Published at 21st of December 2021 09:21:40 AM

Chapter 834: Pi ni is indispensable

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   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue nodded with a smile.

   Su Chen said with a smile: "It's Snowflake, Xiao Tuantuan and Xiao Lele are so smart! You can't make a mistake next time~"

   Xiao Tuantuan said with a smile: "Yeah, I see, I remember, I will definitely not use it wrong next time, this is Snowflake, not Ewha!"

   Xiao Lele smiled happily and said: "Yes, this is Ewha, this Ewha is not another Ewha!"

   Yan Bingxue touched Lele’s little head and said: "Our Jia Lele will still be foolish!"

   Lele smiled mischievously.

   "Baba, the weather is so good that day, should we go outside to play?" Tuantuan said, looking at the clouds in the sky.

   "Go outside to play, where to go?" Su Chen thought for a while and said.

"Well... By the way, Chenchen I know there is a place that is quite fun, Binhu Park, where the peach blossoms are all in bloom, and the scenery is also very good, and then you can have a picnic there!" Lin Xiu smiled Said.

   "Mom, how do you know so much?" Su Chen asked in surprise.

   "I got it online!" Lin Xiu replied with a smile.

   Su Haoqian added: "Yes, damn, I like to scan short videos when I have time, and it's called advancing with the times!"

   "Hahaha, I know!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

   "Dust, your mother, I also know about astronomy and geography now. I have news feeds every day. I know about world events!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

   "Yes, yes, mom, you are called making full use of the resources of the information age!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

   "I still understand me!" Lin Xiu patted Bingxue's hand and said.

   Lin Xiu then asked, "Mom and dad, let's go together. It's rare that the weather is good today and it's very warm in spring. Let's go out for a picnic as a family!"

   Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su smiled and said, "Okay, listen to you!"

   "Then it's settled, I will prepare with Chenchen and Bingxue the food for today's noon picnic, and we can set off later!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

   "Husband, what are you going to prepare?" Yan Bingxue asked softly.

   "My wife, haven't you gone out for a picnic?" Su Chen whispered.

   Yan Bingxue shook his head.

   Su Chen said suspiciously: "When I was in the company, I heard that the group organized team building activities every year. Is there a picnic?"

   Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "I didn't participate in their activities before, and they wouldn't be able to let go of their bosses. Besides, let's go out with them. I don't know what else to talk about besides work!"

Su Chenyong suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, wife, we will go together next time for team building. In fact, with employees, we can talk about a lot of things besides work. This is also conducive to the unity of a group! "

   Yan Bingxue smiled and said, "Then next time, if you go, I will go together!"

   Su Chen nodded and said: "Okay, I must not let my wife down!"

   Lin Xiu checked the food in the refrigerator.

   Lin Xiu said with a smile: "I will simply deal with these foods, make some fruit platter, make some sandwiches, and cut some corned beef to take!"

Su Chen looked at the food in the refrigerator, smiled and said to Lin Xiu: "Mom, I don't think it is enough. If you make sandwiches at home, Bingxue and I will go out to buy some picnic snacks. You can see what else to buy and call I!"

   Tuantuan and Lele heard that they could go out shopping for snacks, and hurriedly followed.

   "Are you going to go out shopping for Baba Mama? I will go and I will go too!" The two little guys looked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue expectantly.

   "You two little guys, your ears are very good, you can hear them all this far away!" Su Chen petted and patted the fleshy little faces of the two little guys and said.

   "Hee hee~" Tuan Tuan and Lele smiled at each other and nodded.

   "Let's go, let's go to the nearby supermarket to buy some back, and then go on a picnic!" Su Chen stretched out his big arms.

   "Okay!" Tuantuan He Lele jumped, and Su Chen was in his arms. The two little guys looked at Su Chen cutely.


  When they came to the supermarket, Tuan Tuan and Lele were operating like a tiger again, and the four people soon purchased food.

   Su Chen drove the car and brought his family to Binhu Park.

   "Here, get off!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   The two little guys nodded, and Yan Bingxue carefully brought the two little guy's hats to them.

   Old man Su and Mrs. Su, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu both walked forward holding an umbrella.

   Today is sunny, and there are a few white clouds floating in the sky.

   At a glance, the park is full of green trees, and the birds on the branches chirping non-stop, as if singing a song about spring.

   The peach trees at the railing of the park also rushed over the railing, and the branches protruded from the gap in the railing.

   The pink Bai Litou is like naughty little dolls. With the breeze, the petals were flying from the branches one by one, spinning, and falling to the ground.

   The two little guys laughed excitedly.

   sang a song unconsciously. "Where is the spring, where is the spring year"


   The two little guys walked forward while singing. The little guy's gasps are so cute.

   Soon the family found a great treasure.

   Su Chen said with a smile: "Parents, grandparents, let's have a picnic here. The big tree backed here is also very cool, and the scenery is also very good at a glance!"

   Old man Su said with a smile: "Okay, right here, here is great!"

   So Su Chen quickly laid out the mat, and Su Chen and Yan Bingxue put the prepared snacks and food on the mat.

   Yan Bingxue took out a bunch of prepared flowers and placed it in the middle of the cushion. UU Reading had a finishing touch, which instantly made people feel the romantic atmosphere of spring.

   "Papa, my bubble machine, where is the bubble machine?" Tuantuan asked eagerly.

   "Here, here!" Yan Bingxue smiled and gave the bubble machine to the two little guys.

   The two little guys went to the grass and played happily.

   A circle of bubbles are flying in the air, facing the sun, reflecting the colorful colors. The two little guys chased each other.

   Su Chen also prepared chess for the two elderly people.

   "Dad, grandpa, do you want to play chess? A Go game is prepared for you!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   "Okay, that's what I meant!" Su Haoqian replied with a smile.

   "Um... Dad, let's go and play there. There is a box of pavilions over there, which can be used to play chess!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.

   "Okay, go over there!" Old Su nodded with a smile.

   Su Chen and Old Man Su walked over with a smile, and the two set the chess game apart.

   "It's been a long time since I played, it's a bit rusty!" Old man Su touched the chess.

   "Dad, don't be humble, I still learn chess from you, you are the master!" Su Haoqian said with a smile.


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