Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:27 AM

Chapter 799: haptera, I also want to learn

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When Aunt Qin's son is gone, Tuantuan and Lele are about to clamor to learn stilts.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Tuan Tuan, Lele, you are too young, this stilt can't be played for the time being, you can play it when you get older!"

Tuan Tuan and Le Le were on their heads, refusing to listen to Su Chen's words.

Le Yue He Tuan Tuan has been pestering.

Lele blinked a pair of expectant eyes and looked at Su Chen and said, "Baba, Baba, Lele is no longer young, Lele is an older child, so Lele has to learn too!"

"Tuan Tuan also wants to learn, Tuantuan must walk on stilts!" Tuantuan said, holding Su Chen's hand.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't let go, Lelehe Tuan turned around and acted like a baby with Yan Bingxue and Lin Xiu.

"Mama, grandma, I want to learn stilts!" Lele said while holding Yan Bingxue with a small mouth.

"Le Le, Tuan Tuan, you are still young and can't learn, shall we learn when we are older?" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

Lele shook his head, and said with a small mouth, "No, no, Lele wants to learn now!"

The two little guys stuck Su Chen and Yan Bingxue like glue.

At last Su Chen smiled and asked, "Yue Le, Tuan Tuan, do you really want to learn?"

"Hmm~" Lele nodded with a smile, looking at Su Chen expectantly. Lele was very happy to see Su Chen let go, thinking about waiting to learn stilts, I was excited.

Su Chen looked at Tuan Tuan He Le Le and said, "Daddy's ugly talk is ahead. Le Le He Tuan Tuan can learn it. See if you can step on stilts. If you can step on stilts, you can learn! If we can’t step on it, let’s grow up and learn again, okay?"

Lele smiled and nodded, and said confidently: "Lele can definitely step on it!"

"The same is true for Tuantuan, Tuantuan can also step on it!" Tuantuan said with a smile.

"Okay, then you try it!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Lelehe Tuan Tuan can't wait to try it.

Lelehe Tuan Tuan raised a tall stilt, and the stilt lifted it up, almost a bit higher than Lelehe Tuan Tuan. But Lelehe Tuantuan doesn't care how tall or difficult it is. The two little guys have determined that one thing must be done.

Lelehe Tuan Tuan climbed hard, once, twice, three times...

Lelehe Tuantuan tried several times to step on the inverted triangle of stilts, but they were all unsuccessful. When they stepped on, they slipped down because of the unstable center of gravity. Moreover, Lelehe Tuantuan's two little feet were so small that they couldn't stand still when they stood up.

Lelehe Tuan Tuan sighed helplessly.

Lin Xiu asked with a smile: "Le Le, Tuan Tuan, your parents are right, we can learn when we grow up, Le Le and Tuan Tuan are now children, and they can learn when they grow up and become big friends! "

Lele pouted her mouth and looked at Lin Xiu aggrievedly and asked, "Grandma, when did you become a big friend?"

"Well...your father started learning at the age of seven or eight, and when Lele has grown to be seven or eight years old, he can learn it!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"You can only study at the age of seven or eight. This year I will be four, four, five, six, seven, eight..." Tuantuan counted with his little fingers.

Lelehe Tuantuan said in unison: "Ah! There are still four years!"

Lin Xiu comforted: "Four years have passed very quickly, Tuantuan and Lele passed in a blink of an eye!"

Tuan Tuan and Le Le listened to Lin Xiu's words and blinked seriously. I opened my eyes and found that I was still three years old, still in the same place.

Lele pursed her mouth and said, "Grandma, didn't you say it was over in a blink of an eye? Why is Lele still here?"

Lin Xiu, Su Chen, and Yang Bingxue laughed.

"Hahaha, Lele, grandma means that Lele and Tuan Tuan live with peace of mind every day, time will pass quickly!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Yeah, you see, just as soon as you spoke, two minutes later, Lelehe Tuan Tuan is a little closer to eight years old!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Haha, it seems so!" Lele said, touching his head.

"Um... Ma Ma, do you want to learn? You are an adult, can you learn stilts?" Tuantuan said, looking at Yan Bingxue seriously.

"Yeah, Ma Ma, you can learn, you learn. When Lele and his sister are eight years old, Baba will teach Lele to learn to walk on stilts, and Ma Ma teaches the group to step on stilts!" Lele said with a smile.

Su Chen also smiled and said, "My wife, you can try it~ it's fun!"

Yan Bingxue looked at everyone's expectant eyes, smiled and said, "Well then!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Wife, I will definitely be a student!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen compared two pairs of stilts, and chose a pair of stilts that are more suitable for Yan Bingxue's control, smiling and saying, "Wife, this pair is fine!"

With that said, Su Chen helped the stilt up, "Wife, go on!"

Yan Bingxue took the stilt and held the stilt with one hand.

"Bingxue, don't be afraid, step on it, and my husband will help you stabilize this stilt!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, husband, then you have to stabilize!" Yan Bingxue asked.

"Hmm!" Su Chen replied affirmatively. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Hearing Su Chen's answer, Yan Bingxue felt much calmer.

Tuan Tuan and Lele were watching, Lele said with a smile: "Mama, don't be afraid~ this is very fun!"

"Come on, I learned how to teach the group~" Tuantuan said with a smile.

Tuantuan and Lele stared at Yan Bingxue with both eyes.

Yan Bingxue mustered courage and stepped on it cautiously. Yan Bingxue stepped on with her right foot first, stepped firmly, and stepped on her left foot again. Yan Bingxue stepped on staggeringly, and after Yan Bingxue stepped steadily, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Wife, hold your hand firmly and walk forward!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Standing on it, Yan Bingxue had a different perspective. Standing on it, looking down at Su Chen and Tuantuan, Lele, Lin Xiu found it very interesting. Yan Bingxue firmly grasped the handle, temporarily not daring to move casually. Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Husband, can you help me walk?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Okay, I will support you by the side! Bingxue, just walk forward with a small step! Don't be nervous, relax, just imagine yourself walking on the ground!"

Yan Bingxue nodded, closed her eyes and told herself, "It's like walking on the ground, like walking on the ground, like walking on the ground!"

Yan Bingxue stretched out her right foot and walked a short step forward, and Yan Bingxue moved in pieces.

Su Chen encouraged: "Ice and snow, stride a little longer, it's okay, come on! You can! Just take the usual steps!"

"Really?" Yan Bingxue didn't believe him at all. Standing at a high place, his vision is very good, very open, but there is a feeling of walking on thin ice.

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