Published at 18th of January 2022 10:05:45 AM

Chapter 965: Find a nutrition teacher for mom

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The latest website: "eat roasted whole lamb." Lin Feifan said.

Su Chen smiled and said: "Okay, when I was driving, I saw that shop. I haven't had time to eat. I will go to eat this time. I will tell your sister-in-law later that I need to come to your place now. Edge?"

"Take you around Chaofan Group."

Lin Feifan said: "No, Brother Su, you are busy, someone on my side will take me around."

Su Chen smiled, "Female?"


"Okay, haha, then you have a good grasp, hang up."

After speaking, Su Chen smiled and hung up the phone.

No wonder this kid said he wanted to invite their whole family to dinner. This is because when he first came to Chaofan Group, he knew the beautiful employees here.

It seems that it will be soon to eat Lin Feifan's table.

Su Chen called Lin Xiu.

I told Lin Xiu about Lin Feifan's invitation for their family to eat tonight, and told Lin Xiu not to prepare dinner at home.

Lin Xiu asked suspiciously: "Lin Feifan invites our family to dinner? Why?"

Su Chen told Lin Xiu about the situation. After Lin Xiu listened, she smiled and said, "Well, Lin Feifan is Yuan Lao's proud student. It is good for Xiaoxue's group to come to Xiaoxue's group as a consultant."

"All right, my dad and I won't prepare dinner anymore. It just so happened that your dad and I planted yesterday's saplings."

"Otherwise, if the sun shines in the next two days, the sapling will have to be burned before it can be planted and it cannot be used."

Su Chen said: "Okay, don't be too tired at home with your dad, pay attention to the combination of work and rest."

Lin Xiu said with a smile: "Okay, don't worry, your dad and I know how to pay attention to your body. Now you and Xiaoxue are so rich, and the group music is so cute. Both my dad and I know to pay attention to your body. of."

"By the way, son, I also want to learn a course of nutrition. Today I heard from my neighbors that the most important person in the family is the person in charge, because the person in charge determines the degree of salty and spicy food in the family, and Sugar intake and so on."

"I think it makes sense, and I want to apply for nutrition."

"The neighbor said that now I don't need to go to the physical store to learn this course. You only need to open an online course at home and you can watch the TV to learn."

"is this real?"

Lin Xiu doesn't know much about online classes.

Then she feels that she basically cooks the food at home, especially when her grandchildren are growing up. She wants to learn nutrition well so that her grandchildren can eat well and grow taller in the future.

When she raised Su Chen before, she hadn't read any books, just raising them according to her original living habits.

Although she thinks that raising her is pretty good, but this time, raising the group music, she wants to raise better.

After all, there were no conditions before, but now they have such conditions. Of course, she still hopes that her grandchildren can eat nutritiously and healthily.

I also want my son and daughter-in-law to eat nutritiously and healthily.

Su Chen said: "Well, mom, there are indeed online courses to learn. In this way, I will find you a nutrition personal trainer, and then let her follow the teaching video."

"This way you don't have to go outside to study."

"Moreover, the nutrition personal education teacher I was looking for also had real materials."

"Not those half buckets of water."

Because many online course teachers don’t really learn anything, they just have a little bit of layman’s knowledge and dare to start online courses.

After all, just teach those laymen to learn the basics of introductory knowledge.

It does not require too advanced knowledge.

However, there is not much to learn.

And it's easy to make detours, because those half-bucket teachers themselves don't know much about the real core things, so how can they be able to quickly master the methods?

It's like writing.

Now there are many tutorials, teachers, etc. in the world.

But a lot of them gather the information in some forums, and then sell them to those beginners who want to make money on the Internet.

In fact, those are all fake things.

However, there are also some really powerful gods who will open online classes to teach people how to write books quickly and make a lot of money.

But this is more difficult to find, because beginners can't identify which are half buckets of water and which are true gods.

Because half a bucket of water has enough time for publicity, and the true gods generally have no time to publicize, because the manuscripts they write every day make more money than selling online courses.

But Su Chen knows nutrition, so it is easy for him to find these experts who really know nutrition.

After talking, you can know whether the other party is a half bucket of fake Dakong, or a real god.

After hanging up with Lin Xiu, Su Chen went online to find it.

Go to the website that sells online courses to find it.

After finding someone, he would first call to communicate, ask some information, and accidentally talk about some nutrition knowledge.

People with half a bucket of water talked a little bit, they couldn't talk anymore, they started to change the subject and so on, or they said that they had something with a guilty conscience and hung up the phone.

When he called until five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Chen finally found a professional nutrition teacher.

This teacher is still a girl, so it's easy to communicate with his mother.

After confirming that the woman's professional knowledge was okay, and the actual operation was okay, Su Chen negotiated the price with the other party.

Fifty thousand a month, three classes a week, teach her mother to be a nutritionist, and do not have to face-to-face teaching, only online video teaching will do.

When the nutrition teacher heard about this condition, he immediately agreed, saying that it doesn't matter if you go to class every day.

He also said that within three months, Su Chen's mother is guaranteed to get the junior nutritionist certificate.

If she doesn't get it, she will teach it for free until her mother gets the nutritionist certificate.

Su Chen nodded and agreed.

Then he sent Lin Xiu’s WeChat account to the teacher, and then called Lin Xiu and told Lin Xiu that he had selected her nutrition teacher, and he also pushed the nutrition teacher’s WeChat account to Lin Xiu, so that Lin At that time, Xiu agreed to the application of this nutrition teacher's friend.

"Son, you are so efficient. I found it so quickly, okay."

"I see, she applied to add me as a friend, I will add, son, you are busy with your work, don't worry about mom, mom talk to this teacher."

"Okay, the place where Lin Feifan invited us to eat is not far outside our community. When I drive back, I will pick you up and go with my dad."

"Okay, it's okay for UU to read"

Su Chen hung up the phone.

Then start processing work.

It's seven o'clock in the evening for dinner.

Su Chen didn't get off work until six o'clock.

Because I was busy with so many things today, I could leave work at half past five, but Su Chen asked himself to work overtime until six o'clock.

Then brought Yan Bingxue and drove the new car to pick up the group music.

It's been an hour since school is over now, but the two little guys are very sensible and don't make trouble. They are playing in school, accompanied by a teacher.

Yan Bingxue gave the teacher an extra **** fee so that she could pick up the children after get off work.


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