Published at 7th of November 2021 07:41:05 AM

Chapter 1361: 1361

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Hearing this, not only old Chen, but also everyone's expression was wonderful.


Stole it the last time you launched the eye of God?


Any aerospace technology has to go through a long period of experimental research.

In addition, the accumulated experience of countless failures can lead to success in the end.

Space technology cannot be achieved overnight.

If you look at it, major countries do not have to invest a lot of human and material resources in the aerospace field every year.

"Don't make fun of us old men, you boy!"

Old Chen twitched at the corners of his mouth and his face was full of helplessness.

He believes in Su Mo very much, but he can't believe such a super outrageous thing at all.

Take a look at the Sky Patrol satellite and master space technology?


Besides, even if Su Mo can really achieve such an incredible degree, the Sky Patrol satellite is just an ordinary detection satellite, compared with the International Space Station

It's not enough!

The two are not a level thing at all.

Su Mo was not in a hurry and looked relaxed.

His eyes moved and he said slowly, "old Chen, fellow elders; I know it's hard for you to believe and understand your feelings now."

"But that's the truth, and do you think I'll make fun of it on such an important occasion?"

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know his priorities!"

These words were sonorous and powerful, and they fell to the ground.

Among them, it is also full of solemn meaning.

Old Chen opened his mouth like a lump in his throat.

He seldom saw Su Mo so serious. Every time the boy was serious, he would give everyone a super surprise.

For a moment, a big question mark came to his mind.

Could it be that

Is this boy really sure?

Reading this, old Chen immediately became very serious. He asked in a deep voice, "Su Mo, are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Su Mo nodded slowly, his eyes shining.

"As long as the elders believe me, I am confident that within half a year, the world will see our Xia international space station and complete docking in space."

Half a year

This is amazing!

I'm afraid I can't even build a satellite in half a year.

But Su Mo dared to say that the international space station would be established in half a year. Whatever else, this courage alone made people unable to recover for a long time.

Seeing the silence, Su Mo didn't say anything.

Anyway, I've said everything I should say.

The specific result depends on whether people are willing to believe him.

Do your best and listen to destiny.

What he should do, he will do it!

However, if people don't believe him, he won't insist on doing it.

Just go with it——

Chen Lao looked around the conference room and knocked on the table, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What do you think of Su boy's words?"

The people looked at each other, no one said a word, and kept silent very tacitly.

After more than ten seconds, Gu Guoan suddenly stood up.

Others don't support Su Mo, but he can't!

Anyway, he is Su Mo's grandfather.

Whether Su Mo recognizes him or not, the blood relationship in their bones is real.

He put his hands on the conference table and his weather beaten face.

"I think I can try!"

Hearing the sound, everyone raised their heads and looked at Gu Guoan.

Gu Guoan turned a blind eye to everyone's eyes, and then gave an explanation.

"Su Mo's contribution to the country is obvious to all present. Why don't we believe in such a genius?"

"Whether things are successful or not, Su Mo's goal is to promote national development!"

"Even if we fail, our Xia country is now the world's first economy. Can't we afford this loss?"

The crowd continued to be silent.

Regardless of the opinions of the public, Gu Guoan continued: "do not break or stand. Which first-class country in the world today does not have today's international status in countless failures?"

"Conservatism can not go far in this era. We must have the courage to try."

"Moreover, our Xia country has unique advantages in this regard. If we don't dare to let go, we are really abusing nature."

With that, his eyes looked at Su Mo on the left, and the meaning was quite obvious.


Su Mo!!!

Old Chen nodded slightly and agreed with Gu Guoan's words. With Su Mo's world-class talent, if he can't give full play to it, he is really killing nature. Looking at the history of mankind, there are countless geniuses like stars. But a genius like Su Mo is really the only one. Even decades ago, Nicholas Tesla, the amazing super genius of Oceania. Can't catch up with Su Mo's achievements now. To sum up, Su Mo's genius can only be described in four words. The only one in the world! It's no exaggeration, because that's the truth. To understand this, old Chen has made a decision in his heart. However, since it is a meeting and he is the person in charge of the meeting, we must listen to the opinions of everyone. "Cough!" "don't hide your thoughts. It's all your own people. Just say it directly." when you hear old Chen's words, people look at me and I look at you. Finally, an old man on the left side of the conference table stood up first. It was Mr. Wang who just said he would attack Oceania. Although he was old, Wang Lao's voice was clear and powerful. He said loudly, "I personally chose to support Mr. Su. He is the treasure of our Xia country. As long as he wanted to do something, the country should support him." Wang Lao took the lead. The remaining elders couldn't sit still and spoke one after another. "I agree." "agree!" "I think we should be more secure." "agree!"... Except for old Chen, a total of 12 elders have finished publishing. Nine people support! Although the remaining three elders were euphemistic, they had expressed it quite clearly between the lines. Too risky. Su Mo looked as if she had nothing to do with herself. She supported her chin with one hand and narrowed her eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking. He didn't bother about the final result at all. Agreed, he let go. No, he's happy. They first looked at Su Mo, and then their eyes fell on Chen Lao, waiting for his answer. Welcoming the eyes of the people, old Chen smiled kindly. "I support it!" so far, all the statements are finished. Mr. Chen stood up and announced, "according to the rules of the Senate meeting, as long as the support rate exceeds 70%, it is allowed to be implemented. Now the results have been shown." "later, I will report the results of the meeting to the head of state. As long as the head of state does not use one vote of veto, the plan to build the international space station will be officially established." after that, he turned to Su Mo and asked in a low voice. "How much does the space station plan cost?"

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