Published at 19th of January 2023 06:56:19 AM

Chapter 3548

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The Yellow River breeds all things, but because of the characteristics of three parts of water and seven parts of sand, it has caused many disasters to the earth. In order to control the water, Li Yu, the king of a generation, gathered all the money in the world to build nine water-suppressing beasts, entered the river to control the water, and erected a monument. It is recorded that since then, the floods of the Yellow River have almost been eliminated. Occasionally, when the Yellow River diverts and a dike breaks, it can be blocked soon. The floods still exist, but compared with the beginning, it is eight or nine times less.

The stele obtained by Huang Zhanying is the carrier used to record the water-suppressing beast entering the river. There are two stone steles, one Yin and one Yang, respectively placed at two turning points of the Yellow River.

This is the first half of the content, and the second half is only half. It can only be deciphered by finding another stone tablet. According to experts' speculation, the second half of the content records the location where the water town beast was placed.

"This is a good thing!" Fatty Duobao looked at the stele, as if he saw his lover, and threw himself on it, unable to put it down.

"The things built under the supervision of Wang Liyu of a generation must be good things. I have never seen this stone material before." AD stormed.

"Lonely and ignorant!" The ape Taishan gave him a contemptuous look, and said, "Li Yu was not only a king of men, but also became an emperor later, the king of emperors, known as Li Dayu."

"Really or not, how do you know?" SpongeBob was very puzzled. He had been with Tarzan the Ape for so long, and he didn't know that he had a hobby of reading.

"It's terrible to be uneducated, "Lectures of Hundred Schools" talks about it every day." Tarzan the ape said.

"..." said Giant SpongeBob.

"..." AD Storm said.

"Li Yu has indeed become an emperor, and he is not an ordinary emperor. Li Dayu is known as the king of emperors. Taishan is right." Fatty Duobao said.

"What... does this represent?" He closed his eyes and looked at the world and asked. Everyone knows that Fatty Duobao has researched all kinds of treasures because he often buys things. He is neither stupid nor stupid, and he often consults experts and masters. After a long time, he has become a half-expert.

Everyone could only recognize one or two words on the stone tablet at most, but he could recognize them nine out of ten.

"When Li Yu proclaimed himself emperor, his weapon was the infinite ruler, but the king among emperors did not change his weapon. Do you know why?" Fatty Duobao asked.

"It's very simple, the infinite ruler is easy to use, who can change weapons randomly." He closed his eyes and looked at the world and said, his weapon is a knife, and he will only use a knife in his life, and he will not change it.

"Your words are generally correct, but Li Yu is the emperor, which is different." Fatty Duobao explained to everyone, "Looking at the great emperors of all dynasties, the weapons used after becoming king and after becoming emperor are all different. "

"Why is that?" the seven little dwarves asked, and everyone looked puzzled.

"The blacksmith should know, right?" Fatty Duobao looked at Blacksmith Three Hammer.

"I don't know if it's right, but my understanding is that weapons can't keep up with the strength of the Great Emperor, so we have to change them. The gap between the king and the emperor is too big. One is in the sky and the other is in the ground. The king's weapon has reached the age of the emperor. It is not durable anymore, so we can only change to better weapons, unless it is a growable weapon. However, that kind of material is extremely rare, and it is rare to get one or two pieces in ten thousand years. Even with the luck of the emperor, it may not be possible to get it." Three-hammer blacksmith road.

"That's right, the blacksmith said a lot, but this is only one of them. The other reason is that Chengdi is a kind of reborn and needs to cut off the past. This is also an important reason for the emperor to change weapons." Fatty Duobao said.

"What does this have to do with the water town beast?" Hell Phoenix became impatient and babbled a lot. He didn't come to listen to the story.

"Suppressing Water Beast is the weapon that Li Dayu called the King of Emperors, and Suppressing Water Beast is the Emperor's Weapon." Fatty Duobao's voice fell, and everyone gasped.

"Is it true? If it is true, is there no record in history? And throwing your own weapons in the Yellow River, how serious is this?" Yangzhou Ninth Monster is very suspicious.

"I read the record before, and I didn't believe it, but after seeing the stele, I believed it." Fatty Duobao said.

"It's not that I don't believe it. If the emperor's weapon is thrown into the Yellow River, what if it is washed into the sea? Even if it is not washed into the sea, what if it is found and stolen? I think, even if it is the emperor, the emperor There are not many utensils, right?" said half a cup of red bean milk tea.

"Well, I don't know." Fatty Duobao also had a lot of doubts in his heart, but he firmly believed.

"There is something I want to talk about." Just as everyone was arguing, the Son of Darkness spoke up, and he whispered: "I met a beggar before, and he said that there are many imperial artifacts hidden in Yanhuang Continent, one of which is The piece is in the Yellow River, it is Li Dayu's weapon, I always thought it was nonsense, I never paid attention to it, but now it seems that it seems to be true."

"Beggar? What kind of beggar? Why haven't you heard about it?" Yidianhong asked.

"Such a ridiculous thing, can I go around and talk about it? It was still in the camp war period. It has been a long time. I don't understand what this beggar looks like. I just remember his hair, half black, half white, with clear boundaries." Darkness Son of Tao.

"I met this beggar before, and I got a mission." Little Pudding Guoguo said.

Everyone immediately realized that this beggar was not simple. Since it was not simple, then most of what he said was not aimless.

"In this way, there is a great possibility that the water-suppressing beast is an imperial weapon. We need to find the water-suppressing beast." Looking back at the dimly lit place, he said loudly, his eyes were fiery.

"I'm afraid things are not that simple. We can't find it with great fanfare. The emperor will not let it go. Moreover, it may not be possible to find it." Si Nian travels through time and space very calmly.

"You can't look for it casually. In principle, everything on this land belongs to the country." Fatty Duobao said.

"There must be difficulties, but we must get them. If we don't look for them, someone else will get the imperial weapon." Looking back at the dimly lit place, his attitude was firm.

Everyone looked at Dongfang Herring.

"The town water beast has been placed in the Yellow River for many years, and has not been discovered. This shows that it is not easy to find, and it will not emerge by itself. It is definitely not easy to find it. Maybe it needs to be found. Certain conditions." Dongfang Herring said, and everyone's eyes fell on the stone tablet.

If any conditions are required, the stone tablet is the most likely.

"Blind search is not advisable. We are divided into two groups. On the one hand, we are looking for more experts and information. We need more detailed information about Li Yu, the town water beast, and the stele. The more the better, on the other hand, If I go around the "Forbidden City" relationship, if I can find some official position, it will be much easier to find." Dongfang Herring said.

Everyone nodded.

Dongfang Herring made a detailed task arrangement for everyone. After half an hour, everyone dispersed. When they left, their expressions were very excited. Emperor Qi, I am happy just thinking about it.

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