Published at 7th of November 2021 07:42:08 AM

Chapter 1324: 1324

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"Cough -"

Su Mo opened her mouth and, facing Yan Jiuxi's curious eyes, said humbly, "wife, I plan to go to the imperial capital tomorrow."

Yan Jiuxi's eyes moved, sat straight, her hands around her chest, she didn't speak, so she stared at Su mo.

"That... I..."

At this moment, Rao is Su Mo's eloquence is excellent, and he can't help but look embarrassed. He swallowed his saliva and quickly explained, "wife, I'll take you with me this time."

"Take me with you?"

Hearing this, Yan Jiuxi was surprised and asked softly, "did you plan to take me with you at the beginning, or did you change your mind temporarily?"

"Certainly not a temporary change of mind."

Su Mo smiled bitterly and said, "at the beginning, I decided to take you with me. If you don't believe it, you can ask our parents or your Su mother; I mentioned it to them when I was in the living room this afternoon. "

"That's about the same!"

Yan Jiuxi Qiong's nose wrinkled. She was still quite satisfied with this answer. Her eyes became softer. She hit Su Mo with her small hand and threatened her face: "if you don't plan to take me with you, even if the sky falls, I won't let you go!"

Su Mo smiled, put his hands on the willow waist of the beauty, and whispered, "I see. I'll take you everywhere in the future. Is that right?"

"It has to be."

Yan Jiuxi put his pretty face on Su Mo's chest and said angrily like a little girl: "otherwise, he won't even give up his house in the future!"

Su Mo made a ha ha, changed the subject and said, "Xiao Xi, don't you wonder what I'm going to do this time?"

"Not curious."

Yan Jiuxi shook his head and said, "anyway, it has nothing to do with me. You can do whatever you like. As long as you take me, even if you jump into the fire pit, I won't hold you."

Anyway, she'll jump with me.



Su Mo coughed, his face full of seriousness, and said, "I really need your help for the things to be done in the imperial capital this time. Otherwise, I can't be busy alone. Of course, I'll find you a helper at that time."

Hearing the speech, Yan Jiuxi was surprised and said curiously, "can I help you? Don't be kidding. I can't even understand what you're doing. Where can I help? "

Su Mo smiled low and explained: "this time, going to the imperial capital is not to study any projects, but to recruit people."


Yan Jiuxi was even more puzzled and said, "who to recruit?"

"Recruit talents."

Su Mo felt that this was not accurate enough, and then said, "to be accurate, it should be talent!"


Yan Jiuxi giggled, showing a trace of pride on his pretty face and said, "is there anyone more talented than you?"

Now Su Mo has been gradually recognized all over the world. Up to now, he has a loud name.

The first genius in the world.

And it has been recognized all over the world!

Su Mo may not know about this, but Yan Jiuxi knows very well that she has nothing to do at home. In addition to studying mathematics, she often reads some news about Su mo.

Su Mo is a mountain on the minds of all the geniuses in the world!

A mountain that no one can cross!!!

So Yan Jiuxi was surprised when she heard that Su Mo was going to the imperial capital to recruit talents. In her opinion, in front of Su Mo, all kinds of talents should be eclipsed.

Su Mo shook his head with a smile and said, "girl, you should have heard a word. There are many people and great power."

"Maybe these talents can't reach my level, but if the number accumulates, the power is very huge, and no one can easily ignore it. Including me, this is the power of the team."

"When I go to the imperial capital this time, I just want to attract talents from all aspects and prepare to set up a team specialized in weapons research and development to prepare for the invasion of alien civilization in the future. Even if this situation does not happen at that time, the weapons developed can also become the details of our Xia country."

"So it is."

After hearing Su Mo's words, Yan Jiuxi understood his intention. Then he said with a bitter face: "but... I don't understand these at all. How can I help you?"

"You know math. I need you to help me choose some more talented math talents in major schools. The number doesn't need to be too many. About 100 can be." Su Mo said.


Yan Jiuxi didn't know how to answer. Dai Meng looked very moving.

A hundred?

That's not much?

What's up!

Hesitated for a moment, Yan Jiuxi whispered, "Xiaomo, have you ever thought about something?"

"What's up?"

"What school are you going to choose?"

"Qingda, NANDA, Dida." Su Mo gave the answer without hesitation. After all, these are the three most famous schools in the imperial capital. Looking at the whole country, the three universities also firmly occupy the top three universities. Since we want to recruit talents, these three universities are naturally the first goal. Wen Yan, as like as two peas, nods her head, and the result is exactly the same as she thinks. "It's not too bad for the president to recruit people after all," said Qing da. "But the South University and the Imperial University should not be so easy." Don't worry about that. " Su Mo smiled, squinted and said, "I didn't intend to discuss with them." Soft? He didn't even think about it. If he wanted to come, he would come hard! Otherwise, the principals of these two universities will certainly not agree. After all, genius exists everywhere. Yan Jiuxi smiled and said nothing more. Su Mo patted Yan Jiuxi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "well, it's getting late. You must be tired because you tossed so much during the day. Let's have a rest early."“ Bah! " Hearing the word "toss", Yan Jiuxi blushed and spat. He couldn't help thinking about what happened during the day. The temperature on his face rose sharply, and even his body softened. Su Mo was wronged and muttered to himself, "it's not my fault. Bah, what am I doing?"“ Obviously you pestered me, and you took the initiative in the process. Now when you're finished, you turn your face and don't recognize people. Don't play like this! " Although it is whispered, it is very clear in the quiet bedroom. Yan Jiuxi listened to these words word by word. He was ashamed. He put his small hand on Su Mo's waist and made a slight effort: "what are you talking about? You're the one who did it, and you're the one who enjoyed it. I... didn't! "“ Really? " Su Mo skimmed his mouth, tried to resist the pain from his waist and asked with a bad smile: "madam, do we want to do it again? This time I'll open the recording and see who's cool..." don't say any more! " Before Su Mo finished speaking, Yan Jiuxi covered his mouth and said angrily, "sleep, dare to say again, don't let you... Touch me in the future!"

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