Published at 25th of October 2021 11:09:56 AM

Chapter 187: 187

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Qin Xu was stunned and flustered in his cold dark eyes, "no... don't..."

He rushed forward, trying to hold the girl,

But in an instant, he threw himself into the air,

The figure of Fu Sheng completely disappeared, leaving a touch of peach blossom fragrance,

The room was silent.


The man's crazy tearing voice rang through the cold palace, with an extremely sad roar.

The original green peach tree,

At the moment when the figure of Fu Sheng disappeared, the trees were withered and yellow,

The dry leaves fall one after another, like golden feather butterflies, flying in the air,

Leave the ground golden.

Peach trees,

It's dead.




According to historical records,

In July of the twentieth year of the apocalypse,

Qin Xu, the great prince who had been in the cold palace for nine years, was born,

He knelt down before the collapse of the emperor, prayed for three days and nights, and begged God's blessing,

The emperor's condition improved miraculously. The emperor Longxin was very happy and praised him.

The rumors of the disaster star were broken.


Qin Xu was ordered to command the two important official departments of the Ministry of punishment and the Ministry of war,

Above the court, all forces reshuffle.


Qin Xu found the miracle doctor Shi you,

The imperial doctors were helpless to the emperor. Under Shi You's wonderful hand, they came back to life and went to the patient.

Emperor Xi, in recognition of the filial piety of the great prince,

He is specially given a residence in the east palace with ten thousand liang of gold and ten thousand hectares of fertile land.

He secretly promised to be the crown prince, which is well known all over the world.


The fourth prince, Qin Si, was found to have colluded with Prime Minister Chen Yu,

Privately use the prince's right to set up brothel casinos and wantonly restrain money,

Emperor Nu ordered Qin Xu to lead the Ministry of punishment to supervise the case,

As soon as the evidence comes out,

He banned the Qin division for three months, dismissed Chen Yu as prime minister and demoted him to slavery.


Liang Guifei, the biological mother of the fifth Prince Qin Yu,

A puppet with the emperor's birthday pasted on it was found in the palace,

A dozen sharp needles stabbed the puppet's joints,

The magic of witches and insects is clear.

The emperor was so angry that he ordered a thorough investigation into the matter,

Never thought, many old things can be seen.

Including liangfei ordering people to set fire to Taoguan hall, killing Tianfei, and secretly spreading rumors to frame Qin Xu.

Qin Yu, the fifth prince, was also implicated, and most of the forces in the court were exploited.

In mid December,

Liang Guifei was killed.

The fifth prince, Qin Yu, was not aware of it and was docile, courteous and filial. The emperor thought of the old relationship and did not investigate it.

However, the rights of the central government were basically overhead.


In January of the 21st year of the apocalypse,

Qin Xu granted the crown prince and entered the east palace.

In charge of the three departments of the Ministry of officials, the Ministry of punishment and the Ministry of war.


The prince always likes to wear a beautiful white dress and long black hair, just like a handsome and elegant fairy king who is as elegant as jade.

But his face carved like a blade is extremely cold, but a pair of deep and dark black looks like a deep pool. When you look at it, it is always cold and shivering.

Since he came out of the cold palace, no palace man has ever seen a ripple on his face. His cold and evil breath is like an evil ghost in the abyss,

People can't help but want to escape.

Everyone who has served the prince knows,

The prince is cruel and cold,

And extremely impatient, tormenting people is extremely crazy and distorted.

He doesn't like women, but likes a dead tree brought back from the cold palace.

Spend most of your time watering and accompanying it every day.

No one else is allowed to approach.

Violators, sent to the Ministry of punishment,

Direct round of all penalties.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!