Published at 21st of December 2021 09:22:12 AM

Chapter 810: We have new toys again

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   I bought the brushes and drawing books, and the two little guys bought some other stationery such as stationery bags, and so on, the two little guys were very happy today.

   Le Le He Tuan Tuan packed the stationery in the school bag and laughed happily.

   Su Chen smiled and asked: "Tuan Tuan, Lele, what are you smirking at, go home!" Su Chen smiled and asked Lele's little head.

   "Hee hee, Baba Ma Ma, I am very happy today~" Lele said with a smile.

   "Hahaha, I am very happy to buy stationery. When you sign up on Monday, you will also be very happy~" Su Chen said with a smile.

   Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan and Le Le agreed: "Um... that's all right!"

   As he said, Su Chen was about to drive home with the two little guys. Through the rearview mirror, Su Chen saw the two little guys still carrying school bags.

   Su Chen said with a smile: "Little guy, you don’t need to carry your schoolbag, otherwise it’s not easy to sit~"

   The two little guys slowly put down their schoolbags, the two little guys fastened their seat belts, put their schoolbags in front of them, and carefully counted the harvest today!

   Tuantuan and Lele were very happy, humming small songs along the way, and returned home.

   After returning home, Tuantuan and Lele eagerly showed the small schoolbag to Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu.

   Lin Xiu watched the two little guys say something about the car, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it seems that you have a lot of experience in buying stationery!"

   The two little guys smiled happily.

   "Hehe, today is another happy day!" Lele said with a smile.

   "Hahahaha~" Lin Xiu touched the hands of the two little guys and smiled happily.

   Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the two little guys Tuan Tuan and Le Le jumped off the sofa to open the door.

   As soon as I opened the door, I saw Tang Shuyun and Yan Zhenwei walking over with two small toys. Tuan Tuan and Lele exclaimed in surprise: "Grandpa, grandma, why are you here!"

   "Come and see you two little guys!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

   "Grandpa and grandma bought two small toys for you~" Tang Shuyun continued.

   "Little guy, do you like it?" Yan Zhenwei asked with a smile.

   The two little guys nodded happily and said, "I like it!"

   "Grandma, this is a helicopter toy that Lele loves super, so cool!" Lele said with joy.

   "This is Tuantuan's favorite little bear, and Tuantuan likes it so much. Tuantuan wants to sleep with the little bear every day!" Tuantuan said excitedly.

   The two little guys took the toy and eagerly took the toy apart and started playing.

   Tuantuan hugged the little bear and sat between Tang Shuyun and Lin Xiu, looking very happy, very cute.

   Tuantuan smiled and asked, "Grandma, does this little bear have a name?"

   Tang Shuyun smiled and said, "Grandma, take a look!"

   Tuantuan handed the toy to Tang Shuyun, Tang Shuyun carefully looked at a label on the doll, looked at it, did not find the name, smiled and said, "This doll has no name yet, so Tuantuan can give the doll a nice name!"

   "A nice name?" Tuantuan said with a smile.

   Lin Xiu and Tang Shuyun looked at Tuantuan with a smile.

   Tuantuan worked hard to turn his little mind, thinking of a nice name, "Well...what's the name? I have it!"

   Tuantuan said happily, "Is it okay to just call it one by one?"

   "One by one, hahahaha, this name is easy to remember!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

   looked at Lin Xiu with a small mouth pouting and said, "Grandma, is this name just memorable?"

   Lin Xiu said with a smile: "No, it sounds nice, nice, right? Shuyun!" Lin Xiu patted Tang Shuyun's hand and said.

   "Yes, yes, nice, nice!" Tang Shuyun said with a smile.

   "Hahaha, you will call it one by one, one by one, one by one!" The little bear's name was called cutely.


   Tang Shuyun accompanied Tang Shuyun in groups, while Lin Xiu sat on the sofa, listening to the two people chatting. Yan Zhenwei played with Lele in the living room.

   "Grandpa, look, this helicopter can also sing~" Lele found out in surprise.

   "Yes, this helicopter can also open the door automatically~" Yan Zhenwei patiently guided Lele to play the helicopter.

   Yan Zhenwei pressed a button and the helicopter's hatch opened. Lele looked at the helicopter in surprise and exclaimed: "Wow, it's so fun~"

   "Also, this button, there will be new discoveries when you press this button~" Yan Zhenwei prompted.

   Tuantuan looked at Yan Zhenwei, smiled and pressed the button, pressing the button, the two helicopter blades began to rotate.

   Lele looked at the two rotating leaves very happy, "Wow, there is still wind!"

  Lele's hair was blown away on the front of her forehead.

   Lele said with joy: "Wow, so cool!"

   Yan Zhenwei said with a smile: "This helicopter is cool!"

   Lele smiled and said, "Hmm!"


   Unknowingly, it was time for dinner again, and Su Chen had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

   Su Chen asked everyone to sit over and eat, then walked to the small study on the second floor and asked Yan Bingxue to come down.

   Su Chen quietly walked behind Yan Bingxue and said with a smile: "Wife, eat!"

   Yan Bingxue is editing something and has not finished editing yet. As a work-oriented Yan Bingxue, she naturally wants to finish editing before eating.

   Yan Bingxue glanced at Su Chen with a smile, and continued to edit: "Husband, you eat first, I will eat later!"

   "Wife, eat first, then work!" Su Chen reminded.

   "It's okay, husband, I'm not hungry!" Yan Bingxue tapped the keyboard and said.

   "Aren't you hungry, wife?" Su Chen walked to the opposite side of Yan Bingxue and asked Yan Bingxue.

   "Really!" Yan Bingxue replied with a smile.

"My husband, stay with you. Our wife is making money. How can my husband eat alone!" Su Chen pretended to work with Yan Bingxue stopped beating. The keyboard, shut the computer and said: "Okay, let's go to eat, eat first, then work!"

   Su Chen smiled and looked at Yan Bingxue and said, "That's right, my wife, when we finish eating, we will move bricks!"

   "Good! Together!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

   Yan Bingxue and Su Chen walked down from the second floor holding hands together.

   Lin Xiu smiled and asked, "Dust, I asked Bingxue to eat, why have you called it for so long?"

   Su Chen smiled and said: "Who calls my wife too good? The company has a lot of work to do!"

   Lin Xiu said with concern: "I know Bingxue, I know the company is busy, but I should also pay attention to rest and eat on time~"

   Tang Shuyun said with concern: "Yes, it is most important to take care of yourself first!"

   Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "Mom, I know, I will eat on time in the future!"

   "My wife, today's dish was made by my husband, and made your favorite steamed sea bass~"

   Yan Bingxue smiled and replied: "Thank you husband!"

   "Thank you, husband, just eat more!" Su Chen smiled and said while looking at Yan Bingxue.

   Yan Bingxue nodded with a smile.


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