The Third Empire - Chapter 1757

Published at 19th of October 2021 11:21:28 AM

Chapter 1757: 1757

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"The military operation to land on Greenland went well." At this time, on wolf Valley 2, xierik is also watching the TV pictures transmitted synchronously and watching his own massive landing action. Xierik is quite gratified.

Think about the German fleet as weak as a chicken in history. Now the German Navy has grown into the most powerful navy in the world, which is entirely due to its own credit. This is also the greatest confidence to fight in the United States!

"It's just that we've exposed our cards!" "Helicopters, landing ships and beach grabbing are all our secret ways, which have been exposed," Keitel said

If only I could stay until I landed in the United States!

It's really a little unwilling to be exposed now.

"No action can be kept secret." "Americans should have known our landing mode for a long time, and even began to want to take measures to fight back. However, Americans are doomed to be disappointed. They will spend a lot of resources on useless work," hirek said

In fact, the way of TV forwarding this time is to confuse the Americans and make them think that their own side will continue to do so and spend a lot of money on the Atlantic defense line. As a result, they found that the German army suddenly appeared in Mexico. The scene is as beautiful as it should be. I don't know whether the Yankees will go crazy at that time.

Keitel nodded. That's right. When it comes to strategic fraud, head of state Chirac is too clever. He will certainly make a mess of Americans this time.

"Those senior officials in Greenland have also been arrested by our special forces. What should we do to them?" Reinhart asked hilrick.

The decapitation operation also went quite smoothly. The helicopter carrying Griffin special forces has flown to Iceland. If you transfer from Iceland, you can fly to Europe.

They arrested many senior executives, including major general of the United States, governor of Greenland and so on.

"Ideological transformation." "If senior American officials can surrender, it will add a lot of advantages to our future actions, so that they lose their will to resist and surrender to us. The same is true for the governor of Greenland and others. If they refuse to take refuge in us, give it to Denmark and let Denmark sentence them for treason," hirek said

Bren, governor of Greenland, is a guy who annoys Herrick. He did not hesitate to take Greenland to the United States. Several American military operations took off bombers from Greenland. I really want to give him a good time.

However, Herrick must consider the issue from a political point of view. Bren must be supported by the indigenous people of Greenland. It's not good to kill him directly. If he can surrender, it's the best. Greenland can quickly settle down and avoid chaos. Herrick doesn't want to consume his valuable army on the ice sheet and search everywhere for guerrillas.

If Bren doesn't surrender, give it to Denmark. The Danish Parliament has long recognized that Greenland's refuge in the United States is unconstitutional. Bren went to Denmark. Even if he doesn't impose a death penalty, he will be imprisoned for life. Don't think of it again in the future.

Then the Danish government will send a new governor. All this is in accordance with legal procedures.

Although the empire is strong, it is reasonable.

So far, there is no suspense about the occupation of Greenland. Chirac continued to ask, "how are Argentina's actions and preparations?"

If it is a direct cross sea landing, it needs a huge fleet. However, now it does not need too many fleets to land in Mexico via Argentina. On the contrary, it is more appropriate to use civilian ships.

Over the years, in addition to developing military strength, Germany is also vigorously developing civil ships. After all, who occupies the sea can occupy the world. Trade is globalized and maritime transportation is the foundation of development.

After hearing the question from Chirac, sherner said: "we have started the first batch of transportation. First of all, there were three armored divisions of the armed SS. Now, the fleet may arrive in Argentina. In order to keep it secret, we chose to land at Rio Grande port, the most sparsely populated Province of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, which has been closed, It will not cause information leakage. "

The armed SS is the most effective force in the Empire. It is also the most effective to use them first. At the same time, it will surprise the American people by choosing to circulate in Argentina, first transporting a large number of troops to Argentina, and then bypassing the southern tip of America and entering the Pacific Ocean.

Shrek nodded. "Supplies must be ready. Bring as much fuel, ammunition and food as possible."

If we go deep alone, we should prepare for the worst. Before we expand the war results, the troops arriving in advance are also very dangerous.

"I see."

Xierik's eyes once again looked at South America and circled in a big circle, just to make a surprise soldier. At the same time, he can't wait too long. After all, no secret can last long. Once the Americans know that Mexico has taken refuge in Germany, it will be in trouble.

"Within one month after the battle in Greenland, the first batch of troops will be sent to Mexico to prepare for the battle." Said Shrek.

Once Greenland is occupied, the Americans will mobilize a large number of troops, focusing on defending Canada, and the South will be absolutely empty. At this time, it is most appropriate to launch a strike in the soft spots of the United States.

"Good news from the shipyard, head of state sirik." As hilrick gazed at the map, a voice came from his ear: "the modified obstruction rope has successfully carried out the recycling of Shipborne jets. Fifteen landings have been successful and have passed the acceptance."

This is definitely good news. Last time hilrick went to inspect with great interest, he encountered an accident and almost destroyed the machine and died. After hilrick's instructions, he acted in accordance with scientific laws and improved, and finally succeeded!

Shrek nodded.

This is the final experiment. After the experiment is completed, the Moscow will reach the service standard. At the same time, the aircraft carrier in front will be transformed according to this standard to prepare for the operation of jets.

"How was the ejection take-off?" Hilrick continued.

For jets, besides landing, there is also the problem of taking off, and steam catapults have always been the direction indicated by hilrick. In the past, they were heavily equipped on escort aircraft carriers.

This is not an aircraft carrier of later generations. It often needs to eject thirty or forty tons of carrier aircraft. The maximum takeoff weight of sea storm birds is only six or seven tons, which is not much heavier than propeller aircraft.

"There's no problem with ejection and take-off."

Chirac nodded with satisfaction. Once the Moscow was put into service, it represented the naval aviation and entered a new era!

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