Published at 21st of December 2021 09:38:16 AM

Chapter 86: Thinking about this one night, thinking about it for 4 years!

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Chapter 86 I thought about this night, I thought about it for four years!

After returning to the bedroom, the two of them took a shower and put on clean and comfortable pajamas before continuing to sit on the small balcony and drink.

At this time, it was June. The summer night in Zhonghai faded from the heat of the day, and the evening breeze blew through, bringing a touch of coolness.

Yan Bingxue sat barefoot on the stall, leaning on the hanging chair next to her, her slender and white feet exposed outside, like the finest suet jade.

Su Chen sat on the small futon next to him, and the two looked up at the stars in the night sky together.

"Today's stars are so bright, tomorrow must be a good weather~" Yan Bingxue said, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

I don't know if it is the good weather or her mood at the moment.

"Don't worry, tomorrow will be a good weather, because tomorrow is an important big day for our family."

Yan Bingxue drank slightly, and there were two red clouds floating on her cheeks, spreading from the cheekbones to the bridge of the nose, forming a small piece, making her beautiful facial features suddenly add a touch of beauty.

"What important day?"

"Of course it is the big day when our family is moving to a household registration book~ And tomorrow night, I will go to see the old man and mother-in-law and try to win them~"

"Hehe..." Yan Bingxue laughed, with a mouthful of bright teeth, "You said, what are the names of Tuan Tuan and Lele?"

"I gave them their nicknames at the time, Tuan Tuan and Le Le, and I used Su Tuan Tuan and Su Le Le directly when I registered for the registered permanent residence, but this was actually just my nickname for them. The children’s names should be given to them. You're a dad to pick it up~"

"I think Tuan Tuan and Le Le are pretty good." Su Chen said.

Yan Bingxue pouted her mouth and shook her head, "No~ the nickname is the nickname~ You still have to have a big name. Dad will get them a big name, and you have to listen to them when you go to school~"

Su Chen hadn't really thought about what his name would be after he had a child. Now Yan Bingxue mentioned it, he could only think about it.

"The name of the child is a big deal, or I will come over to that dictionary and look it up?" Su Chen said.

"Which is so troublesome, what the babies don't want is such a good name, but the father gives them a name~"

Tuantuan and Lele are their two common babies. Yan Bingxue is responsible for naming the babies, and Su Chen is responsible for naming the babies. In this way, the babies will feel happy when they hear their own names because of the big names and the little ones. The name is the love of mom and dad for them~

Su Chen lowered his head and thought about it seriously, her daughter’s name must be nicer~ Their family Tuantuan is a little cute, lively and kind, just like a little angel~

Although Lele is only three years old, she is like a little adult. As an older brother, he often takes care of his younger sister. He also has a little awkward personality of a child. He often speaks ill-advisedly. The contrast is so cute. ~

So what kind of names should the two children call?

"I thought about it!" Su Chen said suddenly excitedly.

Yan Bingxue looked at him expectantly, "Huh?"

"I think of Tuantuan's name~" Su Chen smiled and looked at him with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"The name of Tuantuan is-Su Muxue~Su Chen loves Yan Bingxue~ So every time Tuantuan hears her own name, she will think that father likes mother, she is the crystallization of our love~"

Su Muxue, Muxue...what a good name~

not only sounds good, but also has a good meaning~

Yan Bingxue blushed and nodded, "Okay, it's Su Muxue~ I believe Tuantuan will like this name too~ When she gets up tomorrow, I will tell her that her name will be Su Muxue in the future~"

"What about Lele?"

"Lele is a boy, you can't name it like Tuantuan. I think the word Le is quite good. It's better to keep each individual and call it-Su Jiale, courage is commendable, peace and joy~ In addition, the meaning of family joy is also good. ~Bingxue, do you think this name is good?"

Yan Bingxue nodded, "It sounds good~"

"Okay, I want to decide on these two. Tomorrow when Tuan Lele wakes up, we will discuss with them. After all, the two little guys are now three years old. If we have any ideas about our own names, we will be parents. Listen to your children’s opinions."

Yan Bingxue put her hands on her chin and listened carefully to Su Chen's words. The slightly drunk girl looked much cuter than usual, she looked like a little fan.

Su Chen was so watched by her, and his heart gradually became agitated.

originally said that he wanted to take a good look at the stars and the moon, but now he thinks the scenery around him is much better than the scenery in the sky.

The beautiful scenery of the good day, a moment of spring night, this can not be disappointed~

Su Chen leaned against the lazy couch and asked, "Bingxue, are you drunk?"

Yan Bingxue shook his head, "No, how can I get drunk with such a little red wine~ It's just a little dizzy, slightly drowsy, great~"

Su Chen looked at the red wine bottle. The red wine that was just opened has now seen the bottom. Is this still a bit of red wine?

It seems that the amount of alcohol is pretty good~

"Then shall we go back to the house to rest? Tomorrow is a working day, we have to get up early to work~" Su Chen reminded.

How could he be reminded of this kind of thing? Yan Bingxue is a workaholic.

But now~ She feels that her home is much more comfortable than the company, especially when she is with Su Chen, it makes her happier than she is at work~

"I don't want~" She shook her head I want to keep looking at the stars~ Look, there is Altair over there, Vega over there, they are so pitiful, there is a Milky Way in between. , Can’t sit together like us like this~"

"However, Qixi Festival is coming soon, and they can meet each other then~"

Su Chen looked at her stupid, probably because she had drunk a little too much, so she stood up and reached out to pull her hand.

Yan Bingxue refused to move, lying on the ground acting like a baby: "I don't want to sleep yet~"

"Good~ Time to sleep~" Su Chen coaxed her.

With such a gentle tone, Yan Bingxue raised her head and smiled at him happily. The next second, she suddenly opened her hands and said: "Then you hold me back, my legs are soft and I can't walk~"

Who would have thought that when President Yan acted like a baby, he would look like such a cute kitten~

Su Chen smiled helplessly, knelt down, and a princess hugged her up easily.

Yan Bingxue's body suddenly vacated, and she was so scared that she immediately hugged his neck.

Su Chen hugged her back to the bedroom, and the two of them walked towards the big round bed together.

In the summer night, the room is full of ripples~

Yan Bingxue has been thinking about this night, and has been thinking about it for four years~

finally come true~

The next morning, Yan Bingxue and Su Chen both got up late, and only went downstairs for breakfast at eight o'clock.

Yan Bingxue's complexion was ruddy, and she slept well last night, and Su Chen was also full of energy.

In the dining room, Tuantuan and Su’s parents and Su’s mom are already sitting at the table, and there is a tempting aroma from the kitchen.

Su Chen sucked his nose and said, "Mom, have you stewed the soup? It's so fragrant~"

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