Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:08 AM

Chapter 766: Happy New Year

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Soon it is the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month of the lunar calendar. This day is the new year, and every family prepares to make dumplings to celebrate the new year. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue's family also prepared dumplings to celebrate the new year.

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu went out early in the morning to buy fresh pork back.

Lin Xiu smiled and said: "Fortunately, I went out early today, otherwise I will be crowded with people in the past now!"

"Isn't it, Axiu has the foresight!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Su Chen came down from the second floor and saw that Lin Xiu and Su Haoqian bought them, some meat dumpling wrappers, and some other vegetables. He asked, "Mom, I went out so early today!"

"Chenchen, don't say it's okay. Your mother went out early today. Today is a young year. Everyone is going out to buy ingredients for making dumplings. If we weren't going out early, we would be crowded in the supermarket now and we can't get out!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

"It seems that Mom is still good!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"By the way, Chenchen, you call Shuyun and the others to come here too, and everyone will have a lively new year together!" Lin Xiu said while putting the ingredients away.

"Okay, I'll call my parents to come over!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen called and asked the two elders of the Yan family to come over to eat dumplings, and the two elders of the Yan family happily agreed.

Yan Zhenwei smiled and asked, "Then Xiaochen, is there anything I need to buy? Your mother and I will buy it!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Parents, you don't need to prepare anything, just come over!"

Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun said yes to each other and hung up the phone.

After breakfast, the Su family began to get busy.

The chopped meat filling was handed over to Su Chen, who chopped up all kinds of meat fillings, beef filling, pork filling, leek filling...

After the minced meat was chopped, the family gathered around the table with bread dumplings, and the happy scene was really beautiful.

"This year's Chinese New Year is the happiest year for me!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Me too, watching the children are all around, my heart is warm!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

Is there a burst of laughter.

Yan Bingxue washes his hands and plans to make dumplings, but Yan Bingxue is really not good at making dumplings. After all, Yan Bingxue has not made dumplings once for so many years.

Usually eat directly to five-star hotels.

"Husband, teach me how to make dumplings!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Okay!" Su Chen agreed with a smile.

Su Chen slowed down and demonstrated to Yan Bingxue, "First dip a little water around the dumplings, and then fold the dumpling skins in half..."

Soon a gold ingot was ready, Su Chen held it in his palm and showed it to Yan Bingxue.

Yan Bingxue smiled and praised: "Husband, you are so amazing!"

"Wife, you can do it too, let's pack together!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue nodded. Su Chen and Yan Bingxue are sitting one step at a time.

The first Yan Bingxue bag was not very skilled, but he barely bagged the shape of a gold ingot.

Su Chen encouraged: "My wife, come on~ You are still very quick to get started. I remember the first time I made dumplings when I was a child. I watched the adults turn their hands around, and one dumpling was done. I wanted to make it. Dumplings are so easy!"

"Then when I wrapped it in my hand, I realized that I only learned with my eyes, but not with my hands! After a while, I made a decent dumpling!"

Yan Bingxue was amused by Su Chen's childhood anecdote.

Yan Bingxue then made the second one. Yan Bingxue made the second dumpling faster than the first one, and the appearance of the dumplings made was more beautiful.

"Wife, look at the second dumpling, you made a lot of progress, come on!" Su Chen watched Yan Bingxue while wrapping his own dumplings.

Yan Bingxue smiled and looked at Su Chen.

The third, fourth, Yan Bingxue quickly got started. There is not much difference between the dumplings made by everyone and the dumplings made by everyone.

Su Chen praised: "My wife, it's amazing, look at how beautiful the gold ingots you pack! I think I was lucky too, and I came back with such a big gold ingot!"

Yan Bingxue patted Su Chen's hand and smiled and said, "Husband, what are you talking about?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "I'm saying you are my gold ingot!"

Everyone was amused when they heard this sentence.

"Chenchen, how can you be so boastful!" Lin Xiu teased.

Everyone laughed.

Lelehe Tuantuan was not calm, seeing everyone making dumplings, he wanted to go forward and join in the fun.

Lelehe Tuantuan climbed onto the stool and looked at everyone with serious and expectant expressions and said, "Lele wants to make dumplings too!"

"Tuan Tuan also makes dumplings!"

Le Yue He Tuan Tuan rushed to say.

"Then Lelehe Tuantuan first wash your hands~ After washing your hands, we will make dumplings together!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuantuan and Lele immediately went to wash their hands.

"Why don't we make some meat and dumpling wrappers for the two little guys separately, or else the two little guys must get in trouble!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Mom, what you said makes sense, just do it, I'll come over to those two bowls!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen took two bowls and a tray and put them in front of Tuantuan and Lele seats, and Tuantuan and Lele walked over after washing their hands.

Su Chen explained: "Tuan Tuan, Lele, Dad, Dad has prepared meat and dumpling wrappers for you. You can put the dumplings directly on this plate when you make them!"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded with a smile.

"Then Baba teach me and my sister how good, we still know how to make dumplings!" Lele asked with a pair of big eyes.

"Hahaha, okay, Baba teaches you!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen carefully taught Tuan Tuan and Yue Le.

However, the two little guys Tuan Tuan and Lele don’t have so much patience to Tuantuan suddenly smiled and said: “Baba, I decided not to be the gold ingot of your adults. I want to create one and Different dumplings!"

"Oh?" Su Chen looked at Tuantuan and Lele in surprise.

Everyone looked at them one after another, "What different things will these two little guys make?"

Tuantuan's little hands kept squeezing the dumpling wrappers over, and finally the dumplings were ready.

Tuantuan was excited to show everyone, "Dangdang!"

Everyone looked over happily, and Lin Xiu said suspiciously, "Tuan Tuan, what did you pack? Grandma didn't see it!"

Tuantuan blinked his big eyes and explained to everyone, "Grandma, this is the kitty in Tuantuanbao. You see, this is the cat's two ears, this is the cat's mouth, and this is the cat's tail!"

Everyone tried their best to understand what Tuantuan meant.

At this time Su Chen smiled and said, "Everyone has to look with the eyes of abstract paintings, and you'll know!"

The family smiled, and Su Haoqian said with a smile: "Listening to Chenchen's words, I can really see it!"

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