Published at 18th of January 2022 10:06:16 AM

Chapter 953: Not picky eaters

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Latest website: Although Su Chen and the others are wearing raincoats and rain boots, they will inevitably get caught in the rain when doing things.

So you still have to take a hot bath and change your clothes to prevent you from catching a cold.

Now Tuan Tuan Yue Le can take a bath alone, but they need to choose their clothes.

When choosing clothes, the two also had their own ideas and their own aesthetics.

Sometimes Yan Bingxue chooses the clothes for two people, if they don't agree, they will choose the clothes themselves.

Sometimes I don't want to choose by myself, let Yan Bingxue choose for them.

Yan Bingxue helped the two little guys choose a suit tonight.

After taking a shower, everyone changed their clothes and Su Chen saw that Lin Xiu hadn't returned the clothes yet, so she asked her to go back to the room and take a hot bath, change her clothes and then come out to eat.

Anyway, it's only half past six, so I'm not in a hurry for dinner.

Lin Xiu couldn't help but went back to the room to take a shower and change clothes.

When Lin Xiu finished taking a shower and changed clothes, it was not seven o'clock.

Supper officially begins.

For dinner tonight, there are meals and three-color noodles.

For the red noodles, Lin Xiu told them which one is made with red pepper and which one is made with red cabbage moss.

The red color of red pepper is different from the red color of red cabbage moss.

The red color of red pepper is more authentic, and the red color of red cabbage moss is somewhat similar to dragon fruit red.

It is red with some purple.

"How about? Which kind of noodles are more delicious?" Lin Xiu smiled lovingly at Tuan Tuan and Lele who were eating noodles before eating.

I want to hear the opinions of my two little granddaughters and grandsons.

Anyway, as long as the two little granddaughters and the little grandson like to eat, she will cook them according to their taste.

Aiwujiwu, she will also like to eat the flavors that little grandchildren like to eat.

Tuantuan said: "The noodles with red cabbage moss are more chewy and delicious than usual. The red pepper ones are slightly spicy and delicious."

"But I prefer noodles with red cabbage moss."

Lele's idea is exactly the opposite of Tuantuan's. He prefers to eat red pepper flavor.

Because it has a slight chili flavor.

Hearing Tuan Tuan Yue Le, Lin Xiu said with a smile: "Okay, you like to eat both of these. Then when the nanny makes you noodles, Tuan Tuan will make red cabbage moss, and Lele will make red pepper. "

Yan Bingxue said, "Mom, will this be too troublesome?"

Then Yan Bingxue told Tuan Tuan Le Le, "Tuan Tuan, Le Le, you two can't be picky eaters. You can eat whatever grandma does."

"Grandma cooks a lot of meals every day. If you have to cook alone for you, it will be very busy."

Lin Xiu said with a smile, "Xue'er, it's okay, I'm happy to do this."

"Tuan Tuan Le Le likes to eat different red noodles, and it is not considered picky, but their tastes are different."

"For me, it's actually very simple, just make an extra juice."

"It's not troublesome."

Su Chen patted Yan Bingxue on the shoulder and said, "It's not like eating noodles at every meal. If Mom wants to make it, let her make it. This way, the group will be happy to eat, and her elderly are also happy."

Lin Xiu said, "Dust is right."

"Xue'er, your dad and I don't have to go to work every day. We are both retired. Some of them have time for food."

Now there are two small snacks at home. Of course, it is necessary to let both small snacks eat what they like, so that they can be happy.

After Yan Bingxue saw Su Chen and Lin Xiu talked, she didn't say much.

Tuan Tuan happily continued to eat noodles.

Tuantuan gave Lele the red pepper noodles in his bowl, and Lele gave Tuantuan his red cabbage noodles.

Two brothers and sisters and beautiful.

Lin Xiu watched this scene and said with a smile: "Son, the group music is fine if it doesn't fight."

In many small families with two children, it is easy to fight for something. Sometimes, it is not a fight, but what the other party has in his hands, just want to grab it, and the other person’s is incense. Then start a fight~~~

Su Chen nodded.

His daughter and son really made him feel at ease.

After dinner, Su Chen took the children to play in the activity room.

After playing, Lin Xiu cleaned up the kitchen, and Tuantuan called Su Chen to help her take pictures.

I want to shoot Xiao Xueer.

And the food she made.

Su Chen agreed.

Take a professional camera and take pictures of her in the kitchen.

Call Lele also.

Take a photo of Lele with his robot cake.

After playing until nine o'clock in the evening, Su Chen asked them to wash and sleep.

After the two of them washed up, they didn't go to bed right away, and ran upstairs to play with the puppies.

"Brother, I'm going to class again tomorrow, I feel that the vacation is really short."

"When can I have winter vacation?"

Lele said: "We haven't been to school for a long time. The winter vacation is far away, but the summer vacation is coming soon."

"When is the summer vacation?"

"It's a holiday in July, and it's May now, and there are two months left."

"It’s a vacation in two months, that’s great. After the vacation, I want to think about where to go to play, so I’m struggling. I want to grow up quickly and I want a vacation. But if I don’t study, how can I be on vacation? Growing up?"

"Tuan Tuan, we have to love learning. We have two days off each week. That’s great. Look at parents at work, only two days off a week, and my mother has to be busy with work during vacation, and it’s very tiring. ."

Tuan Tuan nodded his head, "Well, I will study hard and try to pick up my mother's class as soon as possible."

"Brother, do you think mom will ask dad for a younger sibling?"

Lele thought for a while, and said, "Should it be?"

"Now I heard that we can have three children, and our parents have only one child."

"Didn't you have two babies? You, me, two." Tuantuan asked curiously.

Lele said: "We are twins, we are born in one birth."

"Oh, that's how it is, so mom and dad can give us two younger siblings?"


"Then if Mom and Dad are having babies, will we be very competitive? Will younger brothers and sisters take away the love from Mom and Dad? And No? Besides, I also like my younger siblings, don’t you?”

"I didn't say I didn't like it, but I don't know if I would like it."

"are not you sleepy?"


"Then go back to sleep, adults, let the adults think about it."

"Yeah, I'm so sleepy, brother, let's go back to bed, go to class tomorrow, and get up early."


The two little guys went up and down to their room and went to bed.

When the two little guys were talking upstairs, especially when they were talking about their younger brothers and sisters, Su Chen happened to walk over the corridor and heard these words.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!