The Third Empire - Chapter 323

Published at 19th of October 2021 11:56:09 AM

Chapter 323: 323

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At present, Heinz is still unknown. There are too many pilots like him in the German air force, but he is famous in later history.

He is one of the top ace pilots of the German air force in World War II, such as now!

Heinz was excited when he was the first to find the enemy plane and the first to dive down.

The BF109 fighter in his hand seems to be trembling with excitement. It's finally going to fight and gain! It's time to paint a shot down sign on the side of the fuselage!

Fighter, the most important thing is speed, as long as there is speed, there is mobility! Now, the performance of BF109 has far exceeded P11, but it still dived down from the clouds. It seems that it's just a moment to shoot down the poles!

Heinz stabilized his excitement and set the target into his mechanical sight!

In the Spanish Civil War, the performance of the BF109 was tested. At the same time, there are some areas worthy of improvement. Originally, the aircraft was equipped with two machine guns on the wing. It was found that such firepower is not enough and difficult to aim. Therefore, the current BF109 has improved the weapon system.

The two mg17 machine guns on the original wing have been retained. At the same time, two same 7.92mm mg17 machine guns have been added above the hood. In addition to these, there is a 20mm mgff cannon installed on the central axis!

Powerful firepower. A short shot is enough to kill the other party as long as you aim!

Get closer, get closer, catch each other!

Take off!

Skarsky piloted the fighter and was still climbing. The accelerator of the engine had been fully opened, and the propeller in front turned at the maximum speed, but it was still too low!

The hatch cover was open, and the roar of the engine in front was loud. Skarsky still heard a cry from the ground in the distance.

Watch the back!

In air combat, flying in a straight line for more than 5 seconds means death! Skarsky quite agreed with this sentence. Now, although it was still in the take-off stage, he immediately pushed the joystick, and the plane roared and turned to the left.

"Bang... Bang..." almost at the same time, a shuttle of 20mm shells rubbed the edge of his plane and flew over! If it was just half a second late, he would have been hit!

that was close! While turning, he also saw behind him that the BF109 fighter with a fully enclosed cockpit painted with a Black Cross flew over his head!

Skarsky's plane was relatively slow, and the BF109 caught up with him was relatively fast. After this blow, BF109 flew past!

If skarsky's plane is fast enough now, he can pull up the lever and fire at it! Unfortunately, when he keenly captured the fighter, the BF109 had climbed up at an incredible speed!

Slow aircraft have good horizontal performance and fast speed. They can't keep up with the circling. However, what's the use of that?

Good climbing performance is enough!

The more than 1000 horsepower Mercedes Benz engine roared. Heinz pulled it up immediately after he missed. He knew that he had just met an old bird.

If it's a rookie, it's impossible to turn during the climb. In other words, it's impossible for ordinary rookies to take off forcibly under such circumstances. They should find an air defense shelter to avoid!

When he judged that the other party was an old bird, Heinz was more excited and finally could fight a meaningful air battle! Originally, he thought why he couldn't get it!

Skarsky is still climbing. He knows that he must accumulate height and speed to fight against the advanced BF109.

At the same time, he raised his head. The advantage of no hatch cover is that he has an omni-directional vision. He can have a panoramic view of the airspace around him. If he twisted his head back, he can see even the back.

Of course, no one does that. For pilots, the body and the aircraft are one. If you want to see the back, just push the joystick and turn!

In air combat, you can't fly straight!

Skarsky climbed and turned while looking for traces in the sky. He couldn't see the plane, and in the distance, a huge group of bombers was coming.

Regardless of the plane, the pioneer scattered these bombers!

Skarsky is indomitable. His little P11 fighter plane goes to attack other people's bombers. It looks like a moth to the fire, but he will never be afraid.

Poles are a brave nation. They will fight to protect their country!

He didn't know that in the back sky, the opponent was still watching him in the direction of the rising sun.

No matter how advanced goggles are, the direction of the sun is always a dead corner of the human eye! No one can quickly find a plane in the sunlight!

It turned out to be a left-handed man! Heinz just pulled up, flew to the direction of the sun, and then looked at the target. He had observed it clearly. Every few seconds, the other party would change its posture, but every time, it was almost adjusted to the left.

In that case, you're welcome!

Pushing the nose, Heinz continued to prepare for the attack. This was his last chance, because two more BF109 flew over in the fighter group escorting the bombers!

If he doesn't get rid of his opponent, it will be the result of joint attack.

This time, we must not miss!

The engine is roaring, the propeller is flying, and the BF109 in the air, like an eagle, pounced again!

Aim, catch the target!

Five doors, shoot together!

Heinz couldn't control his excitement. The other party's attention was all focused on the bomber group. He didn't find Heinz coming from the rear at all. Heinz finally aimed stably and then fired!

The machine guns on the central axis, above the engine and on the wing all fired violently at this moment! A hail of bullets, covering the other side!

Almost at the same time, Heinz gently pushed his lever to the left, and then turned left.

In later generations, machine guns have been accessories. A machine gun carries dozens or hundreds of shells, which is enough to fire several times. Now, machine guns and machine guns are the main weapons, and there are at least thousands of bullets!

Fire, have a good time!

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