele has a younger sister and Ma Ma!”

   Su Chen and Su Haoqian laughed, and Su Chen replied: "Well, good, mother and sister will be fine, then let's go find our mother and sister!"

   Lele nodded with joy.

   The three people came to the wedding dress area. At this time, Yan Bingxue was helping Lin Xiu to change the wedding dress, sitting in a seat sipping juice and waiting boredly for Yan Bingxue and Lin Xiu.

Seeing Su Chen, Su Haoqian and Lele walked over. Tuantuan immediately jumped out of the chair and walked to the front of Su Chen with a smile. He hugged Su Chen's thigh and said, "Baba, here you are, grandpa, giggles. You are here too!"

   Su Chen gently touched Tuantuan’s hair and asked, “Tuantuan, how did you try with your grandma and mother?”

   Tuantuan sighed for a long time and said, “Mama is still trying on the wedding dress for grandma, um...I have tried this one, and this one has this one!” Tuantuan pointed to the three wedding dresses beside her.

   Tuantuan continued: "But, Ma Ma said that she wants grandma to try one more, because I only take a wedding photo once in my life!"

   Su Chen and Su Haoqian nodded in agreement, "It's only once, really have to try it!" Su Haoqian sighed.

   There is only one love in a lifetime. Wearing a wedding dress once, what a beautiful love story. This is a love story that belongs to parents, and it is also a love story that belongs to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue.

   Su Chen hugged Tuan Tuan, Lele sat next to him, Su Haoqian sat opposite, and the four waited for Yan Bingxue and Lin Xiu to come out.

   Su Haoqian kept rubbing his palms, filled with expectation and tension. After getting along for so many years, I have never seen my wife put on a wedding dress and stand in front of him. What does it look like when my wife puts on a wedding dress?

   Su Haoqian fumbled for the water glass in his hand, not forgetting whether he looked up at the fitting room.

   Su Chen wiped out Su Haoqian's micro movements. Su Chen looked at Su Haoqian with joy in his heart. Su Chen smiled and said, "Dad, I think Mom must be beautiful in her wedding dress!"

   Su Haoqian smiled and replied: "Your mother..." Before the words were finished, Yan Bingxue opened the curtain, and Lin Xiu was standing in front of Su Haoqian in a white wedding dress.

   Su Haoqian stared at Su Haoqian in a bright wedding dress. Su Haoqian sat in the position with a water glass and stared for a while, Lele patted Su Haoqian's clothes and shouted: "Grandpa, grandpa~"

   Su Haoqian just reacted, put down the water cup, stood up, and asked with joy, "Grandpa, do you think grandma looks good in this wedding dress?"

   Su Haoqian looked at Lin Xiuzhi with surprise on his face and boasted: "Good-looking, good-looking!"

   Yan Bingxue stood beside Su Chen, Lin Xiu smiled and looked at Su Haoqian. Su Haoqian kept looking at Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu felt embarrassed.

   Lin Xiu said with a smile: "Old Su, for so many years, you haven't seen me like you, look at you, am I so excited when I wear a wedding dress?"

   Su Haoqian replied affirmatively: "Of course, as for Axiu's wedding dress, I should have given it to you 24 years ago! It's so beautiful!"

   Yan Bingxue walked to Lin Xiu's side and said with a smile: "Dad, it's not too late now! The timing is just right! Well...just to celebrate your twenty-four years of marriage!"

   Su Chen said with a smile: "Yes, Dad, Mom is still the same as when I was a kid, it looks good, it's not too late, it's not too late!"

   Su Haoqian smiled and said, "Smelly boy, just praise your mother?"

   Su Chen smiled and said, "Of course not Dad, you and I haven't changed much when we were young. They are very handsome. Wearing a suit and standing with mom is a perfect match!"

   Su Chen smiled and pulled Su Haoqian to Lin Xiu's side, "Parents, don't move, take a photo with you, and see for yourself, is what I said is true!"

   Su Chen took out his phone, and the horizontal screen shot Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu.

   "Mom and dad, keep smiling, I'll take a picture for you! One, two, three!" Su Chen took a group photo of Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian.

   Su Chen happily took the photo to Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu.

   Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu smiled and nodded, looking at themselves in the photo.

   "Parents, what I said is true, look, is it the same as you were when you were young!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Smelly boy, you can say it!"

   Tuantuan and Lele smiled with joy and said, "Great, great, grandparents are going to get married too, grandparents are going to get married!"

   Yan Bingxue and Su Chen both smiled happily.

   "Mom and dad, look, how excited the two little guys are!" Su Chen smiled.

   Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Mom, look, these wedding dresses you tried, which wedding dress, do you like the most?"

   Lin Xiu thought for a long time, but when it comes to the best, it is indeed difficult to answer for a while.

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