Published at 21st of December 2021 09:20:36 AM

Chapter 882: Learn table tennis

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"Because I am cuter than my brother and obedient than my brother, so my sister is a girl and very obedient." Tuantuan said shyly.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this!" Gu Yuxin said with a smile, Tuantuan still boasted at this young age. If Lele hears it later, I don't know if he will refute it.

"Hahaha, Yuxin, so you can give birth to sister Tuantuan!" Yan Bingxue also said with a smile.

"It's okay, brothers and sisters are all fine." Gu Yuxin said.

"Tuan Tuan, the aunt will help you remove your hair first!" Gu Yuxin said.

"Yeah, auntie, you should be lighter!" Tuantuan said, it hurts a bit when removing her hair, but usually when her mother does it, she will gently remove it, and she will remove it very carefully, so it won't hurt. But I still have to remind Gu Yuxin.

"Okay, Auntie won't hurt my baby!" Gu Yuxin promised.

After speaking, Gu Yuxin began to tear off Tuantuan's hair and re-braid it.

Here Su Chen has finished teaching Lele and intends to let him practice it by himself.

"Lele, come on!" Yan Bingxue said loudly.

Lele glanced here, made a cheering gesture towards Yan Bingxue, and then started playing with Fang Qi.

Fang Qi sent the first ball over and Lele tried to catch it, but the ball was not received on the table.

"Lele, come on!" Yan Bingxue continued to cheer for Lele.

Let Lele serve this time, and Lele succeeded on the first serve. Fang Qi took the book, but Lele still didn't catch it.

After a few more attempts, Lele didn't catch the ball either. In this way, she had some percussion enthusiasm and lost her initial enthusiasm.

"Lele, that's how you play ball! No one can play well in one shot, you only practice slowly! Don't be discouraged!" Su Chen encouraged.

"Yeah." Lele replied. With Su Chen's encouragement, Lele continued to play the ball.

This time I even caught it. Lele was very happy. It seemed that the enthusiasm from the beginning had returned. After catching it once, the following was very simple, and the ball was given to Lele by adding the upper Qi and very cooperative, so Lele was very fast. Just get started.

"Tuan Tuan, did Auntie hurt you?" Gu Yuxin asked Tuantuan, who had been moving around just now.

"There is a little butterfly." Tuantuan said, pointing to a butterfly surrounding her. This is a colorful butterfly. It looks like a rainbow in the sun. It is very beautiful.

"What a beautiful little butterfly! It must be because Tuantuan is too cute to see us, and I want to play with Tuantuan." Gu Yuxin said with a smile.

"But the butterfly can't talk. How can I be friends with it?" Tuantuan asked.

"You can talk to the butterfly!" Gu Yuxin said.

Hearing Gu Yuxin's words, Tuantuan said softly and cutely: "Beautiful butterfly, do you want to be friends with me?"

After waiting for a while, before Butterfly's answer came, Tuantuan said, "Aunt Yuxin, Butterfly won't answer me."

"Tuan Tuan, if you see butterflies around you, you just like you! I want to be friends with you. Many small animals are our friends! So we have to take care of the small animals!" Gu Yuxin said.

"Okay, I see, I also want to tell my friends that little animals are our friends and we have to protect them." Tuantuan said seriously.

"Yes, Tuantuan is really good." Gu Yuxin said happily, feeling that Dao Tuantuan is too smart and well-behaved.

With that said, Gu Yuxin's hands have been braiding Tuantuan's hair, and a five-pointed star pattern came out after a while. It happened that Yan Bingxue brought Tuantuan red hairpins today, and Gu Yuxin put those clips again to Tuantuan clips. On it.

"Tuan Tuan, can Auntie take a picture of you?" Gu Yuxin said after braiding Tuantuan's hair.

"Okay!" Tuantuan replied.

"Yuxin, this will be done!" Yan Bingxue said. Then I took a look at Tuantuan and found that Gu Yuxin's skill is still very good, and the braided hair is very distinctive and beautiful, so he praised: "Yuxin, it looks pretty, I will braid Tuantuan more hair in the future."

"As long as Tuantuan likes it, I will braid it." Gu Yuxin said with a smile. While taking out the phone to take pictures of Tuantuan.

After taking several pictures of her face, Gu Yuxin said happily, “Tuantuan is really too photogenic. Everything is beautiful. Are you interested in letting Tuantuan be a child model?”

"Never mind the child model, Su Chen and I want Tuantuan and Lele to be happy and grow up happily. Everything else is what they want." Yan Bingxue said.

"We Tuantuan completely inherited the advantages of you and Su Chen." Gu Yuxin said with emotion.

Then he continued to take several photos of Tuantuan, and by the way, took several photos of the three players who were playing.

One afternoon passed quickly, and everyone went home after having dinner at the farmhouse.

"Son, Xue'er, your father and I will go to rest first. I'm a little tired today, and I should be able to sleep soundly." Lin Xiu said, beating her arm.

"Mom, go to bed with Dad, good night!" Su Chen said.

"Good night, everyone," Lin Xiu said.

Then he went to rest with Su Haoqian.

"Husband, let's take Tuantuan He Lele to take a bath too!" Yan Bingxue said.

"Hmm." Su Chen replied.

Then the two went to the bathroom to take a shower, holding each other. After washing Xiangxiang, everyone went to bed.

Everyone who was supposed to get up for breakfast the next day fell into bed and didn't want to wake up. It's 10 o'clock in this sleep.

"Oh, why did we get up so late today?" Yan Bingxue said after waking up, looking at the time.

"Maybe we had too much fun yesterday." Su Chen replied.

"Get up. I'll have Chinese food later." Yan Bingxue parted.

Then I got up. As soon as they arrived in the living room, Su Haoqian and Lin Xiu watched TV in the living room.

"There is still some bread on the table. You can eat some and then you can eat Chinese food." Lin Xiu said while watching the people coming out of the room.

At this time, the ball ran to Lele's foot and rubbed it.

"Wife, let's take a bath for Qiuqiu this afternoon. I went to the farmhouse to play for a day, and it's time to take a bath." Su Chen said while looking at Qiuqiu.

"Yeah, take it to the pet shop this afternoon!" Yan Bingxue said.

"Let's go after dinner, right?" Su Chen asked.

"Yes, I'll contact the pet shop later." Yan Bingxue replied.

"Well, eat breakfast!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Then a few people went to have breakfast. After breakfast, they sat on the sofa again, and everyone watched TV for a while, and then went to prepare lunch.

"Tuan Tuan, you have eaten a lot of snacks today, you can't eat it!" Lin Xiu said, holding the hand that Tuantuan was about to get the snacks. While sitting here watching TV for a while, Tuantuan had already eaten a packet of French fries and several packets of jelly.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!