Published at 25th of October 2021 10:48:05 AM

Chapter 1041: 1041

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He closed his eyes and there was no more life.

Snow silver, long hair as bright as streamer, dim, like a thick black gas.

His snowy skin is even paler now,

Like the next second, it will be broken in the air, fragile and ethereal.

Behind you,

Originally huge and pure white, with some light gold noble wings, they are still all dyed black,

As darkness corrupts light, merciless, cold and dirty.

The wings symbolizing the noble status of the archangel were destroyed and life fell,

This is both shame and sorrow.

In the temple,

Angels cry, but they are angry.

This is their most beautiful pioneer, but died so unknowingly, so humiliating.

They would rather die in battle than have the greatest believers contaminated with complete darkness.

The purest light of the temple,

Finally, it went out.



Biblical records.

Saturday, September 25, 1119 BC.

Angels and Demons fight again.

Archangel Michael fell, and the angel was angry and fought back at all costs.

The devil will not swallow his anger and fight.

Light and darkness collide again and want to decide.

God's scuffle,

For nearly three hundred years.

Demons and angels went on and on, almost killing red eyes.

And those who suffer are naturally mortal creatures,

Sometimes the sun and the moon turn upside down, sometimes violent storms, frequent disasters,

The creatures in the world were so miserable that they had to pray to God to stop God's scuffle.

God was finally startled.

When he stepped in and temporarily stopped the war,

The angels suddenly found out,

The body of their revered highness Michael is gone!

There are not many angels guarding the temple because the front fight is too fierce,

But even so,

The divine body of his highness Michael disappeared in a moment.

Without warning, caught off guard.

Now the angels panicked and stopped fighting. They went back to find the God body,

When he couldn't find it, he found the devil again.

They took it for granted that only demons would steal the divine body of his highness Michael while they were not paying attention,

The devil is slandered and angry. Of course, he will fight,

The two sides fought again.

Play more fiercely.

The world is still miserable.



At this point,

In a mountain cabin in the human world,

The girl in a black dress carefully put the man in white with snow silver long hair on the bed.

She looked at him, sighed, leaned over and kissed him,

"Fool, let you drink it?"

If it were poison, he would die thousands of times.

The girl was helpless and angry.

[Ding Dong -]

[system connection...]

[connection succeeded!]


"... Shh, keep your voice down."

Fu Sheng has a cranial pain called by her every time.

[sobbing... Madam, how did you cut off the contact?]

[Tuan Tuan is so worried about you...]

The dumpling cried.

"No way. If you don't cut it off, that person may read your existence."

Fu Sheng blinked with clear eyes.

"He's peeping at my thoughts. I can only deceive him first."


"It's faith. It feels... Amazing."

Fu Sheng can't say,

Perhaps because her body is a devil, she always hears a very evil voice out of control,

The voice wanted her to kill Michael.

Of course she can't kill her big baby,


She can do whatever she wants.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!