Published at 21st of December 2021 09:21:31 AM

Chapter 841: Tourist Botani al Garden

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   "Every gift group and Lele like it~" Lele said with joy.

   "I like it all, then you must keep it safe~" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

   "Yeah, yes, Tuantuan will keep it safe!"

   "Lele will do too!"

   Tuantuan He Lele said with a smile.

   "Hmm!" Lin Xiu smiled and nodded.

   "Well... Tell Tuantuan He Lele one more good news! Do you want to listen?" Su Chen said with a smile.

   Tuantuan He Lele said excitedly: "Want to hear, want to hear, what good news?"

   Su Chen said with a smile: "The good news is that today we can go to a special place to play~"

   "Well...what's the special place?" Tuantuan asked, blinking a pair of big round eyes.

   "Let's go to the Botanical Garden to play today, okay?" Su Chen said with a smile.

  "Botanical Garden?" Tuantuan and Lele stared at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue with big eyes.

   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue nodded with a smile.

   Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan.

Yan Bingxue smiled and replied, "Of course, there are many different plants in the botanical garden. Now spring is here, and the flowers in the botanical garden are all blooming. They are pretty. There are red, purple, white, pink, but It's beautiful!"

   Tuantuan said in surprise: "Then I'm going to see Huahua, I'm going to see Huahua with Baba Mama!"

   "Grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma, are you going?" Tuan Tuan asked everyone clingingly.

   "You go with Mom and Dad, grandpa and grandma will prepare a big surprise for you at home!" Grandpa Su said with a smile.

   "Surprise, grandpa and grandma also prepared surprises for Tuantuan?" Tuantuan asked excitedly.

   "Of course~ When you come back from the botanical garden, you can see the surprise that everyone has prepared for you!" Mr. Su said with a smile.

   "Yeah, that Lele is really looking forward to~" Lele said with a smile.


   Then Su Chen and Yan Bingxue drove Tuan He Lele to the Botanical Garden. Tuan He Le Le also found out the cameras Su Chen and Yan Bingxue had prepared for Tuan Le Le.

   Tuan Tuan and Le Le carried a camera on their chests.

   Lele said excitedly: "This time, I will take a lot of beautiful photos, and then I will make a photo wall!" Lele said with a smile.

   "Hey, I want it too, I want it too!" Tuantuan said happily.

   "Hmm, let's do it together, okay?" Lele said with a smile.

   "Hmm, let's do it together, let's make a photo wall with many plants!" Tuantuan said excitedly.

   The two little guys along the way can't wait, and can't wait for a flash function to fly into the botanical garden.

   "Baba, are you here?" Tuantuan asked anxiously.

   "There are still ten minutes, it will be here soon!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

   "There are still ten minutes, it seems that you can go to the botanical garden soon, it seems to be taking pictures~" Lele said with a smile.

   "Hahaha, Tuantuan, Lele, you are so anxious!" Yan Bingxue smiled.

   "Hehe, my camera is anxious, and the camera told me that I can't wait to work~" Tuantuan said cutely while holding the camera.

   "I don't know if it's our Tuan Tuan He Lele anxious or the camera is anxious to work~" Su Chen smiled and glanced at Yan Bingxue.

   Lele smiled and looked at Su Chen and Yan Bingxue and said, "Hehe, they all have it~"

   "Hahahaha~" Su Chen and Yan Bingxue smiled happily.

   After several series of urgings, Tuan Tuan and Lele can be regarded as the botanical garden of the heart.

   Looking over, the botanical garden is full of lush greenery. What novelty is there waiting for the two little guys?

   Su Chen bought four tickets, and the four of them entered the park in a sightseeing car.

   said excitedly: "Baba, I can walk in~"

   "I can too~" Lele said excitedly.

   "The sightseeing car can take us to the middle of the botanical garden, so that it is more convenient for us to watch~" Su Chen said with a smile.

   "Wow~" Tuan Tuan He Lele nodded with a smile.

   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue held Tuantuan and Lele respectively, and drove forward in the sightseeing car.

   Scattered pieces of sunlight scattered on the road through the gaps between the leaves, and the two banks of the road were full of tall trees.

   Tuan Tuan and Le Le opened their mouths and looked into the air, and Tuan Tuan said in surprise: "Wow, such a big tree~ Baba Mama, is this tree many years old?"

   Su Chen said with a smile: "Um, it should be, maybe it's older than the grandfather's age~"

   Lele said in surprise: "Are the trees older than the grandfather? Grandpa is now 70 years old, aren't these big trees more than 70 years old!"

   Su Chen explained with a smile: "Well, maybe they are over seventy years old, and maybe some are over a hundred years old!"

   "Wow, over a hundred years old!" Tuan Tuan He Lele looked at the big tree rising into the clouds with reverence.

   "Baba, what do you think the nests would be like when they are over a hundred years old?" Tuantuan asked, blinking his big eyes.

   "Well... the question about Tuantuan, let's keep asking myself after more than a hundred years old! Because my father doesn't know what Tuantuan will be like then!" Su Chen said with a smile.

   "Wow~" Tuantuan replied with a smile.

   Tuantuan imagined: "Will Tuantuan be as tall as a tree?"

   Su Chen and Yan Bingxue looked at this curious little doll with joy.


   The sightseeing bus stopped in the middle of the botanical garden. Tuan Tuan and Le Le walked forward with the tourists. Tuantuan and Lele walked to an empty area. There are turmeric flowers everywhere here, and the turmeric flowers in the garden are very beautiful. Looking at it piece by piece, it seems like a sea of ​​, what a beautiful flower~What kind of flower is this? Lele said with a smile.

   Yan Bingxue said with a smile: "This is a tulip!"

   "Tulip, a nice name~" Tuan Tuan said cutely.

   "Yes, Mom and Dad also think it sounds good!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

   "I want to take a photo of the tulip!" Lele said with a smile.

   "I want to take a photo of the tulip too!" Tuantuan said with joy.

   The two little guys took pictures of tulips very seriously.

Later, Tuan Tuan and Lele also took a photo of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue. Although Tuan Tuan and Lele’s camera technology is not very mature, the outstanding appearance of Su Chen and Yan Bingxue resisted the death of Tuan Tuan and Lele. Filming angle.

   "Baba, do you think the photos I took look good?" Tuantuan asked happily.

   "Good-looking, good-looking!" Su Chen replied with a smile.

   Tuan Tuan Tuan He Le Le You walked forward, and Tuan Tuan He Le Le entered into a sea of ​​hydrangea flowers.

   The clusters of hydrangea are very dreamy, and there are some butterflies and bees around the hydrangea.


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