Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:30 AM

Chapter 796: ? onfusing in idents when killing hi kens and du ks

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Aunt Qin said in surprise: "It turns out that Hao Qian's hometown belongs to Zhonghai!"

Mrs. Su explained with a smile: "Our home is from the imperial capital, and we are now living in Zhonghai with Hao Qian!"

Aunt Qin said happily: "It turns out that Hao Qian's hometown belongs to the imperial capital. The emperors are the capital of our country, but it is a good city. Hao Qian's never told us before!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "I didn't elaborate on things that Yuan didn't think were very important!"

Aunt Qin said with a smile: "Yes, yes, let's talk about these things slowly from now on. Let's go to dinner first. It's time for dinner. The elderly and children must be hungry!"

Su Haoqian smiled.

The family came to Aunt Qin's house for dinner, Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su, and Su Haoqian, Lin Xiu went with Tuan Tuan He Lele first, Su Chen and Yan Bingxue rushed over with gift boxes afterwards.

Aunt Qin's house killing chickens and ducks is very lively.

Tuan Tuan and Le Le saw the scene of slaughtering chickens and ducks, but they were extremely excited.

The little guy has been watching around.

"Little guys, are you afraid?" Aunt Qin's wife asked with a smile.

Tuantuan He Lele shook his head, and replied seriously: "Not afraid!"

Aunt Qin's wife was skilled, sealed the throat with a knife, and slaughtered the chicken.

Aunt Qin's wife asked his son to come and kill the ducks, and Aunt Qin's son walked out of the hall, gearing up to kill the ducks.

"Son, come to practice, too! Here!" Aunt Qin's wife said with a smile.

Aunt Qin's son smiled and took the knife. The young man is a young man after all. Although the process is known, this action is obviously a lot rusty.

Aunt Qin's son turned the duck's neck upside down from below, and the duck's neck formed a semicircular arc shape. He removed some of the hair from the duck's neck and prepared to slaughter it with a knife.

At this time, Aunt Qin's son seemed to hesitate, holding the knife in his hand, and did not take the knife for a long time.

Aunt Qin's wife joked: "Son, hurry up and get the knife. You have to run when the duck is down!"

Aunt Qin's son heard what his father said and realized that there was a trace of his disbelief in his father's words, so Aunt Qin's son took the knife and prepared to start.

The duck was finally slaughtered with one cut, two cuts and three cuts, and the duck's blood poured into the bowl.

Aunt Qin's son put the duck in the pool. At this time, a dramatic scene happened. The duck actually stood up, and the duck wobbled and walked in the yard.

Tuantuan and Lele giggled, and the two little guys opened their eyes wide.

"The duck is alive again~"

"The duck is alive again~"

The two little guys exclaimed in surprise.

Aunt Qin's wife also laughed. This honey operation really made Aunt Qin's wife dumbfounded.

Aunt Qin’s boss smiled and said, “Son, it seems that young people nowadays are all working in big cities!”

The ducks circled the yard.

In the face of everyone's ridicule, Aunt Qin's son really blushed, but in order to preserve the man's face, Aunt Qin's son will kill the duck completely.

Aunt Qin's son quickly caught the duck again, and said with a smile: "Mom and dad, it's not too late to make up for it!"

Speaking of Aunt Qin's son, he then took the knife and cut it down, then washed the blood off the duck with running water.

The duck was really killed this time, and Aunt Qin's son put the duck into the bucket.

"A man can bend and stretch, A Quan!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

Qin Quan said with a smile: "Uncle Su, you are a joke to me!"

Su Haoqian smiled and said, "No, I think you are actually quite amazing. Although it took a lot of trouble, it's the first time, it's inevitable!"

"Uncle, I think you can kill the duck. That's amazing. Just now Lele couldn't chase the duck, but Uncle chased it all at once and killed it with a single knife!" Lele said sincerely.

"Yes, uncle, you are still very good~" Tuantuan said with a smile.

Aunt Qin's son looked at two such cute little cute babies, and said with a smile: "This time, my uncle missed, and next time my uncle will show you one of them!"

The two little guys Tuantuan and Lele nodded seriously.

Later, Aunt Qin poured the chicken and duck into the basin and prepared to boil it with boiling water.

Aunt Qin smiled and reminded: "Tuan Tuan, Lele go away, grandma is going to scald chickens and ducks, this water is very hot!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and called Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le and said, "Tuan Tuan, Lele, let's stand here and watch, don't cause any trouble to Granny Qin~"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded and walked over with a smile.

Yan Bingxue led Tuan Tuan and Le Le aside.

Aunt Qin poured boiling water around the chickens and ducks, and the feathers of the chickens and ducks were scalded.

The air exudes a smell of chicken and duck feathers being burned. This taste is familiar to Aunt Qin, but it is a bit strange to the two little guys Tuan Tuan and Lele, as well as Yan Bingxue.

Tuantuan He Lele looked at Yan Bingxue seriously and smiled and said, "Ma Ma, can I go and see it?"

Yan Bingxue nodded and said softly: "Go!"

Tuantuan and Lele squatted beside Aunt Qin and watched.

At this time Lin Xiu came over to help: "Sister Qin, I'll help you!"

Aunt Qin smiled and refused: "You are the guest I invited, how can I ask you to work on this!"

Lin Xiu brought a small chair over and said with a smile: "Sister Qin, you are so polite with me, how many years have been with our neighbors in the neighborhood, this duck is handed over to you, and the chicken is handed over to me!"

Aunt Qin looked at Lin Xiu and said with a smile: "Okay! Leave it to you!"

Two people skillfully removed the feathers of the chickens and ducks all at once.

Tuan Tuan and Lele said in surprise: "Grandma, I think it's so amazing, this hair fell off as soon as I pulled it out~"

Lin Xiu explained with a smile: "Because this hair has been scalded by grandma!"

Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded with a smile, "Uh-huh~"

Lele saw that when Aunt Qin was plucking her hair, she seemed to have collected her hair in one place. She smiled and asked, "Grandma, is this hair still useful?"

Aunt Qin smiled and said, "Hahaha, this hair is very useful~ Grandma asks you, what are you wearing?"

Lele said with a smile: "Down jacket!"

Aunt Qin said with a smile: "Yes, what you are wearing is a down jacket, then what is bulging in the down jacket you are wearing?"

Aunt Qin smiled and looked at Tuan Tuan and Lele.

Tuan Tuan and Lele suddenly realized, opening their mouths wide and said, "Feather!"

Aunt Qin smiled and said: "Yes, the feathers in Tuan Tuan He Le Le are duck feathers or goose feathers. After high temperature disinfection and craftsmanship, the feathers are flocked in it!" Jumping to the strongest dad: sign one at the beginning of the game 100 million! Chapter 796 The Confusing Incident When Killing Chickens and Ducklings Green Reading-The Strongest Dad: Signed 100 Million in the Start! -Fiction Reading Network..., if there is no automatic jump, please click [Jump]

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