Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:38 AM

Chapter 790: Our wish

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Looking at the attitude of their daughter and son-in-law, Tang Shuyun and Yan Zhenwei felt warm.

Su Chang and Yan Bingxue are busy in the kitchen.

Soon a hot meal was ready, Yan Zhenwei and Tang Shuyun looked at the dishes on the table and smiled with joy.

"Chenchen, your cooking skills are so good! Looking at the color, fragrance, and taste can get a full mark!" Tang Shuyun praised.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Thanks to Bingxue for helping me a lot!"

After speaking, Su Chen gently looked at Yan Bingxue and gently held her hand. Yan Bingxue smiled happily.

Everyone ate this meal very happily, and Tuan Tuan and Le Le had a great appetite.

After lunch, Tang Shuyun told Yan Bingxue and Su Chen some things about the Gu family.

Tang Shuyun sat on the sofa and smiled and said, "You and your aunt told me a few days ago that her family Yuxin was going to go home with Fang Qi for the New Year. She said that all of a sudden, there were only two of them celebrating the New Year together. Quite uncomfortable!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Auntie Yuan, I haven't adapted for a while, but listening to Auntie Yuan's tone, I am still happy for Yuxin!"

Tang Shuyun smiled and said, "Isn't this right? You Auntie Yuan, just use this guise to talk about how happy you might be~ Then I told her that this girl is going to be married when she grows up! Let her relax!"

"Your Aunt Yuan didn't complain any more!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

When the adults gathered together to chat, Tuan Tuan and Le Le ran around the house.

Tuantuan and Lele noticed that the green plants on the balcony seemed to have sprouts.

Tuan Tuan and Lele walked over and observed carefully, and found that new shoots were really growing. Tuan Tuan and Lele exclaimed in excitement, "Baba and Lele, grandpa and grandma have already sprouted~"

Everyone was called to the balcony by Tuantuan and Lele.

Tang Shuyun smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect this to have sprouted. As expected, spring is coming!"

"Hahaha, yes!" Yan Zhenwei said with a smile.

"Spring~" The two little guys are full of anticipation for spring. In spring, is it possible to make two little rolls on the green grass, fly a few kites in the empty park, and plant a few flowers and plants in the face of their own family.

The two little guys looked at the sprouting green plant with joy.

Tang Shuyun said with a smile: "It is said that the life of Xiaocao is fragile, but its life is also very tenacious. Seeing this green plant will not let go of any vitality, feel the breath of spring, and it will appear green. bud!"

"Where is Grandma's Tuan Tuan?" Tuantuan asked, blinking.

"Tuan Tuan He Le Le are naturally very vigorous little people~" Tang Shuyun said while looking at Tuan Tuan He Le Le with a smile.

Tuan Tuan He Le Le smiled happily.

"Lele wants to learn from Xiaocao's tenacious and unyielding spirit~" Lele said earnestly.

Everyone laughed. Su Chen patted Lele's shoulder and smiled: "Lele is awesome, each of us must learn from Xiaocao's tenacious spirit!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and asked, "Does Tuantuan and Lele still remember the poem that mom and dad taught you?"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded and said with a smile: "Of course I remember~"

"Leaving the original grass on the grass, one year old and one withered and flourished"

"Wild fire, in spring"


Tuan Tuan He Le Le said in the purest voice.

Yan Bingxue smiled and touched the head of Mo Le Le He Tuan Tuan.

Tang Shuyun smiled and asked, "Does Tuan Tuan and Lele have any small goals this year?"

Tuantuan replied earnestly: “This year Tuantuan wants to learn more about management skills from his mother, and then Tuantuan will continue to study hard, and the next time Tuantuan wants to take the first place! Tuantuan also wants to learn to be independent. When I’m three years old, I have to learn to do my own things, and learn to take responsibility!"

Lele said sincerely: "This year Lele is going to be a fully functional robot. Lele also wants to take the first place in the exam. Lele also wants to learn to fight with Baba. Lele wants to be an upright man and be a brave man. Responsible boy paper!"

Tuantuan and Lele's answers made everyone very happy.

Su Chen said with a smile: "As long as Tuantuan and Lele continue to work hard, these goals can be achieved!"

Tuantuan smiled and nodded in agreement. Tuantuan said with a smile, "Baba Ma Ma, grandpa and grandma, I still have a small goal that I haven't said~"

"What kind of little goal is it?" Yan Bingxue asked with a smile.

"Tuan Tuan will eat a lot of delicious food this year, and Tuantuan also wants to be a gourmet who can cook like Baba!" said Tuantuan charmingly.

"Hahaha, that group should follow Dad's lessons well~ Dad still has a lot of food yet to cook~" Su Chen said with a smile.

Tuantuan nodded seriously.

"Then Mom and Dad, what wishes do grandpa and grandma have this year?" Lele asked with a smile.

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "Dad, my biggest wish this year is to live happily with the team and Lele every day!"

"Mom, too, Tuantuan and Lele are the happy fruits of mom and dad. It is very happy to have you with mom and dad!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Tuan Tuan and Lele laughed happily.

"Does grandpa and grandma have any wishes this year?" Lele asked earnestly with her big eyes blinking.

"Grandpa and grandma's greatest wish is for the whole family to be safe and healthy forever. This is more important than anything else! Grandpa and grandma also hope that your parents and mom will go well at work!" Tang Shuyun looked at a tree in the distance Said the tree.

"Hahaha, now our wishes have been heard by this little green bud. When this little green bud grows into a big tree, our wish will come true, right?" Tuan Tuan looked at the little green bud and said cutely. .

Su Chen smiled and said: "It is The little green bud will carry our wish and grow into a big tree slowly!"

Tuan Tuan He Le Le nodded seriously.

Tuantuan asked with a smile, "Grandma, can we fertilize and water the little green sprouts now?"

Tang Shuyun smiled and said, “Now the little green buds don’t need to water or fertilize them, just let them grow freely. Too much nourishment will make the little green buds grow badly, just like flowers in a greenhouse. You can’t drive for a long time without wind and rain!"

Tuantuan gave a soft "Oh".

The family continued to chat in the living room.

Tuantuan and Lele want to watch TV.

Tuantuan mumbled Xiaozui and Su Chen, and Yan Bingxue said coquettishly: "Baba Ma Ma, is Tuantuan happy to watch TV now?"

"Lele and sister want to watch TV!" Lele said looking at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue expectantly.

The two little guys held Su Chen's big palms and looked at Yan Bingxue and Su Chen baffledly.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Okay, but you can't watch it for a long time~"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded earnestly and said, "I know, just watch it for a while~"

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