Published at 21st of December 2021 09:20:55 AM

Chapter 867: Grandma hug

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"Grandma, I bought it for Aunt Yuxin too! Guess what it is." Lele also leaned close to Lin Xiurou, blinking her big eyes and said.

"I bought Lele too! That grandma take a good guess!" Lin Xiu said softly with a smile, holding Lele in her arms as she spoke. I haven't hugged the cute baby well today.

"Grandma, I also want to hug." Tuantuan said, looking at Lin Xiurou jealously.

"Grandma hug." Lin Xiu said happily, laughing out loud. They are really two cute little babies, one to the left and the other holding the two little babies.

"Grandma, you haven't guessed what I bought for Aunt Yuxin." Lele reminded aloud. He also pulled Lin Xiu's face with his hands, as if to attract attention.

"Then grandma guess. Did you buy a beautiful dress for Aunt Yuxin?" Lin Xiu guessed.

"No!" Lele said after shaking his head.

"Is that a toy?" Lin Xiu continued to guess.

"Yes!" Lele said, looking at Lin Xiurou in surprise, unexpectedly grandma guessed it.

"Grandma, let me tell you, it's Princess Aisha's figure," Tuantuan said loudly.

"It turned out to be Princess Aisha's figure! Your Aunt Yuxin will definitely like it." Lin Xiu said lovingly, looking at the two babies.

"Yes, it's very beautiful!" Lele said, getting down from Lin Xiu's arms and going to take it out of the shopping bag for everyone to see.

"Mom, I will show Princess Aisha to grandma." Lele asked Yan Bingxue while the bag was being carried in Yan Bingxue's hand.

"Yes." Yan Bingxue replied.

After receiving Ying Ke's Lele, she quickly took out Princess Aisha and showed it to everyone.

"It's very beautiful!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Xiu's praise, she happily looked at Su Haoqian aside and asked, "Grandpa, do you think Princess Aisha looks good?"

"It looks good." Su Haoqian replied.

"I just said it looks good." Lele said happily, and then carefully put Princess Aisha away.

"Can mom keep the gifts for you? Then I will give the gifts to Aunt Yuxin." Yan Bingxue asked the two little babies.

"Then mom, you have to put it away." Tuantuan exhorted.

"Hahaha, your mother, don't worry!" Su Chen said with a smile when he heard Tuantuan's words.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Tuantuan said loudly, it was Dad who misinterpreted the meaning.

"Then mother, go and collect things!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

The two little babies nodded, and then Yan Bingxue took the gift in and put it away. Su Chen sat on the sofa aside and watched TV with everyone.

"Baby, do you want some fruit?" Lin Xiu asked the two babies.

"Don't eat." Tuantuannai replied milkily.

"Mom, the two of them were full today. They definitely can't eat anymore." Su Chen said.

"Hey, baby, did you eat delicious food outside today?" Lin Xiu asked while looking at the two babies.

"Well, I ate a lot of delicious food." Lele replied. And gestured with his hands.

"I won't bring it back for grandma to eat. Grandma is so sad!" Lin Xiu deliberately pretended to be sad and said.

"Grandma, we will bring you next time!" Tuantuan quickly hugged Lin Xiu and comforted.

"Yes, grandma, I will bring you a lot next time!" Lele also agreed.

"Okay, baby, you guys will go down and play, grandma is too hard holding you." Su Haoqian turned his eyes from watching TV to the two little babies. Now the two little babies have some weight, and they are still together. Let a wife hold, hold it for so long, and wait until I get tired.

"Hahaha, Tuantuan, Lele, come down, go and play by yourself!" Su Chen said with a smile.

When the two little babies heard this, they got out of Lin Xiu's arms and went to play on their own. The two little babies were playing very happily by themselves, and laughter came out from time to time.

After a while, Su Chen suddenly turned his head to look at the two little babies who were playing happily and said: "My dears, does the teacher assign you homework today?"

"Dad, we have already finished the homework assigned by the teacher today at school." Tuantuan replied earnestly. We are all good children, and we have already finished our homework.

"Yeah, Dad, we've already finished it." Lele also replied.

"What are you talking about?" Yan Bingxue then came out of the room and walked into the living room, asking everyone.

"No, ask the kids about their studies." Su Chen said.

"Okay, Tuantuan, Lele, shall we go to wash the incense?" Yan Bingxue said, looking at the two little babies.

"Yeah." The two little babies nodded in response, their little looks really cute.

Yan Bingxue was about to go to the bathroom with the two babies. Su Chen said, "My wife, I'll go with you!"

Yan Bingxue smiled and nodded. She was very happy. Her husband was always so considerate. She was afraid that she would not be able to take care of the two children and would do everything with her.

Then Yan Bingxue and Su Chen went to bathe the little babies together. The two little babies washed in the bathroom separately. After washing, Yan Bingxue helped Tuantuan to wipe the fragrant body lotion. It was milky. After the bath, Tuantuan was very fragrant, and her little face was still blushing, and she was dressed cutely. Mickey Mouse pajamas, people like it very much.

After Yan Bingxue organized Tuantuan, she went to find Su Chen and the others with Tuantuan.

"Husband, you remember to wipe Lele's body milk!" Yan Bingxue said while looking at Su Chen. At this time Su Chen was helping Lele find pajamas.

"Okay, wife, I remember! You take Tuan Tuan to drink some milk first, and then you can fall Su Chen said, after taking a look at his beautiful wife and lovely daughter , Went into the bathroom again to take care of Lele.

Lele felt that she was already a little man, so she didn't ask Su Chen to bathe him. After taking a bath, Su Chen helped to wipe her body lotion, then put on her pajamas and came out.

When Su Chen and Lele came to the living room, there was only Yan Bingxue and Tuan Tuan in the living room. Su Chen walked to the place next to Yan Bingxue and sat down and asked, "Wife, where are your parents?"

"My parents went in to wash." Yan Bingxue replied.

"Then I'm looking at the little babies here, so go and wash!" Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue and said softly.

"Husband, you go first. I will look at them first. Later, I still have some work to deal with. After you take a bath, you may have to take the little babies." Yan Bingxue said while looking at Su Chen's eyes.

"Okay, wife, then I'll go wash first." Su Chen said with a smile. Then got up and went back to the room.

Yan Bingxue took the two little babies to watch their favorite cartoons in the living room.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!