The Third Empire - Chapter 205

Published at 19th of October 2021 11:58:56 AM

Chapter 205: 205

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"Platoon leader, platoon leader!" In the turret, another soldier almost cried out.

The loader was a recruit. He had just joined the army for three months and was sent to the battlefield. Before starting, his commander was still encouraging him to fight bravely and win glory for the Soviet Union.

However, what he couldn't imagine was that the just encounter made him aware of the cruelty of the war. His car captain had only the lower half of his body!

He was quite depressed and filled with fear.

Bt-5 is also the same light tank, with a three person layout. The driver is in front and the vehicle commander and loader are behind. Among them, the commander also acts as the artillery commander.

Just now, the commander of the car showed his body to command, because he was still the platoon leader. He was directing the charge of his whole tank platoon. Yes, he was killed with one shot.

The loader won't aim and shoot.

The driver in front roared, "Andre, you fool, fire!"

Only the loader is left behind. The loader will continue to fight!

Andre won't aim, but he will always fire. The voice of the driver in front woke him up. He wants to avenge the platoon leader!

He imitated the look of a platoon leader and was ready to shoot.

Just then, opposite, the second shell had been fired.

In the battle of tanks, they kept firing at each other, but the hit rate was very low. With half the hit rate, it is already an excellent team, and now weitman's team is like this.

Just now, the elevation of the tank gun was a little high and flew. The next shell must not be empty.

Moreover, the distance between the two sides is approaching rapidly. Now, it is close to within 500 meters! At this distance, if you fly again, it will be really embarrassing!

In the deafening gunfire, a 75mm armor piercing bullet flew over again and accurately hit the bt-5 tank!

The weak armor could not withstand the attack at all. With one shot, the light tank was penetrated from front to back!

The shell flew in from the front armor, smashed the driver into meat mud, passed through the partition, killed the loader in the middle, and then smashed the rear engine!

The fire was blazing.

One Soviet tank after another was smoking, but the Soviet armored soldiers were not afraid.

With this spirit of fearing no sacrifice, the Soviet armored troops were close to the exchange of fire within 500!

"Boom!" A fireball came out of the muzzle of a bt-5 tank. The whole tank body trembled and it was firing fiercely!

"Bang!" The accuracy within 500 was very high. The 45 mm blunt armor piercing bullet accurately hit the Panther 1 tank.

The sound clearly spread to the interior of the tank, and the cavity effect even amplified the sound. For everyone, it doesn't matter at all.

Relying on the gun barrel like a fire stick, even the front armor of Panther 2 tank can't penetrate, let alone Panther 1!

Wittman's tank, without even stopping, continued to move forward. Then, it stopped briefly, followed by a burst of fire at the muzzle.

"No breakdown!" The Soviet tank soldiers here are in extreme depression. They have found a big problem. Their artillery has limited armor piercing ability!

For armored soldiers, the last word they want to say is that they can't break through! For them, it means death.

As fast tanks, when they can't penetrate the opponent's main armor, they should rely on high-speed mobility to go around the side of the opponent and hit the weak places of the opponent.

But this is the street! Although the square is wide enough, there are more tanks coming from the other side! They occupy a wide offensive surface, and it is impossible for their own side to go around the side!

"Buzz, buzz." A tank soldier stepped on the accelerator and the engine roared. In front of him was a wall!

"Bang!" The tank hit the wall and successfully opened a big hole. Bricks were everywhere. He continued to blow the accelerator. In the black smoke from behind, his tank climbed over the mound here!

This way, go around!

"Boom!" Just then, a huge fire burst out from its tail. A shell hit its rear and burned violently at the engine.

A large number of tanks are concentrated in a narrow area. This collision is faster than anyone's firing speed! In terms of fire speed, a three person tank is far better than a five person tank!

Fourth victory!

Weitman was very excited. He had a good fight!

When night fell, the battle at the railway station was finally over. The battle was tragic. Except for the overturned tanks, the other Soviet tanks were destroyed in the battle. They did not choose to retreat. Even if they died, they would die on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, the gap in equipment led them to the collapse of the whole army!

The infantry following up cleared all the Soviets, and the whole railway station fell into the control of the first Armored Division!

The Arsenal next to the railway station also fell into their hands.

It was dark. Goodrian got down from a panther 1 tank and walked into the arsenal with a serious expression.

"These weapons were all aided by the Soviet Union." At this time, Dietrich, who had controlled here, said to goodrian, "there are a large number of rifles and machine guns, as well as such weapons."

This kind of weapon is a single soldier artillery. It generally exists. Single soldier anti tank rifle!

The anti tank gun was invented by Germany during World War I. at that time, it was to penetrate the British tanks. After World War I, the anti tank gun gradually sank.

At present, the armor of tanks is increasing. However, on the overall level, holding anti tank rifles still has great potential to penetrate tanks at normal combat distance. Therefore, many countries are studying it.

This includes the Soviet Union.

Now on the battlefield, the international column has only a few anti tank weapons, including anti tank guns. It is also a smuggled German Mauser 13.2 mm anti tank rifle during World War I. It is OK to deal with Italian tanks and German tanks.

The Soviets, who moved so fast, actually produced a new anti tank gun!

This gun looks very long, nearly two meters! The long barrel, with a caliber of 14.5 mm, looks very powerful and exudes the ruggedness unique to the Soviet Union.

Goodrian's breath was a little short: "test its power immediately."

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