Published at 25th of October 2021 11:08:18 AM

Chapter 255: 255

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Huh? Picky eaters?

Fu Sheng glanced at him with novel eyes.

"What?" Gu Qingyan suddenly didn't find everyone's surprised eyes. He continued to hang his eyes, holding the dishes the girl left aside, and put them in his bowl with dignity, without half dislike.

"Don't rob other people's Sheng dishes." Gu's mother scolded, "you have to eat your own food."

After reprimanding Gu Qingyan, she smiled at Fu Sheng, "come on, Sheng Sheng eat more vegetables and leave the smelly boy."

Fu Sheng nodded politely and obediently took a few more carrots,

Put it in your bowl with a bad heart.

She seems to have a way to fight back,

The girl held back her smile and looked at the man lightly, her eyes slightly bright.

"By the way, Sheng Sheng, aunt, can you ask... What's your relationship now?"

Gu's mother's eyes revolved between them, and her tone was gentle.

"You see, aunts and uncles like you very much..."


Fu Sheng held chopsticks and gave a meal. She subconsciously looked at Gu Qingyan beside her,

However, Gu Qingyan just looked at her in his spare time. His eyes narrowed slightly, long and lazy. Qingleng had a kind of bone and soul catching meaning,

With a smile on his lips, he gently rubbed her head, as if waiting for her answer.

"... I..."

Fu Sheng opened his mouth,

[Ding Dong -]

[system refreshing -]

[fragment recognition: + 5%]

[total recognition: 80%]

Fu Sheng:!

She spoke quickly, seriously and seriously, "uncle and aunt, Qingyan and I are in contact."

The girl put down the chopsticks, grabbed the man's hand and clasped her fingers,

The big palm is wrapped with white and tender hands, which looks particularly harmonious and beautiful,

Fu Sheng glanced at the man who had never resisted,

The little face has more confidence.

"Good." Gu's mother quietly kicked Gu Tianqi and smiled, "you young people like each other. We won't interfere more. Come on!"

The amiable lady blinked childishly, her eyes encouraging Fu Sheng.

Fu Sheng blushed inexplicably in her ambiguous eyes. She coughed and loosened her hand with Gu Qingyan,

I'm sorry to answer.

Gu Tianqi didn't make any comments during the whole process. Only when his wife kicked him did he raise his head, look at Fu Sheng and meditate,

"Miss Bai, but what does it have to do with Mr. Zhao?"

Fu Sheng was stunned,

But she soon reacted. She corrected her color and tried to say, "I really... I didn't know people clearly before. I had a slight liking for Zhao Yanbai."

"However, I have never been in contact with him. There are rumors on the Internet."

"As for now," Fu Sheng looked at Gu Qingyan with curved eyebrows and eyes, "I already have someone I like."

"..." Gu Qingyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was as calm as a pool of calm water,

He slowly put down his chopsticks,

Under the pure white light, the man's clear, meaningful and moist face is like a jade carving, exquisite and picturesque.

Fu Sheng blinked and thought of the recognition value, he was completely confident.

She moved over bit by bit, took his arm and leaned on it, smiling. She was too brave.

Gu Tianqi nodded to make it clear.

He has known people for many years. Naturally, he can see whether the girl's words are true or false,

That's it.

Gu's mother solved a big knot and was happier.

Told the housekeeper to take out a bottle of red wine she had kept for a long time.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!