Published at 21st of December 2021 09:20:05 AM

Chapter 917: There is so mu h attention to hoosing a ma hine

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The salesperson said politely: "Okay, please look at this row for household use. This row of cook machines are all household-type, that is, its capacity is much smaller than that of commercial-type ones."

"May I ask how many people in your family use? Because if the number of people is different, the capacity used is also different. Please look at this stainless steel bowl, which is filled with flour, and then this bowl is There are 3.5 liters in size, 5.5 liters, 6.5 liters, and 7.5 liters, all of which are for household use."

Su Chen said: "There are six people in our family."

"For six people, I recommend you buy a 7.5-liter one. In this case, you can make a lot more things at a time, and a 7.5-liter chef machine will have a lot more engine power. In this way, you can do it all at once. The dough can be much larger."

Su Chen nodded and said, "Well, yes, okay, just buy these 7.5 liters."

Yan Bingxue looked at the 7.5-liter stainless steel bowl and said, "This bowl is so big!"

The salesperson said: "Although this stainless steel bowl looks very large, there are actually restrictions on what can be placed in it. If the scale cannot exceed the scale written on it, it will be very difficult to stir, and even the stirring will not be complete, so If you bring it home, you must look at the scale in this stainless steel bowl."

Su Chen picked up the stainless steel bowl and looked at the scale inside, which was about three-quarters.

He nodded and said, "What is the power of this motor?"

The salesperson said: "The power of a cook machine with a capacity of 7.5 liters is a DC motor and then an AC motor. The power of an AC motor is generally relatively small, but the power of a 300 watt AC motor is equivalent to a 1 kilowatt DC motor. Power."

Yan Bingxue said: "In this way, AC motors save more power than DC motors, and I feel that AC motors will be better."

The salesperson said: "Yes, madam, it is true. The price of an AC motor cooker is a bit more expensive than a DC motor."

Su Chen said: "Okay? Show us the most expensive one here."

Because if the capacity has been selected, the other things just look at the most expensive one, so there is no need to choose it. Just like the AC motor and the DC motor, there is no need to distinguish it at all, because expensive has the advantage of expensive.

When the salesperson heard Su Chen's generous words, he immediately said: "Hole, I will take you to see our most expensive chef machine here, which is the Kaishanyi chef machine."

"This chef machine is also the best on the market, and the first chef machine is that they made it of very good quality. It is not only of good quality but also very beautiful. I believe the lady will like it very much if she reads it."

"I'll take you to see it now, because the chef machines we are watching here are relatively cost-effective, but the price generally does not exceed four thousand yuan."

"Kai Shanyi's chef machine is more expensive, more than 7,000 liters for those over 7.5 liters."

Su Chen said: "Okay, let's go see the chef's machine at Kaishan Yidi."

The chef's machine here is almost the same, and their family has money to buy it, of course they need to buy a good one.

The salesperson took Su Chen and his family to another place where the cook machine was placed. The cook machine of Kaishanyi's house was placed here.

Tuantuan's eyes lit up after seeing these chef machines. She said, "Wow, these chef machines are really beautiful, and they are indeed much more beautiful than those chef machines just now. Dad, we want to buy these beautiful chef machines. You and your mother will also feel better when making pastries."

Su Chen looked at Yan Bingxue and asked, "My wife, what do you think of the cook machine here?"

Yan Bingxue said: "Good-looking is good-looking, but it also depends on practicality. Well, let's choose one first, and then take it and test it with those cost-effective chef machines to see which ones have better stability. "

Because although expensive things have the advantage of being expensive, sometimes the brand premium is also very serious. Sometimes it does not mean that expensive things must be better than those with high cost performance. So you still have to test and see the situation after booting.

Especially the cook machine, if the quality is not good, the higher the number of gears, the greater the vibration and the greater the noise.

Su Chen said: "Okay, listen to my wife."

He doesn't think so much about shopping, so everything just listens to Yan Bingxue.

After all, women have more complete considerations in this area.

The salesperson said: "Yes, the cook machine really needs to be turned on directly to see the situation. You first choose the one with more than 7.5 liters. There are two models, one is the head-up type and the other is the elevating type. "

"For the head-up type, just press this place, and then its head will lift up. For the lift-up type, there is a rocker here. Shake this thing and it will go down. Then put the stainless steel bowl in, and then put it in again. If the accessories are installed, then shake the stainless steel bowl up."

The salesman said, while operating to show Yan Bingxue and the others.

Yan Bingxue said: "In this case, the head-up style is more convenient, because the head-up style is to raise the head, then put the stainless steel bowl in, and then install the accessories. The whole process is relatively simple, and it will not get in the way, but It’s an elevating one, she found it was a hindrance."

The salesperson said: "Well, under normal circumstances, the head-up style is better for UU reading, but if it’s summer, the head-up style is not as good as the lift-up style. Because the lift-up style is good for you. Put ice cubes under its stainless steel bowl, because in summer, the weather will be relatively hot. Then, the dough will heat up during the mixing process. If the heat is higher than 35 degrees, it will cause its fermentation. not good."

"So at that time, the average professional baker would put ice cubes under the stainless steel bowl to lower the temperature of the dough, and keep it under 35 degrees. Because fermentation is very important to the requirements of making cakes, how good is the fermentation? , Is directly related to the success or failure of our pastries."

"So those who specialize in baking will prefer to buy a lift-type cook machine."

After listening to such a professional explanation from the salesperson, Yan Bingxue said, "Then let's buy a lift-type cook machine. It is really hot in summer."

Su Chen said: "If it's very hot in summer, we can turn on the air conditioner at home. Then there will be air conditioners in the kitchen. The temperature in the kitchen will not be too high. Then, there is no need to entangle. Buy one. Our house is very big anyway, so you can put it as you like."

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