Published at 6th of August 2022 05:12:56 AM

Chapter 1610

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Zhou Yutao went to see Ji Yanan's game. After staying there for a night, he rushed back in a hurry, and soon fell into the battle.

"I didn't expect that even the prince attached great importance to that piece of land." Lang family, Lang Yimo's father, Lang Zheng, said with a smile, "Yimo, you are really my father's lucky star."

Originally, he was still hesitating on that piece of land. Now he saw that even Zhou Yutao had participated in it, and there was a momentum that was inevitable. Lang Zheng decided without hesitation.

This piece of land must be eaten by the Lang family.

In the past, although the Lang family had some money, it was simply worthless in Kyoto.

But since her daughter was suddenly cared for by the gods, the Lang family was almost like a car. Now it's at its peak in Kyoto.

In the past, let alone challenge Zhou Yutao, I couldn't find a suitable way to lick my face and try to climb Zhou Yutao's relationship.

But now, their Lang family doesn't have to be afraid of Zhou Yutao at all. Everyone competes fairly, and Zhou Yutao may not be able to compete with their Lang family.

"Thank you, Dad." Lang Yimo said with a smile, "we must be careful about this matter. The ghost has not been found yet. We must win this bidding."

"Dad knows." Lang Zheng said, "not many people know about this matter. They are all my father's confidants."

They also tried to find the insider and used everything they designed, but the insider seemed to become clever and afraid, and never showed any tricks again.

It's really oppressive.

"Don't worry," Lang Yimo sneered. "As long as we can get this land, we Lang family won't have to be afraid of those people in the future."

And she can take whatever she wants.

As for Gu Lingling, she wants to have a look. Will Yang Yunhai still like her in the back?

Gu Lingling doesn't know this. She is now doing a prenatal examination in the hospital.

"Have you had any discomfort recently?" Director Fan asked.

"No." Gu Lingling said, "I always want to go to the bathroom when I sleep at night, and I have a general appetite."

"Go up and weigh it." Director Fan said.

"You haven't grown meat this month, but you've lost weight?" Director Fan said, "it's not good. You're pregnant with twins, so you still have to keep up with the nutrition. Besides, you're already thin, so you don't need to pay more attention. You need to gain some weight."

It's too light.

"Then... What should I do?" Wang Shuyun accompanied her to check. Hearing this, she hurriedly said, "why don't I let sister-in-law Peng go back to serve you?"

Gu Lingling likes to eat the food cooked by sister Peng, but sister Peng has experience in taking care of children and is the nanny of the Wang family, so when Wang Shuyun and Zheng Xiangjun left, they took sister Peng away.

"I'll prescribe iron supplements for you and remember to take them on time." Director Fan looked at her blood test list again. "It's best to eat three red dates every day."

In this way, life and blood will be replenished.

"OK." Gu Lingling nodded seriously. Recently, she felt as if her body was not as good as it had been some time ago.

"But you can't make up for it." Seeing her nodding so seriously, director Fan smiled and said, "it's not a big thing. Relax and be happy. It's good for the baby."

After coming out of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Yang Aiguo went to get the medicine. Wang Shuyun sat on the chair with Gu Lingling and waited.

"Gu Lingling..."

But I didn't expect to meet Shen Lingyu here.

"Big aunt."

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