Published at 25th of October 2021 11:06:11 AM

Chapter 344: 344

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She put her hand shakily to his jaw,

Gently pinch it,

Then he leaned down and covered his lips.

Men's lips are slightly cool, but extremely soft,

With a slight cool smell,

Fu Sheng tried to suppress his inner abnormality,

Give him serious artificial respiration.


The man's fingertips moved and his long eyelashes trembled. It seemed that he had a reaction,

Fu Sheng was encouraged and had another heart press,

She gasped and continued to bend down for artificial respiration,

The breeze by the sea comes slowly,

Blowing the girl's hair a little messy,

A few strands of soft hair inadvertently fell into the man's palm,

I can feel a little itchy through my gloves.

Men's consciousness slowly recovers,

He moved his eyes and was about to open them,

Fu Sheng noticed his awakening,

Get back now,

She was waiting for him to open his eyes,

But the next second, a strong resistance tried to pull her back from the sea.

"Puff -" a sound,

A fish was thrown behind the rock not far away,

The water there was so deep that she could stretch her tail.

Fu Sheng wants to move,

But a wave of imprisonment stopped there,

Don't let her leave.

Fu Sheng: "


The way of heaven is not over, is it!?

She also wanted to tell him in front of the fragments that she saved him!

[... Little sister, how can we break the deadlock so easily...]

Tuanzi scratched his head and whispered,

[unless... You use fragments.]


The voice behind the dumpling was too low for her to hear.

[EMM... It's okay, I didn't say anything.]

Tuanzi hushed quickly.

After all, before we have to,

It still doesn't want the queen to abuse the power of fragments.

"... oh."

Fu Sheng's face was expressionless.

Can't move,

She was helpless,

Can only hide behind the rock,

Watch what's going on over there.

The plot has been developing in the original direction,

On the empty beach,

A girl came from nowhere,

She looks beautiful, wearing a Western classical skirt, barefoot, walking slowly on the beach,

She inadvertently raised her eyes and looked forward,

I just saw a man lying in the shallow water,

She let out a cry and ran over.

"... alas..."

Fu Sheng raised his hand and slapped it on his face, saying he didn't want to see it anymore,


Her man was cut off!



The man slowly opened his eyes now,

His eyes are gloomy blue, like the sea, elegant and profound, with a bit of cold and ruthless.

The long eyelashes moved slowly, the beautiful thin lips pursed slightly, the face was calm and lost a bit of humanity.

The hand with white gloves slowly gathered in front of the abdomen and curled up slightly, as if feeling something.

The girl in the skirt knelt down beside him and looked at his beautiful face, as if she was too stunned to speak.

"..." the man sat up gently,

He looked at the girl on the side, his cold eyes narrowed slightly, looking a little examined,

"... you saved me?"

The man's voice has no ups and downs, no emotion, and is extremely cold and thin,

He slowly raised his hand,

On the white gloves, there is a slender golden hair,

Thin and small, as beautiful as gold thread.

Seeing this,

The man looked at it emotionally,

She looked at the girl quietly. Her forehead was also light blond hair.

The girl covered her beating heart,

She was trying to veto,

But the next second,

She used her magic again and acquiesced to the answer.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!