Published at 6th of August 2022 05:18:51 AM

Chapter 1337

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Su Manwen didn't expect that he was just curious to follow, and finally saw such an interesting scene.

LV Guodong and Gu Lingling?

What will happen if Yang Yunhai knows?

Haha, to the extent that he likes Gu Lingling, he must be angry and learn to spit blood.

Why is it all right?

She remembered that Gu Lingling's health was not so good when she was a child.

As a result, when she pretended to be Gu Lingling's sister and asked the doctor, she didn't expect the doctor to say, "thanks to your sister's good health, spitting two mouthfuls of blood dispersed the depression in her heart."

"If it were you, you would definitely hurt yourself."

Seeing, hearing and asking, this doctor has also studied traditional Chinese medicine before. At first glance, Su Manwen's face is not as good as her sister's.

Su Manwen, no, Gu Juan didn't expect that she was just curious to ask, and the doctor actually said to herself, "Oh, young man, don't think you're OK when you're young. You'll suffer a lot of losses when you get old."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gu Juan said faintly, "since my sister is all right, I'm relieved."

The doctor didn't say anything at all.

She can wake up the sleeping person, but she can't wake up the fake sleeper.

Besides, for those who have had abortions several times, she has done all she can say.

Gujuan left the hospital angrily.

A lot of things have gone wrong recently.

There is also the bitch Mao Ziru. At the last party, everything was well designed, but later, when she went with a group of people, she didn't find anyone.

But she was sure that with the degree of drug hegemony, Mao Ziru must have been broken by others that night, but she didn't know who was the cheapest at last.

Thinking of a good move being cracked like this, Gu Juan was inexplicably upset.

She found a middle-aged man for Mao Ziru, which was much worse than Mao Ziru's father. The fat man was a perfect match for Mao Ziru.

Unfortunately, it didn't succeed.

Gujuan was angry.

If only Mao Ziru had followed that man, what face would she have to say about herself in the future?

However, thinking of the incident she occasionally heard, Gu Juan felt that God was actually quite good for her.

Maoziru had an affair with Yang Yunhai?

I just don't know how Gu Lingling will feel if she knows this thing?

She just said, which man doesn't cheat?

Yang Yunhai is not as clean as he looks.

But no wonder, after all, when Yang Yunhai first met Gu Lingling, she was still a hairy girl. Now, Gu Lingling looks green and astringent.

How could it be compared with the charming Mao Ziru?

Even as a woman, Gu Juan will choose Mao Ziru between Gu Lingling and Mao Ziru.

Moreover, men are all lower body animals.

Thinking of this, Gu Juan showed a smile that was bound to win.

It used to be that she was too careless. Now that she has changed her face and returned, she doesn't believe that she can't get Gu Lingling.

It's just that some things can't be too anxious. She has to stand on her feet first.

She can see clearly that you can't do anything without money or power. You have money and power. You don't need to think about many things. Naturally, someone will help you do them.

Like the Mao family.

As long as she can marry Mao Yunlong and become Mrs. Mao, what does she want is not a word?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!