Published at 25th of October 2021 11:11:19 AM

Chapter 143: 143

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A hundred years later.

[Ding Dong -]

[soul from success -]

[collecting debris...]

[collection failed!]

[collecting debris...]

[collection failed!]

[repeated collection and concentration...]

[collection failed!]

[warning! Warning!]

[unable to collect fragments!!!]




"What happened?"

The dumpling was confused. "Why can't you collect it?"

I saw the mirror switch quickly,

There are three thousand faces and five flowers.

A dazzling white light flashed,

A small piece of light that should have been collected closely followed the wipe figure into another plane.


Completely out of the control of other forces.

Tuanzi: "......" it's really RI's dog!

It should have thought of it,

The first fragment has willingly followed the female doll,

How could the second fragment be different!?


The next third, fourth, fifth and even all the fragments will continue to follow her

... what can I do?!

New problems appeared and Tuanzi began to worry again.

"... I think it's a good thing."

The thin and tall figure appeared slowly in the daytime.

Wearing white clothes, it has the meaning of a bit of breeze and bone.

"Uncle Bai! You're here at last!!!"

Tuanzi's eyes lit up, as if he had found a savior.

"Since all the pieces of the king are willing to follow the girl, put them on her for the time being."

The day smiled and turned off the confinement of Tuanzi,

The pale face had a hint of meaning.

"When all the pieces are collected, bring the girl back. It's much easier to do this than to take back pieces by pieces."

"... uncle Bai means... Treat the girl as a temporary storage container for fragments?"

Tuanzi scratched his head as if he understood what he meant.

"Will it be a little difficult to do this..."


"...." the day paused and looked at it lightly,

"Do you have a better way?"

"As long as the fragments want to follow her, everyone can't stop them."

Tuanzi: "..." is too true.

I don't know what kind of shit luck the girl has taken,

Woo woo woo can actually get the favor of fragments.

The Tuanzi sighed, silently turned into a Tuanzi and floated slowly.

"... that's the only way..."


The scene in the mirror began to switch.

[Ding Dong -]

[searching for sender...]

[sender locked!]

[soul transfer succeeded.]

[Name: Fusheng]

[task: bring back fragments.]



When Fu Sheng opened his eyes again, his eyes were dark,

I feel warm and comfortable in the sun.

However, her body could not move and seemed to be fixed.


[coming ~]

[plane information transmission...]

[transmission succeeded.]

This is an elevated ancient plane

[in the first year of the apocalypse, Emperor Dezong succeeded to the throne by the Qin court.]

[to show the emperor's kindness and amnesty.]

[in the same year, the new Queen's palace had many vacant seats, few children and only one woman under her knee. After the advice of the minister, officials from all over the country were specially ordered to serve women with both morality and ability.]

[in the second year of the apocalypse, Shu Guan entered the palace. He looked amazing and graceful. He was as thin as a willow, and his soft waist fascinated the emperor.]

[after entering the palace for two months, he was directly promoted to the position of imperial concubine. He was given the title of "imperial concubine". He was comparable to the national name. For a while, no one could compare the limelight.]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!