Published at 21st of December 2021 09:20:54 AM

Chapter 868: Husband, I will leave the two babies to you!

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Because he was worried that Yan Bingxue's workload would be heavy and had to deal with things late, Su Chen quickly washed it out, hoping to leave more time for Yan Bingxue to work, and then he could rest at ease.

"Wife, I'm all right, you go and do your thing!" Su Chen walked to Yan Bingxue and said.

"Hmm, husband, I'll leave the two babies to you!" Yan Bingxue said with a smile, then got up and went back to the room.

Su Chen was sitting in the position where Yan Bingxue had just sat, and next to them were two little babies, who were watching the cartoon seriously.

Cocoa loves with a small appearance, it is really heartwarming to see.

Su Chen smiled and teased them and asked, "Tuantuan, why do you and your brother like watching this cartoon so much?"

"Dad, you think this Superman is so powerful, he will defeat the monster!" Lele said excitedly.

"That's it!" Su Chen said. In my heart, children have their own world.

After watching TV for about an hour, Su Chen looked at the time on the phone and said to the two little babies: "Le Le, Tuan Tuan, we are going to sleep!"

"But Dad, I still want to see it!" Tuantuan said unwillingly, frowning.

"But I have to get up early for class tomorrow! In class, there will be children you like to play with!" Su Chen coaxed.

"Well, all right!" Tuantuan replied after thinking about it.

Then Su Chen took the two babies back to the room to sleep, sent the two babies back to the room, and coaxed them to sleep, Su Chen found that the light in the study was still on, and it seemed that Yan Bingxue was still dealing with it. matter. So I went to the kitchen, prepared some fruits and a glass of milk, and gave it to Yan Bingxue.

Su Chen carried his things, went to the entrance of the study, and said softly: "Wife."

Then he walked in. Yan Bingxue was signing the paper at this time. When he saw Su Chen coming, the fatigue on his face was much less, and he shouted at Su Chen: "Husband."

"I have prepared some fruits for you, and eat some when you are tired!" Su Chen said thoughtfully. In my heart, Yan Bingxue is very distressed, not willing to let his wife work so hard, but if this is what his wife wants to do, he is very supportive.

"Thank you husband, love you!" Yan Bingxue said embarrassedly. When I said this, even though I had been with my husband for so long, I was still shy and moved in my heart.

"Hahaha, then you continue to deal with things, I will wait for you to finish before going to bed!" Su Chen said with a smile. He stretched out his hand and touched Yan Bingxue's hair.

"Hmm, husband, I'll take care of it right away." Yan Bingxue replied happily.

Then Su Chen put down his things and left the study, while Yan Bingxue dealt with the work seriously.

"Huh~ finally finished." Yan Bingxue exhaled, stretched out and said. It looks so cute. If you are seen by the subordinates in the company, you probably won't think this is the president they know.

Yan Bingxue tidyed up the desk and got up and went back to the room. As soon as he arrived in the room, Su Chen was still waiting for her playing with his mobile phone. I can't help but feel moved.

"Husband, you're going to bed soon, I'll go to wash, and I'll fall asleep immediately." Yan Bingxue said with a smile.

"Okay, my wife, good night!" Su Chen said, and then put the phone down, he was indeed a little sleepy.

"Good night, husband, love you." Yan Bingxue said. Then I took my pajamas and went to the bathroom to wash.

After coming out, Su Chen was already asleep, Yan Bingxue simply did some care, and went to bed, watching Su Chen who was asleep, Yan Bingxue gently kissed Su Chen on the cheek, making up a good night Kiss, and then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the alarm clock woke everyone up, but Su Chen got up earlier than everyone else. When everyone came to the living room after washing up, he had already cooked breakfast. The breakfast I prepared for everyone today is a sandwich, and I cooked porridge specially for everyone, which is nutritious and rich.

"Baby, sit down and have breakfast!" Su Chen said while looking at the two little babies who were still standing in the living room in a daze.

When Su Chen called them, the two little babies reacted and walked slowly to the dining table. Yan Bingxue served the two little babies porridge and took sandwiches.

After taking a bite of the sandwich, Tuantuan came to his senses and happily said to Su Chen: "Dad, the sandwiches you made are so delicious!"

"Then you eat more! Dad will make it for you." Su Chen said happily, and the baby daughter praised him early in the morning. It was a beautiful day.

"Yeah, I want to eat a lot." Tuantuan replied, and then took a big bite of the sandwich.

Lele also ate breakfast with relish.

After everyone had breakfast, Su Chen sent the babies to school. Today Yan Bingxue will also go to work at the company. After Su Chen sent the babies, he came back to pick Yan Bingxue to work.

Today's Yan Bingxue is dressed as a high-cold female president, and Su Chen is also handsome, and the two drove downstairs to the company.

"Husband, are you doing a lot today?" Yan Bingxue asked.

"It's okay! Not a lot." Su Chen replied.

"Then let's make an appointment with Yuxin and Archie to have a meal with them tonight! We haven't had a meal together after the last marriage proposal!" Yan Bingxue said. Good girlfriends naturally want to play together often!

"Oh, wife, do you want to see Yuxin?" Su Chen asked with a smile. There is also a hint of jealousy in the tone.

"Hahaha, husband, no! Haven't you seen Archie for a long time?" Yan Bingxue said embarrassedly.

"Okay then! Wait for me to ask about Aqi, let's have dinner together, tell Yuxin!" Su Chen said.

"Yeah." Yan Bingxue said contentedly.

Then Su Chen drove to the Long Academy of Sciences to Yan Bingxue watched Su Chen's car leave before going upstairs.

As soon as he went upstairs and entered the office, Special Assistant Zhang came over to report on today's work arrangements. There was an acquisition decision-making meeting to be held this morning. After Yan Bingxue briefly read the plan, he had an idea in his mind.

"Special assistant Zhang, inform the senior management that the meeting will be changed to 10 o'clock." Yan Bingxue looked at Zhang Special assistant and said, she deliberately delayed the time by half an hour, hoping that these people would prepare more and give the best quality plan.

"Okay." Zhang Tezhu answered. I went out to arrange work.

Here Su Chen is also working meticulously.

Just such a morning passed. When it was time for lunch, Yan Bingxue made a video call to Su Chen. When the phone was connected, how long did Su Chen's handsome face appear on the screen.

"Husband, are you here to pick me up?" Yan Bingxue asked the little woman with a look.

"Wife, I am going to leave now, you can wait a little longer!" Su Chen said.

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