Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:19 AM

Chapter 758: The express arrived!

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Lin Xiu opened the courier and placed three exquisite boxes in front of two people, with names on the front of the three boxes.

The first box is a family portrait of the family.

Lin Xiu opened the box and saw a 20-inch exquisite photo album.

"Lao Su, the cover of this album is really exquisite, with some dried flowers embedded for decoration!" Lin Xiu said in surprise.

"It looks pretty good!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Turning over every page of the album is full of surprises, "The photos in this frame look better than those on the computer!" Lin Xiu said with satisfaction.

Lin Xiu looked at everyone in the photo, and everyone smiled brightly.

Su Haoqian pointed to Tuan Tuan and Lele in the photo and said, "Look at these two little guys, how happy they are!"

Lin Xiu smiled and nodded.

"Yes!" Lin Xiu smiled.

Lin Xiu glanced through all the photos in the album, whether it was a close-up shot or a long-range shot, they were all very good.

Lin Xiu looked at the set-up under the album again, and at first glance it seemed full of shock and surprise. The look of the family is happy and happy.

"This setting is also pretty good!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Su Haoqian nodded in agreement.

Lin Xiu looked at the furnishings around the living room, pointed to a counter and said, "How about placing it over there?"

Su Haoqian looked at the direction Lin Xiu pointed, and smiled: "Very well, come on, I'll go and show it!"

Su Haoqian put the table on top of the counter and asked: "Axiu, look, is this position suitable now?"

Lin Xiu happily said: "It's right, so be it!"

Lin Xiu immediately took out the following big family portrait, which was hung on the wall. Lin Xiu pondered over and said, "Let's hang it when Dust and Snow come back!"

Su Haoqian smiled and nodded.

Then he took out the second box. The words "Mr. Su Chen, Ms. Yan Bingxue" were written on the second box. Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian understood in an instant, "This should be taken by Chenchen and Bingxue separately. Put it on the table!"

Su Haoqian said in agreement: "Okay!"

Then Lin Xiu drew out the third box with the words "Su Haoqian, Ms. Lin Xiu personally open it." Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian opened the box in surprise. The first thing in the box was a photo album, and Lin Xiu paused.

Su Haoqian smiled and patted Lin Xiu's arm and said, "What's the matter, A Xiu?"

Lin Xiu shook her head and said, "No...nothing!"

Lin Xiu opened the first photo and looked at herself and Su Haoqian in the photo with a smile and said, "Are these the two of us?"

Su Haoqian happily said, "This is you! What's the matter, I dare not recognize it?"

Lin Xiu said in surprise: "Old Su, do you see me in the photo and the current me alone?"

Su Haoqian pushed the frame, compared it, and said with certainty: "Yes!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said: "You in the photo and you now look good!"

Lin Xiu smiled happily.

Lin Xiu then looked over. In the photo, she was elegant and majestic, and Su Haoqian in the photo had a genteel atmosphere. Two people fit well in the same frame.

Lin Xiu looked through the album and was very satisfied.

Then he took out a picture scroll box. Surprisedly said: "Look, this has made a picture for us!"

"Open it quickly!" Su Haoqian said expectantly.

Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian opened the scroll with a smile and unfolded the scroll a little bit. They were very pleasantly surprised.

"How to make the hair on this scroll is the same as it really is, and the facial features are also very three-dimensional!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Hmm, look at Axiu, you seem to have just walked out of the painting, it looks good!" Su Haoqian stroked the two faces on both sides of the scroll with satisfaction.

Then Lin Xiu took out a set, which was also very delicate. Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian were very satisfied, and both were immersed in joy.

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

Lin Xiu reacted and said, "This is the food I bought online now!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "It must be!"

So the two came to the door to open the door, and it turned out that the food arrived.

A white foam box was placed at the door, and Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian took the box into the kitchen.

Lin Xiu opened the box and saw that there were some vegetables and a live fish inside. Lin Xiu said, "Ah, it's still quite fresh!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "Of course it's fresh. The order has been placed, and it was approved directly from the store!"

"Okay, Axiu, it would be fine if I am alone here. Go and sit in the living room!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Lin Xiu nodded and said, "Well, I'll leave it to you here!"

"No problem!" Su Haoqian replied.

Su Haoqian processed all the ingredients in the kitchen in an orderly manner and said, "Axiu, today I will let you, Chenchen, Bingxue and Tuan Tuan, Lele **** craft!"

Lin Xiu said happily: "Okay!"

Lin Xiu received the photo just now and put it aside in the box.

Tuantuan and Lele rubbed their eyes and walked over, lazily shouting: "Grandma!"

Lin Xiu looked at the two little guys and said, "Wake up, come and sit down!"

Tuantuan He Lele staggered over.

Lin Xiu poured a glass of water to Tuan Tuan and Lele and said, "Tuan Tuan, Lele, drink some water!"

Tuan Tuan and Lele drank half a glass of water with a cup of water.

Lin Xiu stroked the heads of the two little guys and said, "What do you want to do now?"

Tuantuan and Lele remained silent, thinking that they were a little confused just after waking up.

Tuan Tuan and Lele noticed a large package in the living room, and Tuantuan Xiao pointed at the box and blinked curiously and asked, " is this?"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "This is the family portrait we took in the Imperial Capital!"

"Family portrait!" When the two little guys heard the three words "family portrait", they instantly regained their energy, "Grandma, can you show Tuantuan and Lele!"

Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Of course you can!"

Lin Xiu showed the album to Tuan Tuan He Le Le, who looked at the photos in the album and could see it.

"Grandma, this picture is really beautiful!" Little cute Tuantuan said seriously.

Lin Xiu looked at the two little guys laughing. The two little guys pointed to the picture of Grandpa Su and said, "Grandma, you see that Grandpa is smiling so happily~"

Lin Xiu replied: "Yes, grandpa laughed very happily!"

Tuantuan and Lele watched carefully, page after page, and soon turned over the album.

Lele said with satisfaction: "The family portrait is really good, next time we will take a family portrait, okay?"

Lin Xiu touched Lele's little head and said, "Okay, next time, we will take Uncle Su Zhe to take a family portrait!"

The two little guys nodded joyfully.

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