Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:28 AM

Chapter 798: Tuan Tuan and Lele, who never turn their elbows out

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"Actually, you are not bad!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I still have this point of self-knowledge, but to be honest, I haven't played this thing for many years, and I have been lying in the corner. Today I was turned over by your doll. I still want to play it!" Aunt Qin 'S son said with a smile.

"How about it, are you interested in a game?" Aunt Qin's son said while looking at Su Chen with a smile.

"Let's have a round, okay!" Su Chen readily agreed.

"Baba, are you going to play against your uncle? I'll cheer for you~" Lele said with a smile happily.

"Then are you cheering for your father or uncle?" Aunt Qin's son asked Tuantuan with a smile, happily.

Tuantuan smiled and looked at his uncle and said, "Tuan Tuan wants to cheer for Baba, hehe~"

Lele smiled with joy and said, "Lele also wants to cheer for Baba~"

"Brother Su, it really is your child. He never forgets to turn his elbow outside!" Aunt Qin's son exclaimed.

"Hahaha, are you a little envious?" Su Chen said with a smile.

Aunt Qin's son said with a smile: "Envy is envy, but my fate hasn't arrived yet!"

"Hahahaha~" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, let's get back to business, let's start the game!" Aunt Qin's son said to Su Chen with a smile.

Su Chen and Aunt Qin's son stepped on a pair of stilts. Two people walked on stilts, three meters high. Both of them looked very tall, but Su Chen's figure was even taller.

Tuantuan He Lele looked up at Su Chen and Qin Quan, the son of Aunt Qin.

Tuantuan said in surprise: "Wow, Baba, uncle, you are so tall, I feel that there are so many tall ones!"

"Yes, Baba, uncle, you are so tall, are you afraid of falling?" Lele said worriedly.

Lele looked at an inverted triangle under a long wooden stick with a horizontal bar forming a "T" with the long wooden stick, which was used as a handrail. The person seemed to be leaping in the air, and couldn't help but get worried.

"Lele, you can rest assured that both uncle and your father are veterans, especially your father. Standing on this stilt like walking on the ground, don't worry!"

It is estimated that there is a distance of about 100 meters from one end to the other of the yard.

Aunt Qin’s son suggested, “Brother Su, this is our starting point, and that side is the end point. Whoever reaches the end before we compare it to the end is considered a victory, okay?”

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's all right!"

"Sister-in-law, you stand over there to be our referee, will you succeed?" Aunt Qin's son said with a smile.

"Ah, shall I be the referee?" Yan Bingxue said in surprise. Yan Bingxue was a little surprised when she was named.

"Yes, sister-in-law, there is no one more suitable than you!" Aunt Qin's son said with a smile.

"Ma Ma, you are the referee~" Lele said with joy and looked at Yan Bingxue's eyes.

Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "That's good!"

"That Ma Ma will be the referee, and my sister and I will be Baba's cheerleading team!" Lele said with a grin.

"If you all become Baba cheerleaders, wouldn't there be no cheerleaders for Uncle? No one will cheer for uncle!" Yan Bingxue said gently, looking at the group's Lele.

Tuan Tuan and Lele thought for a while, Lele said with a smile: "Well...then I will cheer for Baba first, and then uncle!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and looked at Tuan Tuan He Le Le. Yan Bingxue's lightly smiled pear nest is really beautiful, as if it made people see the joy of spring flowers in full bloom.

After speaking, Yan Bingxue went to the terminal.

On the way, Aunt Qin's son said with sincere enviousness: "I really envy you, gifted men and beautiful ladies!"

"Hahaha~" Su Chen smiled happily.

"Meeting her is my luck!" Su Chen said while looking at Yan Bingxue's long back.

Yan Bingxue waved his hand and said, "Three, two, one!"

Su Chen and Aunt Qin's son held the handrail, ready to go!

When Yan Bingxue said "Go!", Su Chen and Aunt Qin's son sprinted forward.

The speed of both of them was very fast. Standing on the stilts one step at a time, the stilts hit the ground with a "dum-dum-dun" sound. The two are really fast.

Su Chen's vigorous pace had a leading trend at the beginning, and the distance between Su Chen and Aunt Qin's son became wider and wider.

Tuantuan and Lele, as members of the cheerleading team, naturally followed the two members of the competition.

Tuantuan and Lele also chased Su Chen and Qin Quan recklessly, but the two little guys could not catch up.

Lelehe Tuan Tuan cheered for Su Chen from behind: "Come on Baba!"

"Come on, Baba!"

"Come on, Baba!"

The two little guys yelled out their strength to eat milk, and the sound of Tuan Tuan and Le Le lingered in the yard where they called.

Sprint, sprint. There are ten meters to the end.

Yan Bingxue looked at the two figures getting closer and taller, and she was inexplicably excited. "My husband is definitely the best! My husband is definitely the best!" Yan Bingxue said silently in her heart.

Su Chen smiled and watched Yan Bingxue rush over, and Aunt Qin's son followed closely.

There is no suspicion but Su Chen won. After all, he saw the advantage from the Yan Bingxue smiled and watched Su Chen announced: "Su Chen wins!"

Su Chen encouraged: "Aquan, your speed is getting faster and faster!"

"But I still can't catch up with you, Brother Su, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so good!" Aunt Qin's son shook his head and said admiringly.

Su Chen smiled and looked at Qin Quan and said, "Hahaha, we are all making progress!"

Tuan Tuan He Le Le ran over panting.

Lele hadn't even breathed, so he said anxiously: "Baba, uncle, you are too fast, Lele can't catch up with you, you ran to the front all at once!"

"Yes, Tuantuan... Tuantuan ran so hard, but still can't catch up with you!" Tuantuan blinked round eyes and looked at Su Chen and Qin Quan.

"Baba, did you win?" Lele asked with a smile.

Aunt Qin's son said, "Your father won!"

"Hahaha, it seems that our shouting of cheering is very useful~" the Tuan Tuan said cheerfully.

"Hahaha, Dad heard you shout for cheer, you cheer Dad, Dad will be more motivated!" Su Chen smiled and patted Tuantuan and Lele's head and said.

Tuan Tuan He Le Le smiled happily.

Aunt Qin's son smiled and asked, "Didn't you say that you want to cheer for your uncle? Why didn't your uncle hear me?"

Tuantuan He Lele looked at Qin Quan embarrassedly and said, "Hehe, I forgot when I was anxious for a while!"

"Ah, it seems that I am the only one in a lonely family. It's boring, boring. Let's play with your family. I'm going to eat melon seeds!" Aunt Qin's son exclaimed.

Su Chen shook his head and smiled.

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