Published at 21st of December 2021 09:23:01 AM

Chapter 772: New lothes for the new year

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Everyone was watching Lele's expression.

Su Chen smiled and asked, "Then Lele would like to wear red clothes?"

Lele nodded, and agreed: "Yeah~ Lele also wears red clothes, so "Nian" will not dare to come over!"

Everyone laughed.

After everyone has eaten, they are ready to go shopping for clothes.

Su Chen drove everyone to the mall.

The wardrobes in the large and small clothes shops in the shopping malls are filled with all kinds of clothes in various styles.

Yan Bingxue liked the clothes displayed in a closet, so she said, "Or, let's go to this store to buy clothes!"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded happily, "Okay, okay!" Tuan Tuan He Lele said with joy.

Su Chen smiled and said, "The shop my wife likes, my husband is naturally 100% satisfied~"

Su Haoqian also smiled and nodded.

Walking into the store, the shopping guide politely greeted Su Chen and his party.

Yan Bingxue asked politely: "Hello, do you still have the clothes displayed in that closet?"

The shopping guide followed the direction Yan Bingxue was pointing, and instantly understood, and said with a smile: "Yes, some, it's a New Year series of parent-child outfits, and there are them here!"

The shopping guide took Su Chen, Yan Bingxue, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu over.

Tuantuan He Lele said excitedly: "I want this one!"

"I want this one!"

Tuantuan and Lele chose one, and Su Chen and Yan Bingxue also chose one. Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Parents, do you have any clothes you like?"

"Well... let's take a look again, you first try on clothes with Tuan Tuan and Lele!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Yan Bingxue nodded and said, "Then Mom and Dad, let's go and try on the clothes first, and you will take a look!"

The shopping guide saw the concerns of the two elderly people and asked, "Auntie and Uncle, there are some couple suits specially made for you two in this age group. Would you like to check it out?"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "Let's go take a look!"

Each family chooses clothes they like.

Su Chen, Yan Bingxue, Tuan Tuan and Le Le came out wearing parent-child suits. The two little dolls carved out of powder and the handsome Su Chen, and Yan Bingxue with outstanding temperament stood together, it was really pleasing to the eye.

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu also tried a set of clothes recommended by the shopping guide. They stood together wearing new clothes, and they were also very good match. At first glance, they felt that they were a very affectionate couple.

Soon, the family chose clothes.

After choosing the clothes, everyone is ready to go home.

After returning home, Tuan Tuan and Le Le tiredly slumped on the sofa and said, "Baba and Le Le have painful feet today!"

Su Chen said jokingly: "Well...Since Tuan Tuan and Le Le's feet are hurting, then we won't go to the strawberry garden tomorrow!"

Tuan Tuan and Lele immediately started playing, nestling one to the right next to Su Chen and Yan Bingxue, and said coquettishly: "No, no, Lele is not tired, Lele is going to pick strawberries tomorrow!"

"Tuantuan is not tired anymore, Tuantuan is going to pick strawberries too!"

"Hahaha, well, we will pick strawberries tomorrow!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu laughed. Lin Xiu said with a smile: "Then tomorrow, Tuantuan and Lele will pick big strawberries for grandparents and come back~"

Tuan Tuan He Le Le nodded with joy.

The next morning Su Chen and Yan Bingxue came to the strawberry orchard in the western suburbs.

At first glance, the strawberry garden shows dozens of acres of long sheds.

Each of the four took a small basket and walked into the strawberry shed. Strawberry trees tens of meters long, one after another.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le said in surprise: "So many strawberries, great! Tuan Tuan and Le Le can choose carefully!"

"Okay, that Tuan Tuan He Lele chooses strawberries carefully, and picks the biggest strawberry in the strawberry garden for grandparents and grandparents to eat for grandparents!" Yan Bingxue gently touched Tuan Tuan He Lele's little head and said.

The two little guys happily started picking strawberries.

"This strawberry is not big enough!"

"This strawberry is not red enough!"

Tuantuan and Lele carefully selected.

"Baba Ma Ma, do you think this strawberry is so strange? It looks like a five-pointed star!" Tuantuan was attracted by a strangely-shaped strawberry in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Su Chen and Yan Bingxue leaned over, and when they saw, Su Chen smiled and said, "Really, do those groups like this?"

Tuantuan thought about it for a while and said, " mom and dad like it?"

Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Do you like Tuantuan? If you like it, take it off~"

Tuantuan took it off carefully.

Lele found a big strawberry that looked very red. Lele thought to herself, "This strawberry must be delicious!"

As soon as Lele started to pick it, the strawberry skin was punctured.

"Baba, what should I do? I punctured this strawberry skin!" Lele said apologetically.

Su Chen walked over and took a look, and found that the strawberry itself was already well-ripe, and it had some bad tendency. Although the color was bright red, it was too red, but it was the kind that was going to go bad!

" This strawberry is going to go bad, it's okay, let's pick it off first! This fertilizer can be used as strawberry~" Su Chen smiled and comforted.

Lele's guilt was reduced a lot.

"It's okay, Lele will continue to pick strawberries~ um... you need to pick red strawberries, but don't pick particularly red ones. This strawberry that is red from the beginning to the end is a bad strawberry~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen nodded with a smile.

"Well now~" Lele nodded seriously.

The four continued to walk forward to pick strawberries.

Su Chen stopped, smiled and said to Yan Bingxue: "My wife, I'll make you a magic trick~"

"Look at my hands!" Su Chen spread out two empty hands, and then took out a strawberry from the basket at a speed that Xu Lei couldn't hide his ears.

Su Chen opened his palm to Yan Bingxue.

A strawberry with a red heart was carefully held in his palm by Su Chen.

"Wife, give it to you!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Looking at the red strawberry in front of her, Yan Bingxue smiled happily.

Yan Bingxue took the strawberry and asked happily: "Husband, the shape of this strawberry looks so good~"

Yan Bingxue held the strawberry to the direction of the sun.

Tuan Tuan and Lele saw the red strawberry in Yan Bingxue's hand and said happily, "Ma Ma, a strawberry in the shape of a heart, it looks great!"

"Wow, so beautiful!" Tuantuan said in surprise.

"Mama, where did you find it? Anything else, Tuantuan also has to pick a heart strawberry!" Tuantuan said excitedly.

Su Chen smiled and said, "No, there is only this one~"

Su Chen pointed to the place where the heart strawberry was just picked.

Tuantuan looked over there, and it really wasn't there.

But Tuantuan still didn't give up and said: "Tuan Tuan will definitely find a strawberry with a heart!"


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