The Third Empire - Chapter 833

Published at 19th of October 2021 11:43:50 AM

Chapter 833: 833

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Lockheed, the tank hand, sat on his gun position. At this time, his body was bumping with the tank.

"Fire!" With the commander's order, he quickly stepped on the launcher, the whole tank body trembled, and there was a smoke of gunpowder in the turret.

"Bang!" The yellow orange shell case was retreated, and the loader filled in the second shell.

Rockard once again turned his eyes to the sight, in which he could clearly see the other party's tanks, but until now, he has fired five shells, but he didn't even hit an enemy tank!

As an old gunner, he felt very surprised. After the shell was loaded, he did not continue to fire, but shouted: "commander, please stop and fire!"

Stop, can better aim and shoot, now, heard his request, the conductor also nodded: "stop!"

Stop! The car came to a stop with a bang. Lockheed could finally calm down, aim calmly and shoot while moving. It looked grand, but it was useless at all!

Lockheed re aimed at the enemy. Now, the other side is still moving towards its own position, but the other side's turret has turned.

Just as Rockard was ready to fire, he saw the other side's muzzle, emitting a flame. The other side fired, and he was shooting at himself!


At this time, without hesitation, he stepped on the launcher.

"Boom!" In the loud explosion, the tank body shook and shells flew out.

Then he heard a more terrible crash. The other party's shells hit his own tank!

88 mm shell, right in front of Sherman tank! It's just an ordinary steel core armor piercing bullet. When the armor piercing bullet hit the front car body, it immediately drilled in!

Sherman tank is a 30 ton tank. Because the tank is tall and needs a larger protection area, the armor of this tank is only more than 70 mm! This is still the thickest place!

Its base is the M3 tank, which is more than 70 mm. It is already very rebellious. Unfortunately, this thickness is vulnerable in front of the 88 mm armor piercing projectile!

It was like a layer of paper. The 88mm shell went into the armor and beat the driver in front to pieces. Then, it continued to go in, through the wide car body and all the way to the back.

Sherman tank is quite reliable. In history, this tank usually only needs the most common field maintenance, and the attendance rate is quite high, which is inseparable from its engine.

This tank uses a 400 HP continental r-975 C1 nine cylinder star air-cooled engine.

As long as you hear these words, you should know that this is a real aeroengine!

The requirements of the two are different. The aeroengine needs high horsepower, while the tank needs high torque. Only the United States can perfectly solve the heat dissipation problem. Install this engine into the M4 tank, and the reliability is quite high.

The reliability is high enough. Unfortunately, as long as it is a gasoline engine, it inevitably has an unavoidable disadvantage. Its fuel is extremely easy to burn!

"Boom!" With the explosion, the engine behind burned up! As long as a spark splashes, you can ignite the engine. Now, the splashing Mars and the fuel sprayed everywhere make the engine burn in an instant!

From the outside, the whole tank is burning rapidly. This is not the violent burning of ammunition explosion. It is just a fire!

It was just like the fireworks in the festival. The whole tank was burning. The tank man opposite was stunned when he looked at this scene.

"It's like a longson lighter. It's on fire every time you hit it!" The tankers couldn't help sighing inside. What kind of tank is this? It's so funny. It's just to send their own war results!

Unfortunately, it's time for our side to continue attacking the enemy's position! The gunner had to turn around the turret to prepare to tear the enemy's position.

Behind them is the 67th armored battalion. Battalion commander balt has received the news on the radio. He immediately ordered his troops to turn around, advance to his right wing and block the British armored forces!

One by one, the Panther 3 tanks drove at full power and sped towards the other party. At this time, he could clearly see that the other party's tanks were also accelerating.

It seems that the performance of the other party's tanks is also good! At least, compared with mobility, it's almost the same as your own!

Moreover, they even carried out tactical allocation. Half of the tanks continued to move forward and planned to engage with their own side, while the other part wanted to bypass and attack their own flanks!

Unfortunately, it's too high! Such a tall goal seems quite obvious on our own side.

"Fire!" At this time, the two sides were two thousand meters apart. At this distance, bault couldn't wait to give the order to fire!

The body of panther 3 tank vibrated. The 88 mm armor piercing bullet cut through the air and flew opposite. After flying for almost three seconds, it accurately hit the incomparably tall body opposite!

The tank driver of this tank never dreamed that his own tank was sniped and killed by the other party two thousand meters away!

When the huge explosion sounded, the tank burned like a torch!

Even American Sherman tanks are not German opponents! Sherman tanks are also the target of beating before they have been improved again!

The tank troops of both sides galloped on the fields of Egypt. A tank war kicked off.

For the German tank soldiers, this is desirable. Since the war, they have not fought a real tank war. Now, it is just an opportunity!

At the same time, it is also necessary for the British. They must show their real skills in the northern defense line and attract the attention of the Germans in order to realize their strategic intention. In this battle, they must not only lose, but also win!

Rear, British command.

Montgomery kept his face taut, listening to the war report from the front.

"Our tank troops are attacking the Germans, but the tanks from the United States still can't beat the Germans in performance. Our casualties are great, but the soldiers still insist."

"They must insist. At present, Germany has not sent all their armored forces. We must attract them to send all." Montgomery said.

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